May God Rain Peace Upon The Earth.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
It is a rare occurrence that "letters to the editor" produce a gem worth a second reading. An article so articulate and skillfully written with facts, not fantasy or hearsay, that causes one to actually stop and ponder the essences of the written word. Such an article has appeared and is worth a tribute here. GREAT JOB!
Romney is so Christian
Thursday, December 13To the editor:
This letter is in response to the letter written on Dec. 7 by Joyce Fletcher entitled "Romney is no Christian."
Mitt Romney is a Christian. Your letter was not only uninformed but also came off as extremely snobby. "Christian" is defined in Chris Rohmann's book, "A World Of Ideas," as follows:
"Religion descended from Judaism and based on the teachings of Jesus Christ ... Christian belief varies widely among its various branches. Its primary unifying principle is the belief that Jesus is the Christ, or Messiah, prophesied in the Old Testament as the savior of Israel. Most Christians also consider him the son of God, incarnated in human form and sacrificed to atone for human sin and ensure the salvation of all souls."
Mormons are in fact Christian. They believe Jesus is the Messiah, and he is the son of God who died for the sins of humanity. They believe salvation is possible through Jesus Christ. There are many branches of Christianity. Not all of them agree. Mormonism might not be exactly like all other Christian denominations, but that doesn't mean that Mormons don't believe in Jesus Christ. In the book of Mormon introduction it states,
"Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world."
Your remarks about the "special pair of glasses," was also wrong. Joseph Smith didn't read the tablets with glasses, he used the Urim and Thummin. These were not glasses but "two stones in silver bows." Saying that they "conveniently disappeared afterwards," is a statement I took offense to. The remark came off as extremely holier than thou, pardon the pun. Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean you can come off as though you are better than those who do believe it.
There is an account of 11 individuals who gave their signature saying that they saw the gold plates which were translated to become the Book Of Mormon. This can all be read just in the introduction to that book. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will gladly give you one if you want to do the research yourself.
(You wrote), "Any religion based on the teachings of a mortal is cult." Every religion is a cult. Look up the word in the dictionary. Never mind. I know you don't like to do research, so I will do it for you:
Cult: (n) 1. a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies 4. A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. 5. A group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their scared symbols (Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language New Deluxe Edition 2001).
You also say, "The Book of Mormon is their sacred book, not the Bible." Again, you are wrong. The Book of Mormon does state that it is, "...the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." However, it also states that the Book of Mormon "is a record of God's dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains, as does the Bible, the fullness of the everlasting gospel."
Invite members of this church into your home, and they inform you that the Book of Mormon and the Bible are both holy texts for their religion. They are used together to form the entire holy scripture. All you have to do is look at the cover of the book. It is called, "The Book Of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ" — take note, not the only testament of Jesus Christ.
I am not a Mormon, nor am I a Christian. I am not even religious. Just please get your facts straight before telling them to others.
John Christopher Pitroff
Dec. 11
Romney is so Christian
Thursday, December 13To the editor:
This letter is in response to the letter written on Dec. 7 by Joyce Fletcher entitled "Romney is no Christian."
Mitt Romney is a Christian. Your letter was not only uninformed but also came off as extremely snobby. "Christian" is defined in Chris Rohmann's book, "A World Of Ideas," as follows:
"Religion descended from Judaism and based on the teachings of Jesus Christ ... Christian belief varies widely among its various branches. Its primary unifying principle is the belief that Jesus is the Christ, or Messiah, prophesied in the Old Testament as the savior of Israel. Most Christians also consider him the son of God, incarnated in human form and sacrificed to atone for human sin and ensure the salvation of all souls."
Mormons are in fact Christian. They believe Jesus is the Messiah, and he is the son of God who died for the sins of humanity. They believe salvation is possible through Jesus Christ. There are many branches of Christianity. Not all of them agree. Mormonism might not be exactly like all other Christian denominations, but that doesn't mean that Mormons don't believe in Jesus Christ. In the book of Mormon introduction it states,
"Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world."
Your remarks about the "special pair of glasses," was also wrong. Joseph Smith didn't read the tablets with glasses, he used the Urim and Thummin. These were not glasses but "two stones in silver bows." Saying that they "conveniently disappeared afterwards," is a statement I took offense to. The remark came off as extremely holier than thou, pardon the pun. Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean you can come off as though you are better than those who do believe it.
There is an account of 11 individuals who gave their signature saying that they saw the gold plates which were translated to become the Book Of Mormon. This can all be read just in the introduction to that book. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will gladly give you one if you want to do the research yourself.
(You wrote), "Any religion based on the teachings of a mortal is cult." Every religion is a cult. Look up the word in the dictionary. Never mind. I know you don't like to do research, so I will do it for you:
Cult: (n) 1. a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies 4. A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. 5. A group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their scared symbols (Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language New Deluxe Edition 2001).
You also say, "The Book of Mormon is their sacred book, not the Bible." Again, you are wrong. The Book of Mormon does state that it is, "...the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." However, it also states that the Book of Mormon "is a record of God's dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains, as does the Bible, the fullness of the everlasting gospel."
Invite members of this church into your home, and they inform you that the Book of Mormon and the Bible are both holy texts for their religion. They are used together to form the entire holy scripture. All you have to do is look at the cover of the book. It is called, "The Book Of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ" — take note, not the only testament of Jesus Christ.
I am not a Mormon, nor am I a Christian. I am not even religious. Just please get your facts straight before telling them to others.
John Christopher Pitroff
Dec. 11
Saturday, December 08, 2007
This is the time of year that we tend to reflect truthfully to ourselves just who we are. It doesn't matter if you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, or a Pagan, there is just something about this Christmas Holiday that lends it's self to self reflection. We look around at our world with open eyes, depending on how many cheers we have had, and reflect on humanity and where we are. It doesn't look to good folks. We seem to have taken the wrong road to happiness, or what we perceived as happiness. The "WE road" has been forsaken for "The ME road". But it isn't entirely our fault, we have been purposely let here by the deceptors and their carrot on a stick doctrine. So people this Holiday Season reflect and see if this is really where you want to be.....if not turn around and take the other path!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
For those of you that really do have a life and aren't forced by some old age affliction to have to plop yourselves in front of the TV. Or the ravages of time catching up with a not so well conceived human body, let me inform you as to the newest onslaught to your pocket books. The " SNAKE OIL BUSINESS" There are "PILLS" being sold and pushed that will cure just about anything and everything. And if you don't have anything there is one that will give you something. What makes me laugh the most is if you listen closely, the side effects caused by the cure, ..... are worse than the affliction! But not to worry there is a pill for that too! What is going on?
The other thing that has me concerned is the State of Massachusetts threaten it's citizens with this "Forced Insurance" LAW. Seems that our Representatives are in bed with the insurance companies instead of trying to truly help it's citizens with the health care boondoggle. They know how to fix the problem ,but they are not going to force the medical profession or the insurance companies to regulated pricing, as long as these entities keep filling their pockets with favors and cash! Who said our government isn't for sale? Since when and where does the government have the authority to tell its citizens, without their consent, to be forced to buy from a private entity....anything? What is going on?
The other thing that has me concerned is the State of Massachusetts threaten it's citizens with this "Forced Insurance" LAW. Seems that our Representatives are in bed with the insurance companies instead of trying to truly help it's citizens with the health care boondoggle. They know how to fix the problem ,but they are not going to force the medical profession or the insurance companies to regulated pricing, as long as these entities keep filling their pockets with favors and cash! Who said our government isn't for sale? Since when and where does the government have the authority to tell its citizens, without their consent, to be forced to buy from a private entity....anything? What is going on?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Mornin people. Do I sound like Judge Whopner? Good, because today I want to pose the question..... how many times has "MAN" appeared - civilized his world - then been destroyed, (through his own volition or from natures wrath), having to start over with only hand-me-down stories of the previous world that passed away? The Garden of EDEN or ATLANTIS are a couple of examples. Edgar Cayce mentions the 5th World. So where is the evidence of the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st? Is it still with our memories through Religious Stories or customs of strange cultures? Who were the "Giants" that roamed the earth? Who were the "Angles" that mated with the daughters of man? Into which world were they living? Step up to the bench and present your case!
Monday, November 05, 2007
The blaring issue, and seemingly the only issue of note, that has presented itself this election cycle is the need for unrestricted access to our Town Government and it's inner workings. I whole hardily agree with Eric that impediments have been put in place for the sole purpose of restricting the public access to Town documents, quite contrary to State Statutes. Any and all records generated by the Town Government are the property of the citizens, not the property of the Administration in office at the time. The citizenry should NOT be restricted just because they want to ...PEEK AT, SNOOP INTO, READ, LOOK OVER, or OTHERWISE EXAMINE any document , that is not how a Democracy works! In my personal opinion we shouldn't have to go begging to see what information could and should very easily be seen on the Town Home Page! The Town needs to change the way it treats it's citizens, the true owners of the Government and it's INFORMATION! Time to pull up the shade and let in the sunshine and open the window to let in some fresh air!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Now that you people made me stay up way past my bed time last night, I'll have to nap several times today to catch up.
There were several good issues brought up that the citizens in general seem to have on their minds. The lady that called about affordable housing for one. I think her question went over the heads of the candidates for the most part. She was referring to the fact that there are no, just plain ordinary, run of the mill affordable descent apartments available in the Town. She was just stating that your only choices are section 8 housing or an overpriced (us to be affordable apartment house) Condo. The candidates didn't want to engage the question other than relegate it to a matter for the private sector. Common people.....who that lived and worked in the area all their lives and now are close to, or at retirement age could possibly afford a Condo? And most blaring was the revelation that in order to get into a section 8 affordable apartment you would have to live another lifetime because the line is so long. Doesn't that fact alone sound alarms that we have a problem that the Council should be addressing?
Another issue bantered about was the Downtown Area. Benches again were a big issue. Chris Tremblay answered informatively and reflects the citizens desires as well as the business community's agreement, that they are a good idea. Contrary to one councilors snide and typically uninformed remark, that there are plenty of benches already. I thought that comment was more lackiesum than informative and beyond the scope of the discussion pertaining to the Downtown and just showed complete dissociation with the reality of the desires of the citizens for the Downtown.
Clark Billings was another one of the bright spots answering head on the questions. Giving his well informed personal opinion and suggestions rather than the prepackaged, cleared through the Corner Office answers.
Two of the new candidates impressed me. They seem well informed and dedicated and would be an asset to the council.
Now after all that said, I am still very confused. Just WHAT is the Councils function?
There were several good issues brought up that the citizens in general seem to have on their minds. The lady that called about affordable housing for one. I think her question went over the heads of the candidates for the most part. She was referring to the fact that there are no, just plain ordinary, run of the mill affordable descent apartments available in the Town. She was just stating that your only choices are section 8 housing or an overpriced (us to be affordable apartment house) Condo. The candidates didn't want to engage the question other than relegate it to a matter for the private sector. Common people.....who that lived and worked in the area all their lives and now are close to, or at retirement age could possibly afford a Condo? And most blaring was the revelation that in order to get into a section 8 affordable apartment you would have to live another lifetime because the line is so long. Doesn't that fact alone sound alarms that we have a problem that the Council should be addressing?
Another issue bantered about was the Downtown Area. Benches again were a big issue. Chris Tremblay answered informatively and reflects the citizens desires as well as the business community's agreement, that they are a good idea. Contrary to one councilors snide and typically uninformed remark, that there are plenty of benches already. I thought that comment was more lackiesum than informative and beyond the scope of the discussion pertaining to the Downtown and just showed complete dissociation with the reality of the desires of the citizens for the Downtown.
Clark Billings was another one of the bright spots answering head on the questions. Giving his well informed personal opinion and suggestions rather than the prepackaged, cleared through the Corner Office answers.
Two of the new candidates impressed me. They seem well informed and dedicated and would be an asset to the council.
Now after all that said, I am still very confused. Just WHAT is the Councils function?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
This is more of a public service Blog today.
Tonight at 7:30 PM, Two very scary events take place. The first event is the official time for the opening of ....."CABBAGE STALK NIGHT". The one night of the year that the youth of the Town are possessed by demons and are set about creating mayhem.
Now in my youth I never partook of this tradition, preferring to stay home with my parents reading a lengthy novel by the fireplace and discussing the political situation in America as it related to the transitional effects on emerging economies in third world nations. But I can relate some stories that were told to me by that rather rowdy bunch the next morning in school. A flash news story just came over the T.V...... Wall street is reporting that futures in Eggs and Soap and Toilet Paper, are a sure money maker today.
The next and probably the scariest thing happening tonight is the "DEBATE Of The COUNCILORS", and those aspiring to be one. We will see laid bare before us their most inner thoughts. Like a brain on an autopsy table that has been removed from the head cavity but still attached to the body , pulsating and the electrical pulses flashing back and forth like an electrical tempest. We will see the body language, the sweating wringing hands and the fidgeting in their seats, like they were sitting in an electric chair just waiting for the warden to flip the switch. The visual sensors in the head darting to and fro knowing that millions of eyes and ears are focused on just them and what they say. I tell you folks it will be Scary and you won't want to miss it........ 7:30 on cable - see you there! :~)
Tonight at 7:30 PM, Two very scary events take place. The first event is the official time for the opening of ....."CABBAGE STALK NIGHT". The one night of the year that the youth of the Town are possessed by demons and are set about creating mayhem.
Now in my youth I never partook of this tradition, preferring to stay home with my parents reading a lengthy novel by the fireplace and discussing the political situation in America as it related to the transitional effects on emerging economies in third world nations. But I can relate some stories that were told to me by that rather rowdy bunch the next morning in school. A flash news story just came over the T.V...... Wall street is reporting that futures in Eggs and Soap and Toilet Paper, are a sure money maker today.
The next and probably the scariest thing happening tonight is the "DEBATE Of The COUNCILORS", and those aspiring to be one. We will see laid bare before us their most inner thoughts. Like a brain on an autopsy table that has been removed from the head cavity but still attached to the body , pulsating and the electrical pulses flashing back and forth like an electrical tempest. We will see the body language, the sweating wringing hands and the fidgeting in their seats, like they were sitting in an electric chair just waiting for the warden to flip the switch. The visual sensors in the head darting to and fro knowing that millions of eyes and ears are focused on just them and what they say. I tell you folks it will be Scary and you won't want to miss it........ 7:30 on cable - see you there! :~)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I ain't foolin around here folks! Yesterday I went out my back door and next to the stoop were these "Things" growin, that weren't there the day before! They don't look native to earth to me? I suspect they are " PODS " placed there by the "Shadow Government" in retaliation for us exposing them. CHECK your house!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Why is the government, after all these years, still trying to hide from the public the truth about the JFK Assassination?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
" WHY? "
" Albus Dumbledore, master wizard and Headmaster of Hogwarts, is gay........"
Could someone please tell me Why, a modern Classic Children's Story, that even I the grump of groumpers, found to be the greatest children's story to be written since Cinderella, be with one statement relegated to the trash can! To take a purely fantasy children's book and turn it into a vehicle to forward the agenda for the QUEER COMMUNITY is beyond the comprehension of my mind. She has destroyed any relevance to purely fanciful un-issue binding literary writing and turned it into nothing more than a "X" Rated cheep novel that should only be sold in a plain brown wrapper to people over the age of 21. But then what does she care.....she has made her money!
Is this really what our world has degenerated into? I for one am truly saddened and disappointed! God save the Innocent Children.....they surely need it in today's world!
Could someone please tell me Why, a modern Classic Children's Story, that even I the grump of groumpers, found to be the greatest children's story to be written since Cinderella, be with one statement relegated to the trash can! To take a purely fantasy children's book and turn it into a vehicle to forward the agenda for the QUEER COMMUNITY is beyond the comprehension of my mind. She has destroyed any relevance to purely fanciful un-issue binding literary writing and turned it into nothing more than a "X" Rated cheep novel that should only be sold in a plain brown wrapper to people over the age of 21. But then what does she care.....she has made her money!
Is this really what our world has degenerated into? I for one am truly saddened and disappointed! God save the Innocent Children.....they surely need it in today's world!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
" WORLD WAR lll "
You gotta be kidding me? The nit wit in the White House really does want to start WWlll. What is mentally wrong with him? Worse yet, what is wrong with us for letting him stay in office? Isn't there some sort of psychological test we can give him to prove the President is INSANE? Talk about your SPOOKY SHIT! We may all be DEAD by this time next year.
DING-DONG..........TRICK or TREAT..........Do you like my GRIM REAPER Costume?
DING-DONG..........TRICK or TREAT..........Do you like my GRIM REAPER Costume?
Monday, October 15, 2007
On this Halloween Season all the, and I am using the term loosely, "NEWS", seems to be really Spooky.
You have Idaho proclaiming their favorite son Larry Craig worthy of induction into their "Hall of Shame". (for a good laugh visit.....( What is wrong with these people?.....
Then you have the Queers proclaiming that their life style is just normal behavior and they should be allowed all the rights and benefits allowed to a Man and a Women joined in marriage. So far Massachusetts seems to be the only state that the politicians have caved in to this bull shit line. And what is really creepy and spooky is that they are keeping the citizen from expressing their true feelings on the issue. Why? They are making us look really stupid to the rest of the country. What's wrong with these people?.....
Next you have a government gone mad with greed and power. And those we elected completely ignoring the wishes of the citizens and actually working hard against them. Now that is Weird and Creepy and really Spooky. What is wrong with these people?.....
Oh we can go on and on and on, but why bore you with what you can watch on the tele 24/7. What I am proposing is a party of sorts, on the front lawn of the town hall, it is a public place and we do own it, and it is one of our constitutional rights to assemble on public owned land. Maybe even the mayor will join us during his lunch hour for a frosty one? There will be no band or entertainment just a bunch of concerned citizens sitting in lawn chairs sucking down their favorite beverage and watching the Country and all it stands for .......Going to Hell!
Now we have to be careful because with the "NEW POWERS" given up to the SHADOW GOVERNMENT we just may be seen as terrorist by the politicians.....and there is nothing that strikes terror in the hearts of politicians more than the citizens standing together. Bring your green card, or whatever documentation illegals can buy, to prove you are legal, in case we are pounced upon.
So let me know what is a good day for you. I am to understand that "OLD COOT" just may float in for a visit. Now that would really be.................. SPOOKY!
You have Idaho proclaiming their favorite son Larry Craig worthy of induction into their "Hall of Shame". (for a good laugh visit.....( What is wrong with these people?.....
Then you have the Queers proclaiming that their life style is just normal behavior and they should be allowed all the rights and benefits allowed to a Man and a Women joined in marriage. So far Massachusetts seems to be the only state that the politicians have caved in to this bull shit line. And what is really creepy and spooky is that they are keeping the citizen from expressing their true feelings on the issue. Why? They are making us look really stupid to the rest of the country. What's wrong with these people?.....
Next you have a government gone mad with greed and power. And those we elected completely ignoring the wishes of the citizens and actually working hard against them. Now that is Weird and Creepy and really Spooky. What is wrong with these people?.....
Oh we can go on and on and on, but why bore you with what you can watch on the tele 24/7. What I am proposing is a party of sorts, on the front lawn of the town hall, it is a public place and we do own it, and it is one of our constitutional rights to assemble on public owned land. Maybe even the mayor will join us during his lunch hour for a frosty one? There will be no band or entertainment just a bunch of concerned citizens sitting in lawn chairs sucking down their favorite beverage and watching the Country and all it stands for .......Going to Hell!
Now we have to be careful because with the "NEW POWERS" given up to the SHADOW GOVERNMENT we just may be seen as terrorist by the politicians.....and there is nothing that strikes terror in the hearts of politicians more than the citizens standing together. Bring your green card, or whatever documentation illegals can buy, to prove you are legal, in case we are pounced upon.
So let me know what is a good day for you. I am to understand that "OLD COOT" just may float in for a visit. Now that would really be.................. SPOOKY!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
As the brisk chilly Fall wind ripped off the yellowing leaves from the woodland trees and created a storm of swirling foliage around the edge of the trail, I had a sense of foreboding and a chill shot up my spine, colder than a winters night. I sensed that I was being watched. I have walked the "Bellows Pipe Trail" many times to the little farm homestead sitting beside the trail, now nothing more than a indent in the earth where once stood the cabin. The well worn flat rock used for the stoop is still there, showing signs that this place was indeed inhabited by a family. The orchard that once was tended by the people is still there, though it has long since gone wild, and the small field where they grew their sustenance for the long winters on Greylock Mountain can be just barely seen now.
I can't seem to shake off the feeling that someone is watching me. I look around again and there isn't anyone there, only a few scurrying squirrels gathering up the last remaining acorns for their winter cache. Waite a minute?..........What's that? .........There!.....Standing in the mist of the small wild orchard!..........There,.....see HIM?.......Could it be?..........Could this be the "OLD Saunders Farm?"..........And could that be.."Bill SAUNDERS?.......Better known to us as.......... "OLD COOT"
That was a true account by me, given under hypnosis ,while hooked up to a lie detector in 1996. The Farm is real and you can go check it out for yourselves. You can even see the ruts in the bedrock made by wagons traveling the trail over time. But be cautious..........You just may encounter something that is NOT of this world!
I hope this year the local newspaper will, as they have NOT done in a long time, inform the people with a REAL news worthy story about what they may encounter while hiking "The Bellows Pipe" this Halloween Season.
References can be obtained here.........
I can't seem to shake off the feeling that someone is watching me. I look around again and there isn't anyone there, only a few scurrying squirrels gathering up the last remaining acorns for their winter cache. Waite a minute?..........What's that? .........There!.....Standing in the mist of the small wild orchard!..........There,.....see HIM?.......Could it be?..........Could this be the "OLD Saunders Farm?"..........And could that be.."Bill SAUNDERS?.......Better known to us as.......... "OLD COOT"
That was a true account by me, given under hypnosis ,while hooked up to a lie detector in 1996. The Farm is real and you can go check it out for yourselves. You can even see the ruts in the bedrock made by wagons traveling the trail over time. But be cautious..........You just may encounter something that is NOT of this world!
I hope this year the local newspaper will, as they have NOT done in a long time, inform the people with a REAL news worthy story about what they may encounter while hiking "The Bellows Pipe" this Halloween Season.
References can be obtained here.........
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
What has been feared by everyone has come to pass. We no longer have the Right of Free Speech. The First Amendment has been taken away by .....Who else?....Corporate America! Check out the link.....
Thursday, September 27, 2007
" LIFE "
Just another beautiful day in the woodlands of North Adams. Autumn is most people's favorite time of the year, at least up in our hills. A time of the year that everyone should get away from the humdrum of everyday and pack up the family and venture out into our pristine woods. A day hike with the family to our "Cascade Falls" or just meandering on one of our gazillion trails to nowhere. A basket lunch while sitting among natures brilliancy and breathing in the crisp Autumn air is about as close to Heaven that some of us will get.
For the more hardy, a sleep over in the woods at this time of the year is like being allowed to romp with the Angels. You can't find anything on this Earth more peaceful and restful, than wakening up to a fresh brewing pot of coffee, wafting through the quiet morning Autumn air with aromatic delight, and add this to a cast iron skillet full of sizzling smoked bacon and fresh potatoes and eggs, fried just to perfection over a camp fire.....You truly do have Heaven on Earth! (Guys... this is where you shine as the chief extraordinaire!...and give the little lady a break.)
So..... when we leaving? Kids welcome, the more the merrier.....after all if we don't show them the wonders of nature...Who Will?
For the more hardy, a sleep over in the woods at this time of the year is like being allowed to romp with the Angels. You can't find anything on this Earth more peaceful and restful, than wakening up to a fresh brewing pot of coffee, wafting through the quiet morning Autumn air with aromatic delight, and add this to a cast iron skillet full of sizzling smoked bacon and fresh potatoes and eggs, fried just to perfection over a camp fire.....You truly do have Heaven on Earth! (Guys... this is where you shine as the chief extraordinaire!...and give the little lady a break.)
So..... when we leaving? Kids welcome, the more the merrier.....after all if we don't show them the wonders of nature...Who Will?
Monday, September 24, 2007
I was browsing on over to the Huffington Site this mornin, as I do every mornin at 3AM, for my first injection of news. That will define my mood for the rest of the day. Later on I will watch the muse/news on Faux. That reaffirms my belief that brain washing is alive and well. Did I say brain? Sorry, I didn't mean to infer that anyone on Faux muse/news has one.
An interesting little article by Larry Beinhart, talks about the monies spent on the invasion of IRAQ. I won't get into the numbers here, we can talk about them in the thread. My point here is ......and the purpose of the blog..........Where is all this money coming from? We were told by Bush that there was no money to fix Social Security, no money for Health Care, no money for research into alternate energy, no money,no money,no money! We have to privatize everything because the Federal Coffers are bare. So it begs the question.....WHERE IS ALL THE BILLIONS COMING FROM, and if they can find this amount of money for the invasion, why couldn't they find any money for use on the people of America?
An interesting little article by Larry Beinhart, talks about the monies spent on the invasion of IRAQ. I won't get into the numbers here, we can talk about them in the thread. My point here is ......and the purpose of the blog..........Where is all this money coming from? We were told by Bush that there was no money to fix Social Security, no money for Health Care, no money for research into alternate energy, no money,no money,no money! We have to privatize everything because the Federal Coffers are bare. So it begs the question.....WHERE IS ALL THE BILLIONS COMING FROM, and if they can find this amount of money for the invasion, why couldn't they find any money for use on the people of America?
Friday, September 14, 2007
With all the weird (art...?) (and I use that term very, very loosely) displayed at Moca, wouldn't a WINDMILL or two or three fit in ever so nicely? And the hub of a WiFi System? After all they were sold to us as not only as a progressive art center but also as a technology center. The latter of which we have yet to see. This would be a great way to fill that void! Hell... with all their financial backing and influence in the money machine the cost would be nothing to us. The arts community could gather their collective talents together and make the windmills look like the worlds tallest trees, and the WiFi look like metal spiders. Wow.....maybe I should become an TECH-NO ar-tist myself after coming up with this one? Of course the Artisans (the real artists) would have to do all the real work, all I have to do is come up with the idea..... and take the credit!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I held back any comment on the Generals report till I had listened to his and the Ambassadors testimony yesterday. Being very sceptical of anything involving the Bush Administration, I was hoping deep down that some resemblance of sane truthfulness would be forth coming from the General. I was not surprised when all that was put forth was a rosy White House influenced report, so full of contrary facts that it was bordering on downright lies. The General and the Ambassador didn't cook the books.....they barbequed them.
This is the TRUTH
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
All in the fray should maybe start here first..... .....Then get back into the fight! The more I read the better I like it!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I'm floating three hundred feet above the center of town in my time capsule phone booth, slowly rotating, observing what is transpiring with the town below. The time is around the nineteen twenties, thirties, forties.....The Town is a vibrant bustling metropolis full of smoke stacks belching coal smoke and steam high into the air. Church Steeples, lots of automobiles, and most noticeable of all is the amount of people on Main Street and it's side streets. All busy moving to and fro here and there, out of this store and into that one, scurrying around like so many ants building an ant hill. Some just standing in small groups making small talk, some standing around the depot waiting for the train to arrive, with the baggage handlers preparing the wooden wheeled carts for the next load of merchandise that will be arriving soon and those loaded with our manufactured products destined to parts unknown. Looks like a busy time for the town, a place of destination, not departure.
I push the control stick forward, into the sixties. As I look up from the control stick and gaze out onto the town, I'm astonished to see a virtual desert, where just moments ago was a thriving metropolis, now stands a barren wasteland of wind blown dirt. Gone are the buildings, and the smoke stacks that remain are all but silent. The most disheartening view of all is the lack of people to be seen. Was there a war? Were we destroyed by some magic bomb? I can see that most of the store fronts are empty and the cars have all but disappeared. Oh waite...J.J. Newberry is still there, so all wasn't lost. I have to press further into the future.
Nineteen Seventy, Eighty, Ninety.... What has happened? Still more devastation. More empty store fronts, even less people on what is left to Main Street. Even the benches that use to dot the landscape are gone. I must continue on.
Surely the new millennium will bring changes! Into the future I go, slowly the years slide by but still no changes...holdit...what is that I see? A rock hanging on a string? Trees growing upside down? Cubes of crushed beer cans stacked together? What has happened? Was there some sort of stupid gas disseminated by the bomb that destroyed the Town, to work its sinister deed on the brains of future generations? Surely everyone has gone mad? What's this?... There are tables and chairs on the sidewalk with umbrellas. Looks like the BENCHES have been replaced by these. A sign of progress. Now the old and or the disabled or just anyone will have a place to sit and eat their "Jacks Hotdogs" shaded from the sun. A step in the right direction. Someone must be thinking of the Town Folk.
I proceeded into the near future and didn't find any real positive changes. Mostly less housing and local people and more strangers and passing through folks. I guess the Town has now become a place of DEPARTURE... not a DESTINATION !
So..... If you could change the trend, what would you do and who would you encourage to locate here and put us on the road "Back To The Future"?
I push the control stick forward, into the sixties. As I look up from the control stick and gaze out onto the town, I'm astonished to see a virtual desert, where just moments ago was a thriving metropolis, now stands a barren wasteland of wind blown dirt. Gone are the buildings, and the smoke stacks that remain are all but silent. The most disheartening view of all is the lack of people to be seen. Was there a war? Were we destroyed by some magic bomb? I can see that most of the store fronts are empty and the cars have all but disappeared. Oh waite...J.J. Newberry is still there, so all wasn't lost. I have to press further into the future.
Nineteen Seventy, Eighty, Ninety.... What has happened? Still more devastation. More empty store fronts, even less people on what is left to Main Street. Even the benches that use to dot the landscape are gone. I must continue on.
Surely the new millennium will bring changes! Into the future I go, slowly the years slide by but still no changes...holdit...what is that I see? A rock hanging on a string? Trees growing upside down? Cubes of crushed beer cans stacked together? What has happened? Was there some sort of stupid gas disseminated by the bomb that destroyed the Town, to work its sinister deed on the brains of future generations? Surely everyone has gone mad? What's this?... There are tables and chairs on the sidewalk with umbrellas. Looks like the BENCHES have been replaced by these. A sign of progress. Now the old and or the disabled or just anyone will have a place to sit and eat their "Jacks Hotdogs" shaded from the sun. A step in the right direction. Someone must be thinking of the Town Folk.
I proceeded into the near future and didn't find any real positive changes. Mostly less housing and local people and more strangers and passing through folks. I guess the Town has now become a place of DEPARTURE... not a DESTINATION !
So..... If you could change the trend, what would you do and who would you encourage to locate here and put us on the road "Back To The Future"?
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
OK People, Today I am asking for your help. In this season of political wrangling for all sorts of jobs in the Government, I have become very confused. In elections past (before Nixon) it was simple and straight forward.....if you were for the workin stiff, you voted Democrat..... if you were a business man, you voted Republican. Their platforms were simple and straight forward. Today however things ain't so simple. The Democrats have shown themselves to be Nannycrats to the extreme and also seem to be leaning away from their core beliefs. (Clinton NAFTA) The Republicans on the other hand seem to have takin the direction of complete dismantling of the Government for the sole benefit of the very rich and placed themselves on a pedestal with lies and make believe as their foundation.
SO...Help me out here. Who should I throw away my vote on?
SO...Help me out here. Who should I throw away my vote on?
Monday, August 27, 2007
To start out your week and get those thinkin juices a workin, I thought a question that has been bothering me ever since this ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ISSUE has come to light. The main thrust of the issue is "Why should someone become a citizen JUST because they are Born here?" I was surprised to learn that not only does this apply to the fifty states but also to our territories as well. What is the rational behind "ius soli?" Shouldn't Citizenship be based on "ius Sanguinis" instead? (I learnt me a some new words today) Anyway, I don't think it is right because it only encourages ILLEGAL Immigration for the sake of circumventing the law. I am not talking those born of legal immigrants wanting to become citizens and going through the process of naturalizing. What's your opinion? It's Your Dime?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
So much news today that it is boggling the mind. Unfortunately, as per usual, it is all bad! So today I have decided to start a Revolution! That is my right under the all the articles and doctrines we live under. I am not going to recognize the "CONTRACT WITH (corporate) AMERICA" anymore and consider that document belonging to a terrorist organisation. Their sole purpose is to enslave the working people of this country for their personal monetary gain. I am replacing it with my "COMPACT WITH AMERICA". Under my new America the "PEOPLE" are the prime purpose of the Government. You may even call it a bit radical and even a bit socialistic, but I believe the government should be an instrument by which the masses benefit not just a few. So I have loaded my "BIC auto ink feed - 1984 model" and started to go hunting those politicos who would enslave us to the corporations. Wish me luck and you are welcome to join me.
On a happier note I have also found numerous places for us to site our new windmill farm, that will take the Town of North Adams off the grid and even make a few bucks extra for some nice municipal projects down town for the enjoyment of the town folk. Which mountain would you prefer?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
No this isn't about the TV Soap Opera ,that has been on TV from before there was TV. It is just some reflections of our state of affairs in which we find ourselves. Lets see if I can keep it civilized and not laps into anger and spewage of the irate kind.
The general consensus is that our System is busted all to hell.....I think we all have to agree on that point. The Democrats want to have a sort of Socialistic, "Just give us your money and do what we tell you" - " You don't need Guns, knives, or sharp spoons" - "Trust us, we know what is good for you", System. The Republicans want to let Corporations run our Government, without the hindrance of laws or rules or any type of oversight, "Do what we tell you or we will fire you and send you to a third world country for reindoctorinaction". Remember the famous - " Contract With (corporate) America"?
Doesn't it bother anyone that all the things that made us a great place to live are now gone? Outsourced and moved away, with the help of your servants to boot!
So I have decided to sit back (I seem to have no other choice) and watch as history repeats itself. Just sit here and watch the whole thing implode in on itself. But mark my words, the PEOPLE will stand only so much and I will guarantee there is going to be a another revolution. An uprising that will finish off whatever vestiges are left of a coherent society. We will be thrown back into a truly third world country.
What do you think? "It's Your Dime"
The general consensus is that our System is busted all to hell.....I think we all have to agree on that point. The Democrats want to have a sort of Socialistic, "Just give us your money and do what we tell you" - " You don't need Guns, knives, or sharp spoons" - "Trust us, we know what is good for you", System. The Republicans want to let Corporations run our Government, without the hindrance of laws or rules or any type of oversight, "Do what we tell you or we will fire you and send you to a third world country for reindoctorinaction". Remember the famous - " Contract With (corporate) America"?
Doesn't it bother anyone that all the things that made us a great place to live are now gone? Outsourced and moved away, with the help of your servants to boot!
So I have decided to sit back (I seem to have no other choice) and watch as history repeats itself. Just sit here and watch the whole thing implode in on itself. But mark my words, the PEOPLE will stand only so much and I will guarantee there is going to be a another revolution. An uprising that will finish off whatever vestiges are left of a coherent society. We will be thrown back into a truly third world country.
What do you think? "It's Your Dime"
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Well... good mornin readers. Nothing radical to jaw on today. Just more of the same old bullshit coming out of the State House in Boston and the White House in Washington. Blah, blah, blah everything is just fine and hunky more insurance...let the market be the guide...government is here for your protection, but it is too big and needs to be is here to protect the bottom line of big business, and needs to be expanded...Blah, blah, blah...Sorry I can't hear what you are saying, I have come down with hearasidus just after I got elected...Everything is just great in IRAQ, we are winning the war...Blah, blah, blah...Buy more insurance...Buy more insurance...Buy more insurance...Blah, blah, blah...And on and on and on it goes..........I have only this to say...2012...then... poof !
Thursday, July 12, 2007
What seems at this point to be eons ago, the GREAT DECIDER - KING GEORGE, stated that even if only him and his dog that were left supporting the IRAQ WAR that he would still surge onward, sending our sons and daughters to die in a needless war. Well Guess what?.....
At this point in time it doesn't take a mental giant to see what HIS ROYAL HINDASS is trying to do. If he can keep the war going long enough so that He and his Henchmen have time to slither outta office, then it will be (He Thinks) not his responsibility. Ergo: I was winning so history will give me the accolades I deserve and My place on a pedestal next to the other great men.....Ronnie The Rat, Tricky Dicky, Abe, and Jesus Christ! And whoever comes after me will be blamed for the WAR!
A question?.....If Georgie came to your place looking for employment and he handed you his resume...( which does not include one single accomplishment on his own. But rather a patchwork of failed ventures and decisions, that without being pulled from the fire by Good Old Dad or an Oil Barron from Saudi Arabia, would you hire HIM?
It is time to IMPEACH GEORGE BUSH and put his cronies in jail, where they belong! The man is nothing more than a spoiled rich frat brat that thinks he is not part of the society but above it and it's laws, a society unto himself answerable to no one....where did we see this before? When are you stupid people going to get smart?
At this point in time it doesn't take a mental giant to see what HIS ROYAL HINDASS is trying to do. If he can keep the war going long enough so that He and his Henchmen have time to slither outta office, then it will be (He Thinks) not his responsibility. Ergo: I was winning so history will give me the accolades I deserve and My place on a pedestal next to the other great men.....Ronnie The Rat, Tricky Dicky, Abe, and Jesus Christ! And whoever comes after me will be blamed for the WAR!
A question?.....If Georgie came to your place looking for employment and he handed you his resume...( which does not include one single accomplishment on his own. But rather a patchwork of failed ventures and decisions, that without being pulled from the fire by Good Old Dad or an Oil Barron from Saudi Arabia, would you hire HIM?
It is time to IMPEACH GEORGE BUSH and put his cronies in jail, where they belong! The man is nothing more than a spoiled rich frat brat that thinks he is not part of the society but above it and it's laws, a society unto himself answerable to no one....where did we see this before? When are you stupid people going to get smart?
Monday, July 09, 2007
" BE AFRAID ---- BE VERY AFRAID "'s Monday and I have my spankin new key board now in service. The old one had (S) key problems and finally just stopped workin all together, the "S" key that is. The new one is just about the same but different enough that my fingers sometimes trip over themselves because of the small but subtle differences. Like buying a new car, you know how to drive but the new one is just a little bit different, Hell you know what I mean?
I was reading an article this morning about the new guy in charge of "THE NIXON VIEW OF HISTORY MEMORIAL" (the Nixon library). Seems that he is going for the truthful look, instead of the fantasy land look, of the past. He is redoing the special room dedicated to Watergate and Nixon's fantasy view of why he was thrown from office. WOW... truthfulness from a politicos Monument to refreshing! But don't hold your breath my friends we have yet to see the "ultimate Fairy Tale Monument To Ones Ego and Make Believe View of his Legacy and History" "THE KING GEORGE Amusement and HALL OF LIES LIBRARY" Yup, designed and edited by no other than the great fornicator HIMSELF! I would caution all you history buffs not to go there looking for truthful research material on the Bush years, as they all found out in the NIXON MONUMENT. Seems they forget to include that in their exhibits?
So my friends Be Afraid Be Very Afraid that another venue that we us to use for research into Truthful History has gone the way of "TRUTH, JUSTICE, And The AMERICAN WAY"
I was reading an article this morning about the new guy in charge of "THE NIXON VIEW OF HISTORY MEMORIAL" (the Nixon library). Seems that he is going for the truthful look, instead of the fantasy land look, of the past. He is redoing the special room dedicated to Watergate and Nixon's fantasy view of why he was thrown from office. WOW... truthfulness from a politicos Monument to refreshing! But don't hold your breath my friends we have yet to see the "ultimate Fairy Tale Monument To Ones Ego and Make Believe View of his Legacy and History" "THE KING GEORGE Amusement and HALL OF LIES LIBRARY" Yup, designed and edited by no other than the great fornicator HIMSELF! I would caution all you history buffs not to go there looking for truthful research material on the Bush years, as they all found out in the NIXON MONUMENT. Seems they forget to include that in their exhibits?
So my friends Be Afraid Be Very Afraid that another venue that we us to use for research into Truthful History has gone the way of "TRUTH, JUSTICE, And The AMERICAN WAY"
Friday, July 06, 2007
Can anyone please tell me where George W. thinks he gets his power to do anything he pleases? Are there no more checks and balances within our system? Does he indeed have total authority over everything and everybody? Please help me out here, I think I missed that class in school? Does Congress have the authority, or better stated, the will, to challenge and alter what GW has done? Can they un-pardon a bad pardon?
After GW slithers outta office with the UNTOUCHABLES, can we ever go back to the old way we were governed?
After GW slithers outta office with the UNTOUCHABLES, can we ever go back to the old way we were governed?
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Gimme a break!................The Republicans seem to be well versed in doing the Crime, but can't seem to ever do the Time!..... And we never seem to learn!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
" 2012 "
This picture has nothing to do with 2012 but is put here because you can't add pictures to the comments section in blogger. Why not? may ask? It is intended for my good buddy Dwpittelli over at
OK, back to the blog......
Today I am feeling a little physiological so let us jump right in!
What is the reason that we have Government or Governing Bodies in the first place? Why do we need them? What purpose do they serve? Why is it that when you finally get a system that works, you have to insert Politicians to gum up the works?
Just think what could be accomplished without the interference of Politicos. If those with the power to make a positive difference did so. Protecting us from the bad, the greedy, and the selfish elements, that are ever present and are constantly looking for an opening to stick it to us. Well welcome to AMERICA! Yup, I can't see our existence going beyond 2012. What do you think?
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I have had the displeasure the last couple of weeks to watch the never ending soap opera that has been unfolding in the Senate. I was very pleased to see the outcome of the latest Bush/Big Business initiative, to get rid of Unions and the American worker. Seems those that are trying to keep their cushy jobs are finally realizing that the voting American public doesn't want amnesty for illegal immigrants. Too bad Ted Kennedy doesn't get it.....Good-by Ted, it was not nice knowing you!
On another subject, yesterday they were having Senate hearing on the EPA. What an arrogant shit head this man is. Mr. Steve Johnson - Administrator of the EPA. He has his head so far up Bushes ass, you could tell by the brownish tone to his skin.
This man is suppose to be looking out for the public good of this nation, not the bottom line of Big Business. How do we stop people like this from getting into their positions and once there and we find they are not looking out for our intrest, how do we get rid of them? The System is severely busted and needs fixin real soon.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
" GENEALOGY and us "
My passion......why?..... Why do I find it more enjoyable to be in an old cemetery reading gravestone inscriptions, than going to a party? (don't answer that) I sit for hours at the computer, lashed by some invisible chain, looking at old maps and old photographs and old buildings and bygone years of North Adams and the Eastern Provinces of Canada? Drawn back to a previous reality, viewing a time long gone, as through an old Eastman Kodak Cellulose Movie.
In 1891 the TREMBLAY clan arrived from Kamouraska, Quebec. ( Ya... so what? Who cares?.....Big Deal! ).......... Ever wonder what it was like in North Adams or your home town when your people arrived?
I have tons and tons of French Canadian stuff, if anyone is interested in their Canadian roots. Would be glad to share what I have, if I have it! The North Adams Library will get my boxes of research after I move on. I'll let their skilled hands sort it all out. I'm not much on organization, more of a collector of information, seems I spend so much time looking, I don't stop and smell the roses.
Anyway.....just wanted to share my passion with you and see if there was anyone else living in the past.
In 1891 the TREMBLAY clan arrived from Kamouraska, Quebec. ( Ya... so what? Who cares?.....Big Deal! ).......... Ever wonder what it was like in North Adams or your home town when your people arrived?
I have tons and tons of French Canadian stuff, if anyone is interested in their Canadian roots. Would be glad to share what I have, if I have it! The North Adams Library will get my boxes of research after I move on. I'll let their skilled hands sort it all out. I'm not much on organization, more of a collector of information, seems I spend so much time looking, I don't stop and smell the roses.
Anyway.....just wanted to share my passion with you and see if there was anyone else living in the past.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
" A WHAT? "
OK... someone point me to just where in our Constitution it provides for a "CZAR" of anything? I thought we already had a "Decider In Chief", Joint Chief of Staff, and an sundry of Generals and War Advisers? Is Bush so desperate now that he is creating a fall guy position, someone to take the bullet for him, like he has thrown our sons and daughters out in front of him and his oil buddies to take the literal bullet to protect the Military Industrial Complex and their profits! So he can blame someone else for his stupidity? Will Congress have to OK the position, or are they just going to roll over once again and do the bidding of a mad man? What the hell is going on with our government? I think that there are Constitutional issues here that the Supreme Court has to look at? Excuse me..." WHAT CONSTITUTION? " The mad man needs to be impeached and thrown in jail along with his whole gang of nitwits... and soon!
Monday, May 14, 2007
And you people wonder why I think that politicians are such dirt bags. Look at what is happening now to the Repukes! Their new twist or flip-flop is to now try and blame the Iraq Gov. for all the problems in Iraq and the reason that things ain't going so good. It ain't the Decider Guy's fault or the stick with him at all cost of our youths lives, Repukes, it's that dam Iraq Governments fault! What a bunch of hog-snot flip flopping forked tonged bull shit. I have yet to meet a politician that wouldn't sell his Mother to a slave trader if he thought it could get him elected. Remember it's all about "ME", they don't give two shits about you and your sons or daughters and never will...wake up people!
So lets all watch as this soap opera unfolds and the Repukes try to save the Decider Guys factious legacy and at the same time get elected. It should be quite a show!
So lets all watch as this soap opera unfolds and the Repukes try to save the Decider Guys factious legacy and at the same time get elected. It should be quite a show!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
" YOUR TURN " being that I am "The Peoples Candidate" it wouldn't be very peopleish if I didn't ask you what I can do for YOU! What do you want your Top Public Servant to accomplish on your behalf?
Sunday, May 06, 2007
" ALSO "
11. I would require All our kids have to serve a mandatory two (2) years military service upon graduation from High School and before College. No deferments except for life threatening medical reasons. A special unit will be set up to accommodate those physically handicapped.
12. When "Loopholes" are found in laws they will be automatically closed and the term, "to also include or to exclude", written in the law according to the intent of the law.
13. I will institute "TERM LIMITS" at every level of government.
14. Politicians and Judges pay will be a set at a percentage of the minimum wage. If it is good enough for the lower end of the work force then proportionally it is good enough for those responsible for that amount.
15. More to come!
12. When "Loopholes" are found in laws they will be automatically closed and the term, "to also include or to exclude", written in the law according to the intent of the law.
13. I will institute "TERM LIMITS" at every level of government.
14. Politicians and Judges pay will be a set at a percentage of the minimum wage. If it is good enough for the lower end of the work force then proportionally it is good enough for those responsible for that amount.
15. More to come!
Friday, May 04, 2007
Just to keep you informed as to the progress of the campaign. Our war chest got a influx of cold hard cash yesterday...I found $0.37 cents in the couch while cleaning. This will go a long way towards an official, official announcement bash at JACKS HOT DOGS.
Unlike my opponents, ( the wigglers and liers, and phony-bologna) I am going to make public my real stance on the issues and let the voters decide if they want a real candidate or a politico.
1. I will defend the second amendment till "they pull the gun from my cold dead hand"
2. I will stop abortions for all, unless there is a medical need, or in the case of incest, or rape.
3. I will impose an automatic five year sentence and forfeit of ALL assets of any employer or person found having ILLEGAL immigrants working for them. I will create a national data base tied into all federal and state agencies so an employer can check on the validly of an applicants status, returning to them a routing number with date and time stamp to validate their search.
4. I will ban all queer unions, allowing only unions between a man and a women to be legal.
5. I will legalize some drugs.
6. I will change the tax code to be just one simple card. You made a dollar you have to pay a dime.
7. I will institute a national health care system modeled after the VA system.
8. I will stop all perks to politicos unless the general public can receive the same.
9. I will stop the practice of allowing amendments to legislation that has nothing to do with the bill being considered.
10. More to come later!
Unlike my opponents, ( the wigglers and liers, and phony-bologna) I am going to make public my real stance on the issues and let the voters decide if they want a real candidate or a politico.
1. I will defend the second amendment till "they pull the gun from my cold dead hand"
2. I will stop abortions for all, unless there is a medical need, or in the case of incest, or rape.
3. I will impose an automatic five year sentence and forfeit of ALL assets of any employer or person found having ILLEGAL immigrants working for them. I will create a national data base tied into all federal and state agencies so an employer can check on the validly of an applicants status, returning to them a routing number with date and time stamp to validate their search.
4. I will ban all queer unions, allowing only unions between a man and a women to be legal.
5. I will legalize some drugs.
6. I will change the tax code to be just one simple card. You made a dollar you have to pay a dime.
7. I will institute a national health care system modeled after the VA system.
8. I will stop all perks to politicos unless the general public can receive the same.
9. I will stop the practice of allowing amendments to legislation that has nothing to do with the bill being considered.
10. More to come later!
Friday, April 27, 2007
OK it's now official........ I am throwing my hat into the ring........ You heard it first right here...... I am officially running for PRESIDENT ! All donations can be sent directly to me (cash only) I suppose you want me to have some sort of platform to run on,..... such inconvenience! What's next? want me to have a fancy name for my affiliation.......OK, I call my party "Citizens For Accountable Government" catchy right? I am looking for suckers.....I mean run my campaign, since I only have $0.00 in my war chest and my wallet, which I hope to fatten up with your donations!..... We ass kiss any and all groups, no matter how deprived, because we are an equal opportunity boot lick party, not that we agree with you or will do anything to help your cause, we just want your vote, then......kiss off! ..... Isn't it refreshing to have a candidate that is honest for a change? And that's what we are all about!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A nut case goes on a rampage and out of the woodwork come the blamers! And of course each one has his/her answer to how to stop this sort of behavior dead in its tracks! First out of the box was... "Blame the school for not knowing that this was going to happen" , WHAT?
Then came... "It was the schools security's fault for lack of vigilance in monitoring the student population close enough", I guess they want a one to one ratio?
Then the BIG ONE............ The ANTI-GUN CROWD! "Oh ya, rising up out of the sewage that spawns them like the great white savior of the evils of modern society. Those pure white robed God like creatures that can attribute every misdeed or evil doing of humanity directly to the owning of a GUN, or wanting to own a gun, or just looking at a gun, or just looking at a picture of a gun!"
We are in for about a month or so of the blamers spewing their garbage and illogical answers to why this terrible massacre happened, of course they all will probably just forget that the person was totally insane and there is no other explanation!
Then came... "It was the schools security's fault for lack of vigilance in monitoring the student population close enough", I guess they want a one to one ratio?
Then the BIG ONE............ The ANTI-GUN CROWD! "Oh ya, rising up out of the sewage that spawns them like the great white savior of the evils of modern society. Those pure white robed God like creatures that can attribute every misdeed or evil doing of humanity directly to the owning of a GUN, or wanting to own a gun, or just looking at a gun, or just looking at a picture of a gun!"
We are in for about a month or so of the blamers spewing their garbage and illogical answers to why this terrible massacre happened, of course they all will probably just forget that the person was totally insane and there is no other explanation!
Friday, April 13, 2007
OK....So what is all the big deal with Imus? People have been calling each other names since they were first able to speak. Now all of a sudden, because of Al Sharption, Mr. Black Mans self appointed spokesman, CBS has suddenly decided to become concerned. Bull shit! They caved in to the Blacks threats of pulling sponsorship that's all. It is all a bunch of nappy headed nigger jive, meant to perpetuate the poor me syndrome. And by the way don't all you Whops, Spicks, Kikes, Frogs, Slope Head, Chink, Whities, Redneck, Flatlanders get any ideas...this is strictly for the advancement of Colors... I say Hogsnot...Sticks and Stones...All Sharpton and Jessy the Rev Jackson get a real life and stop sucking off the bigotry of your black community for your personal glory!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Good Morning People of Earth! .......... Well it has finely come full circle. The era of the Mall has passed. That mega shopping mart where you could find just about anything, just like the old time general store, but bigger! I am not against Malls, they do serve a convenience to the community, though they can be blamed for the demise of a lot of local small stores that couldn't afford the mall rents and there-by the exposure to the shopping public..... But alas it has come to it's end because of that very reason.....Mall Owners Greed.....the driving force in our society today.... if you ain't greedy you ain't going nowhere! Anyway..... You could say that by continual raising of the rents they drove out the very people they needed to stay in business? Go figure?
We now have entered the era, (again) mainly because of economic pressures on the communities, to re-open those small stores again but within the community. Lower rents, for now anyway, are the driving force but if history repeats itself then it will be back to that old stan-by....The Catalog Store!
Now on to the Condo issue......... Why do we need more Condos? Ain't we got plenty of empty ones now? Talk to the hand here people! Another nagging Question...If the outfit is going to buy the French Church Complex en-mass, pun intended, why is the Mayor involved? Wasn't that his argument that no one wanted to buy the whole package, so we were stepping in to help out? John...what is going on? Talk to the hand Mr. Mayor! Or better yet talk HONESTLY to the City Council! It will be interesting to see if anyone on the Council has the balls to ask that Question of the Mayor! OK...It's Your Dime!
We now have entered the era, (again) mainly because of economic pressures on the communities, to re-open those small stores again but within the community. Lower rents, for now anyway, are the driving force but if history repeats itself then it will be back to that old stan-by....The Catalog Store!
Now on to the Condo issue......... Why do we need more Condos? Ain't we got plenty of empty ones now? Talk to the hand here people! Another nagging Question...If the outfit is going to buy the French Church Complex en-mass, pun intended, why is the Mayor involved? Wasn't that his argument that no one wanted to buy the whole package, so we were stepping in to help out? John...what is going on? Talk to the hand Mr. Mayor! Or better yet talk HONESTLY to the City Council! It will be interesting to see if anyone on the Council has the balls to ask that Question of the Mayor! OK...It's Your Dime!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Executive Privilege..... OK folks lets tackle this nonsensical, not in the Constitution, plucked outa thin air, a hide behind mechanism, issue. They all try to use it to hide behind when they don't want the truth to get out. Where did it come from? Who first used it? Why do they keep trying to use it when the Supreme Court already ruled on it? This hide behind tree could be used from the White House all the way down to a Council President. It flies in the face of transparency and accountability in government, and says, " I am the sole decider and what I do is none of your business " Work with me people!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
" THEM vs US "- or - "THE HATEFUL vs THE COY"
This morning I did my usual routine of rising between 2am or 3am or there abouts, let the dog out for her wizz-poop, (not to be confused with whizz-poop) put on the coffee, suck in my medication that allowes me to function somewhat all day, then settled down at the puter to check on the state of the world. (I gotta get a life?) Then after checking the news, which is usually all bad, I turn to browsing the Blogs.
What seems to have been a recurring theme and discussed a lot on many of the blogs is that the Arts Community or those that associate themselves with them and the non Arts Community, or us longtime locals, as apposed to the new comers, taking sides against each other. Seems the newbies having come from more progressive and liberal communities want to model their new found home after the one they just left. Forgetting that the progressiveness and liberalism was probably the reason they left in the first place! Now us locals somewhat resent being told that we are undereducated, dumb, anti-art, regressive in our thinking, and our school system sucks......we already know this! But what pisses us off most of all is the newbies want to cram their life style down our throats. Not liking or seeing any meaning in a bunch of crushed up garbage sitting on a stick seems to put us in the Neanderthal Man category in their eyes.
Now having said all that what is now understood by the Art Community is that the Arts are not the Save All that it was touted to be in the beginning. (we are not going to say "We Told You So" ) They now realize that you need a diverse community with each endeavor complimenting the other. The radical, something for everyone idea.
North Adams may not be Shangrala but it is, even with all its faults, a great place to live!
What seems to have been a recurring theme and discussed a lot on many of the blogs is that the Arts Community or those that associate themselves with them and the non Arts Community, or us longtime locals, as apposed to the new comers, taking sides against each other. Seems the newbies having come from more progressive and liberal communities want to model their new found home after the one they just left. Forgetting that the progressiveness and liberalism was probably the reason they left in the first place! Now us locals somewhat resent being told that we are undereducated, dumb, anti-art, regressive in our thinking, and our school system sucks......we already know this! But what pisses us off most of all is the newbies want to cram their life style down our throats. Not liking or seeing any meaning in a bunch of crushed up garbage sitting on a stick seems to put us in the Neanderthal Man category in their eyes.
Now having said all that what is now understood by the Art Community is that the Arts are not the Save All that it was touted to be in the beginning. (we are not going to say "We Told You So" ) They now realize that you need a diverse community with each endeavor complimenting the other. The radical, something for everyone idea.
North Adams may not be Shangrala but it is, even with all its faults, a great place to live!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
A Question to those that may know...Why aren't there any E-Mail addresses for City Departments listed on the Town Web Page? Telephone numbers are listed.....20th century communication device.....but as far as being interactive.....21st century communication device, the Web Page is sorely lacking. It was my understanding that the NEW WEB PAGE was going to be more interactive and allow the citizens greater access to City Hall? Granted there are a few things that you can do over the net but on the whole the web page reads more like a Telephone Directory (The Yellow Book) than a web page. There are no City documents available other than permits for this that and the other, and no way to contact a Department with a question over the net. The telephone only allows access during working hours and if there is someone available. I bring this up because in an earlier Blog we discussed electric generation and I was curious as to how much the City paid for electricity. I went to the City Web Page thinking that that sort of information would be available, The City does publish a yearly report, journal, whatever, listing all sorts of information from salaries to status of city vehicles. Why isn't that available on the net? The City Web Page should, as well as being a Travel Guide for the Chamber of Commerce and Telephone Directory, it should also be a portal to information for it's citizens. How much do we pay for Electricity anyway?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
After reading in today's Eagle their editorial on the "BLUEPRINT FOR THE BERKSHIRES" I am almost inspired to give the Mayor an a-a-a-a-a-pology. Seems that this very expensive, highly touted cure all, is nothing more than a rehash of common knowledge, things everyone on the street already knew. They produced no answers other than to tell us that the things that are really needed to revitalize the area are to expensive, to elusive, or beyond the scope of reality, (the Bypass) Good job guys!.. So why do we keep paying these ripoff artist to study what doesn't need studying? They wrap it up in a pretty package with a ribbon, give it a technical sounding name, pat themselves on the back, then take the money and run! Hell, they don't even spend the profit here in the Berkshires. Screw all those studies. They are useless and don't solve squat, just waste time and money. What is needed is less Studying and more Doing!
Monday, March 12, 2007
I had to laugh the other evening when I was reading the Transcript article about how John III got all bent out of shape because the "lets develop the area, gang" didn't show up at City Hall with an oak leaf cluster head ban and a marching band paying tribute to our own "decider". Seems if they don't check in with him first and get his stamp of approval then it is a no starter and can't possibly succeed, ergo the Town will not have anything to do with it, much less he give a speech and share his experiences to help out. All that being said"
What everyone else seems to understand is that this is "NORTH ADAMS! No matter how you flower it up, paint, sell $300,000 condos (I gotta get me one of those before the rush starts), advertise, try to make us look like Williamstown, or South County or some other ritzy neighborhood, the fact remains....we are who we are and we just don't fit in and never will. We should feel lucky that they were willing to include us at all,..... I guess we don't have to worry about that anymore!
What everyone else seems to understand is that this is "NORTH ADAMS! No matter how you flower it up, paint, sell $300,000 condos (I gotta get me one of those before the rush starts), advertise, try to make us look like Williamstown, or South County or some other ritzy neighborhood, the fact remains....we are who we are and we just don't fit in and never will. We should feel lucky that they were willing to include us at all,..... I guess we don't have to worry about that anymore!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
" FREE POWER ,kinda"
Well ...Good Morning Populace of The World. First the good (S) key is working again, I know that just makes your day. On to the real important issue of the day. ENERGY!
Let us start our journey with our Federal Governments Energy Policy....... hold on just a minute,... I'm still looking for it?... Seems I am unable to find it... It must be in some committee waiting for further clearafacation?........No!....I found it..........It is in the Vice Presidents Pocket...He won't let us see it though because of "Natural Security Concerns" and the "War On Terror" thing, and after all how can he do his job if everyone knows everything!.....Hmmm, I'm going to have to think on that one.
OK, on to the State of Confusion, I mean Massachusetts. Seems their policy changes with the wind,... (I put that in for the professor, :~) ) Anyway at the present time they seem to want to turbineize the State with windmills, but not where any self-important persons, like Senators, can see them. It is not a good thing to ruin the beauty of the view, you know? (White man speak with forked tong)(White man has two faces) etc....
Locally how can we lower our energy costs? Notice I didn't say energy needs! We live in an energy demanding and consuming world so for (Them, the energy producing and supplying corporations) telling me to conserve as a way to energy independence, is kind of an oxymoron of sorts. Again I would like to ask why we can't put our water power back into service? Instead of tearing down the dams, why can't we fix um up and power up the hydro generators? I don't think that there was even a feasibility study done to see if it would be cost effective. You don't need an outside expensive private enterprise to do the preliminary work. Hell... send out the City Engineer and have him make few measurements and make some calculations. He is after all on the City payroll and he is an Engineer! Dam...even if we just power up the municipal needs it would be a big savings for the City. What do you think? Wind power or water power?
Let us start our journey with our Federal Governments Energy Policy....... hold on just a minute,... I'm still looking for it?... Seems I am unable to find it... It must be in some committee waiting for further clearafacation?........No!....I found it..........It is in the Vice Presidents Pocket...He won't let us see it though because of "Natural Security Concerns" and the "War On Terror" thing, and after all how can he do his job if everyone knows everything!.....Hmmm, I'm going to have to think on that one.
OK, on to the State of Confusion, I mean Massachusetts. Seems their policy changes with the wind,... (I put that in for the professor, :~) ) Anyway at the present time they seem to want to turbineize the State with windmills, but not where any self-important persons, like Senators, can see them. It is not a good thing to ruin the beauty of the view, you know? (White man speak with forked tong)(White man has two faces) etc....
Locally how can we lower our energy costs? Notice I didn't say energy needs! We live in an energy demanding and consuming world so for (Them, the energy producing and supplying corporations) telling me to conserve as a way to energy independence, is kind of an oxymoron of sorts. Again I would like to ask why we can't put our water power back into service? Instead of tearing down the dams, why can't we fix um up and power up the hydro generators? I don't think that there was even a feasibility study done to see if it would be cost effective. You don't need an outside expensive private enterprise to do the preliminary work. Hell... send out the City Engineer and have him make few measurements and make some calculations. He is after all on the City payroll and he is an Engineer! Dam...even if we just power up the municipal needs it would be a big savings for the City. What do you think? Wind power or water power?
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Does anyone have any update as to what is the current situation with the high speed "Road Runner" upload speed? Is Time Warner going to rebate us for a broken contract or just drop our rate? I lost over 200 KB/s upload speed and that is a lot, we are not getting the same as with our Adelphia contract, which seems to me to be illegal. Any one ?
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Now isn't that just so silly? Instead of welcoming a new business and being thankful that they decided to settle here and add to the economy of the town, the mayor has to do his "Gorilla Chest Beating Act" and start to threaten the people with his " STINK POLICE ", even before they open their door. Good God, this town has more stinky places than you could wave a stinkometer at. And who decides what is "stinky" and what ain't? One man's stink may be another man's rose! Is their such a thing as an odorometer with preset graduations, so we know for sure what smells and what doesn't? It wouldn't be very fair to just depend on one individuals nose, what if he has a cold? Who would calibrate his nostrils? Do restaurants and dinners have to block off their exhaust fans now or get a certificate of "stinky smell Compliance" from the city hall? How about the dump? With the High School being so close and down wind, the dump is surely not within the limits of the odorous compliance rule? What do you think?
Anyway, the rest of us would like to welcome you and wish you success in your endeavor.
Anyway, the rest of us would like to welcome you and wish you success in your endeavor.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I'm all a dither this morning. There is so much stuff out there this morning to blog about. But unfortunately it is all a bunch of crap laced with bull shit PR, and most of it is frosted over - same old, same old - hog snot lies and purposely directed propaganda, all packaged up nice and pretty for our daily brain fix, to go along with our morning injection of caffeine! So.... after long and comprehensive deliberation with my undisclosed (for reasons of national security and self preservation--mine) informants, I decided to pick out the biggest lie of them all ---" TAXES "
We bantered about this topic last year but we didn't seem to have made much of an impression on any one because things have seem to have gotten worse, not better. Is it just my imagination or have the forms become even more complex and vague and dependent on even more complex forms, for their completion? In one such instance...." If you give the IRS $300 something dollars....they will fill out the form for you" Holy shit, what gives there? I find it very disturbing that it is getting to the point where you have to be a tax lawyer to be able to fill out your tax forms.
Who dreams up these forms? Aren't they all based on some percent of some number for the outcome? Why all the mumbo jumbo? I guess my question for discussion today is " Why are they so complicated and confusing? " Isn't simple better? You make $100, you pay a given percent? Everyone pays the same percent of their income, starting just above the poverty line. We are talking gainful income here, not welfare or ssi or income to the disabled. That would be dumb and counter productive. IT's YOUR DIME!
We bantered about this topic last year but we didn't seem to have made much of an impression on any one because things have seem to have gotten worse, not better. Is it just my imagination or have the forms become even more complex and vague and dependent on even more complex forms, for their completion? In one such instance...." If you give the IRS $300 something dollars....they will fill out the form for you" Holy shit, what gives there? I find it very disturbing that it is getting to the point where you have to be a tax lawyer to be able to fill out your tax forms.
Who dreams up these forms? Aren't they all based on some percent of some number for the outcome? Why all the mumbo jumbo? I guess my question for discussion today is " Why are they so complicated and confusing? " Isn't simple better? You make $100, you pay a given percent? Everyone pays the same percent of their income, starting just above the poverty line. We are talking gainful income here, not welfare or ssi or income to the disabled. That would be dumb and counter productive. IT's YOUR DIME!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
It's a Casino stupid! Want to cure our monetary a Casino in North Adams Stupid! Most people wouldn't cross the street to look at a broken bolder on a string, but they will travel multi miles to lay down a bet! Oh the evils of gambling...hog snot, everyone gambles in North Adams and to pretend that we are some sort of puritonian upholders of the high and mighty righteous right is bull shit. It's in our nature so why not make some money from it? Maybe it is asking a lot that our people in charge have a little common since and foresight. I fail to see Dan Bosleys steadfast resistance to Casinos, when it is obvious that our neighboring states are sucking away dollars, lots of dollars, that should be staying in the state, and North Adams. Seems that he is putting his personal feelings before the interests of the majority of the people. Get with the program and stop thinking small and start thinking like a visionary. Maybe the city council could set up an independent study group and get some truthful unbiased numbers and input. That would certainly be a refreshing blast of spring air for North Adams. It's a Casino Stupid!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I would like to give a "JOB WELL DONE" to the Mayor and all the personal that are responsible for the snow removal in the City (town). It is not an easy task to keep our roads and side streets open in the face of such a storm that we had. Long hours and a true since of dedication to their job makes for a part of our city services that we seldom stop to appreciate, but is such a needed service. Again "JOB WELL DONE" to John Barrett and the city crews, and Thank You!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I was very disappointed at the City council. I really thought that they had gotten over "BOBBLIAGE" and had become a body willing to "ASK QUESTIONS" of John Barrett when ever he brought something before them, and try and get some honest truthfully factual answers from him before deciding anything.... And to meet when the only descending voice was out of town......Slick!
But back to the issue. Even if we sell one of the properties we still have to maintain the other two. Heating them and a certain amount of maintenance must be done. All costly to the City (town). Remember John Barrett said, "We were not going to make any profit on this! " Something really stinks here. Sounds fiscally irresponsible to me. How about the other buildings John Barrett bought, that were going to be developed by unknown developers, they seem to have vanished into thin air!? We still have yet to see anyone doing anything yet!
Are we going to preserve the school records that are stored in the basement of the school? My father and his siblings went to the French School as did many of your family with French heritage. Shouldn't they be preserved at the library, for they are as much part of the heritage of the town as the steeples, even more so!
Ask the's is your duty to this City... not John Barrett!
But back to the issue. Even if we sell one of the properties we still have to maintain the other two. Heating them and a certain amount of maintenance must be done. All costly to the City (town). Remember John Barrett said, "We were not going to make any profit on this! " Something really stinks here. Sounds fiscally irresponsible to me. How about the other buildings John Barrett bought, that were going to be developed by unknown developers, they seem to have vanished into thin air!? We still have yet to see anyone doing anything yet!
Are we going to preserve the school records that are stored in the basement of the school? My father and his siblings went to the French School as did many of your family with French heritage. Shouldn't they be preserved at the library, for they are as much part of the heritage of the town as the steeples, even more so!
Ask the's is your duty to this City... not John Barrett!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
"The North Adams Real Estate Agency, John Barrett lll your friendly sales agent! Gimmy a break! I just have a couple of questions to ask that seem to shout out at me on the issue:
1. If there is an interested party (who min"t that be?) why are we acting as an agent for the French church?
2. Did Mr. Alcombright excuse himself from the voting? A conflict of interest surely exists by his being on the finance committee for the catholic parishes?
3. As the planning board has the ultimate decision and they do what John Barrett says, then the City (town) has complete control over anything that is done with the property already, without having to purchase it, as has been shown with past City (town ) involvement in projects.
4. Are we also going to buy the other City (town) Churches when they come up for sale? The same arguments can be made for them also. They are all part of the heritage of the Town and are no less important than the French Church.
Personally, I think there is more going on here than John Barrett is willing to tell! Come on John, what's the real story?
1. If there is an interested party (who min"t that be?) why are we acting as an agent for the French church?
2. Did Mr. Alcombright excuse himself from the voting? A conflict of interest surely exists by his being on the finance committee for the catholic parishes?
3. As the planning board has the ultimate decision and they do what John Barrett says, then the City (town) has complete control over anything that is done with the property already, without having to purchase it, as has been shown with past City (town ) involvement in projects.
4. Are we also going to buy the other City (town) Churches when they come up for sale? The same arguments can be made for them also. They are all part of the heritage of the Town and are no less important than the French Church.
Personally, I think there is more going on here than John Barrett is willing to tell! Come on John, what's the real story?
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Huffington Post
The Huffington Post: "Not Only the Worst President, but the Worst Possible President
01.15.2007 Jane Smiley
Bush is the worst possible president because he is simultaneously unusually ignorant for a president and unusually shallow, as well as desperate for a success he can call his own.
READ POST comments (235) "
01.15.2007 Jane Smiley
Bush is the worst possible president because he is simultaneously unusually ignorant for a president and unusually shallow, as well as desperate for a success he can call his own.
READ POST comments (235) "
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Good Morning People........... I have some very scary news to report. My sources in the State House, who for reasons of National Security must remain anonymous, have reported that Massachusetts is running out of "alphabetical Letters" It is not the time to panic the young school children just yet but my sources have told me that some drastic changes are about to take effect! They have told me that there is going to be a law passed that prohibits the use of Silent Letters! I happen to agree with this, being the first thing coming out of the State House that makes sense and has any real meaning. My sources told me that they can stockpile enough silent letters to forfill the writing needs of Massachusetts People through 2012. ( the world is going to end on that date so who cares after that anyway. ) Letters will only be allowed to be used if they can be announced within a word. This is not a secret subversive war on any ethnic population living here.....Although it is strange that some languages need silent letters...why are they used if not for some hidden purpose. My sources told me that there may be some retraining camps set up to re-educate those that persist in using silent letters in their writings and especially in their names! We must understand that this is a WAR ON TERROR we are in and we all must do our part.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Desperate men do desperate deeds! And this is one desperate man. His whole life has been one failure after another, one calamity followed by another. What makes this latest folly any different? The man is a walking disaster that has dragged a whole country with him into a world wide boondoggle. But the most freighting part of the latest "new direction" is that it has nothing to do with the War on Terror or establishing Democracy in all has to do with His LEGACY! He is petrified how negatively history will judge his reign, and he knows that this war is just another failure..........but this time there is no one to pull his ass outta the fire!
I don't think that throwing away the lives of our youth at the legacy alter of George Bush, so King George can look good in the history books, is the price we are willing to pay! It's time for the IRAQI to take over and manage their own affairs. We have given them everything they need to succeed, even the blood of our youth,.......... it's time we came home!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I have been reluctant to post anything on my Blog lately, mostly because I haven't found anything worth posting. It is a new year but the same old shit. Our insane King George is doing just what he wants to do, full steam ahead and the peoples wishes be damn! The man is really truly insane and should be committed......
Then we have the 400 Billion dollars spent in Iraq. How come we didn't have any money for domestic programs or for programs to get us off dependence on foreign oil, or for medical research to cure the nations ills, or for a national health program so everyone can have access to quality health care, as the politicians do, or a plethora of other programs that would have been for the good of the people? They told us their just wasn't any money and we would have to privatized all our domestic programs so they could continuous to give us the high degree of service we were accustomed to from our Federal Government. Hmmmmm, where did all this extra money come from?......
I am really tired and sick of the same old shit and hot air from our over worked and under paid politicians that sit on their fat asses and decry the ills of the people but do nothing to solve the problems unless their is something in it for them on the personal level, money - power - or glory ! Ya that's right, they are all whores for sale to the highest bidder! It is all about the personal money, power and the glory isn't it? The people be damned!.........
On a scarier note, and something for our History buffs out there to contemplate, what do you think would have been the out come of WWII if we had to fight it today? Lets see.....through a series of government initiatives fueled by the greedy and paid for by the working class, we have outsourcing our industrial base to foreign governments. Our steel mills are gone, we assemble cars now not build them, our stores are filled with items made in China not America, and our mills have all been turned into condos or lofts for the arts community. Hell.....if this situation had existed in 1940 we would all be speaking German and Jap. God forbid we have to gear up for another world war!
Then there is the morality of the Nation.....or should I say lack there of. We condone perversion, (queer rights) and immoral attitudes, hell... we go as far as to raise immorality to the lofty standards of our Constitution. I guess I was absent from class when they talked about allowing the same rights to perverts and criminals (it is or at least I thought it was against the law to butt fuck another person of the same sex) as are allowed to normal family oriented Christian thinking folk. Not to take a second place to perversion is Greed. The stampede to get all you can get as fast as you can get it, all bets are off. The new National God.....the dollar bill!
Along the same lines is gone from our Nation the moral pride, we use to hold in such high regards, in helping each other . We have become a Nation of .....Me - Me - Me... A self centered greedy inward thinking morons who's life ambition is to die with the greatest number of toys...... Way to go School System!
Should I, could I go on? No, Yes! I think you people all get the message. Remember "the stink starts at the head" we can thank our politicians, Local - State - Federal, for leading the way and showing us the light. Without their guidance who knows where we would find ourselves today? Hell.....We may have turned into a Nation the rest of the world would want to emulate.....GOD Forbid!!!
Then we have the 400 Billion dollars spent in Iraq. How come we didn't have any money for domestic programs or for programs to get us off dependence on foreign oil, or for medical research to cure the nations ills, or for a national health program so everyone can have access to quality health care, as the politicians do, or a plethora of other programs that would have been for the good of the people? They told us their just wasn't any money and we would have to privatized all our domestic programs so they could continuous to give us the high degree of service we were accustomed to from our Federal Government. Hmmmmm, where did all this extra money come from?......
I am really tired and sick of the same old shit and hot air from our over worked and under paid politicians that sit on their fat asses and decry the ills of the people but do nothing to solve the problems unless their is something in it for them on the personal level, money - power - or glory ! Ya that's right, they are all whores for sale to the highest bidder! It is all about the personal money, power and the glory isn't it? The people be damned!.........
On a scarier note, and something for our History buffs out there to contemplate, what do you think would have been the out come of WWII if we had to fight it today? Lets see.....through a series of government initiatives fueled by the greedy and paid for by the working class, we have outsourcing our industrial base to foreign governments. Our steel mills are gone, we assemble cars now not build them, our stores are filled with items made in China not America, and our mills have all been turned into condos or lofts for the arts community. Hell.....if this situation had existed in 1940 we would all be speaking German and Jap. God forbid we have to gear up for another world war!
Then there is the morality of the Nation.....or should I say lack there of. We condone perversion, (queer rights) and immoral attitudes, hell... we go as far as to raise immorality to the lofty standards of our Constitution. I guess I was absent from class when they talked about allowing the same rights to perverts and criminals (it is or at least I thought it was against the law to butt fuck another person of the same sex) as are allowed to normal family oriented Christian thinking folk. Not to take a second place to perversion is Greed. The stampede to get all you can get as fast as you can get it, all bets are off. The new National God.....the dollar bill!
Along the same lines is gone from our Nation the moral pride, we use to hold in such high regards, in helping each other . We have become a Nation of .....Me - Me - Me... A self centered greedy inward thinking morons who's life ambition is to die with the greatest number of toys...... Way to go School System!
Should I, could I go on? No, Yes! I think you people all get the message. Remember "the stink starts at the head" we can thank our politicians, Local - State - Federal, for leading the way and showing us the light. Without their guidance who knows where we would find ourselves today? Hell.....We may have turned into a Nation the rest of the world would want to emulate.....GOD Forbid!!!
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