Monday, November 12, 2007


Mornin people. Do I sound like Judge Whopner? Good, because today I want to pose the question..... how many times has "MAN" appeared - civilized his world - then been destroyed, (through his own volition or from natures wrath), having to start over with only hand-me-down stories of the previous world that passed away? The Garden of EDEN or ATLANTIS are a couple of examples. Edgar Cayce mentions the 5th World. So where is the evidence of the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st? Is it still with our memories through Religious Stories or customs of strange cultures? Who were the "Giants" that roamed the earth? Who were the "Angles" that mated with the daughters of man? Into which world were they living? Step up to the bench and present your case!


Anonymous said...

By looking at the world, you're looking at the small picture. Chances are that before our universe came into existence, there was a separate universe prior that was much different - and this is a process into infinity.

You don't need the Bible or the paranormal for weirdness - science can give you everything you need.

Southview said...

John...Are you talking about out cosmic collective consciousness? Our eternal energy that can only be transformed, never destroyed? I can't think that hurts my head. I try to keep it simple for my simple mind thereby only concentrating on out blue globe.

Ross said...

Jack--if you really wanted to keep it simple, you'd go where all the evidence points. One world, one set of civilized human angels, giants, or any western storybook creation/destruction myths.

I know everybody wants the story to be much more interesting than it actually is, and they also want proof of their local religious/mythical cosmologies. Just keep in mind that if you go looking for something long enough and hard enough, you'll find it--no matter what the actual facts are.

Southview said...

Ross...Hmmmm... "One world, one set of civilized human beings" interesting (THEORY), but even the archaeological facts don't support your view.
Within every "Myth" or "Legend" there is the base fact that generated the story in the first place. Granted over time it becomes polluted with untruths, but the core story is still based on fact. I'm not trying to discuss Religion per say here, but much of our ("religious/mythical cosmologies") are where we get our information. It would seem to me that if more than one Culture/Religion were to tell the same core story, regardless of the details, than you would have to admit that there may be some truth in the story.
Personally I believe that Science and Religion compliment each other. Religion may be nothing more than an attempt to explain science that isn't understood at that time. I reject teachings where "MAN", for some alternative motive, injects hocus pocus to influence the masses for his own devices. That's not Religion or Science that's Politics and that has been the bane of Religion through out time.
So my questions are still valid and are looking for answers.

Anonymous said...

How do you know any of this exists? You're not going to believe that DesCartes character are you?

Anonymous said...

The fact is that there was a God that created this earth in seven days and that is why we are here.

Just kidding.

Life comes and goes on earth. Species die off all the time. We are no exception. People need to come to terms with that.

All of those religious stories are a set of nice fairy tails employed by the weak to find a meaning to their lives.

I don't really know how many times, "man" has gotten to a civilized world and then destroyed it. I doubt he ever has before. Who is to say we are civilized now? I look around, and most of the shit that we do is more of an uncivilized, beast like nature.

However, it won't be long before we end up destroying ourselves and a new form of "intelligent" beast must rise up.

Southview said...

testing comments....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what happened to my last comment?

To bad it was really good and answered everyone's questions without exception. I wish I could remember what I wrote.

Southview said...

DaSnoop...and everyone that tried to post...Don't know what happened? Seems to be OK now!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was God's will?

Anonymous said...

da snoop is right. god had a hand in that one. but, try to remember what you wrote so we can get some answers here.

Southview said...

All I can say is..... 2012

Anonymous said...

A universe with no end and who or what created the creator - two questions that both science and religion cannot answer. Clearly we are missing some pieces of the puzzle in each concentration.

Southview said...

da snoop.....E=MC2 Time constant or time fluid? We look at the question from our perspective of our known rules of quantum physics, but can we say that there are dimensions, beyond ours, where different rules apply? Hard tellin, Not knowin? A circle has no beginning and no end...after it is drawn, but before and during conception a circle has a starting spot or beginning and a finishing spot or end, which is also the beginning. A compass has 360* degrees but the beginning (zero degrees) is also the end degree 360*. The cosmos would then logically follow this concept as would the creator, thus no beginning and no end.....But ONLY AFTER closing the circle of creation!!

Anonymous said...

Southview, a circle is not a circle until it is complete, until then it is a point or at best an arc. The problem with your arguement is that even the circle is created within something else. Everything known to man is created within something else, except for the two concepts I mentioned. For something to come full circle or complete would infer that it has boundaries or limits, as of yet I have heard of no such boundaries for these concepts.

E=MC^2 works for most things, until they approach the speed of light, the C. Yet light itself acts as both a particle and a wave which throws a monkey wrench into the whole process.

We look at questions from Newtonian and Einstein based physics, quantum physics has come about in an attempt to try and explain the gaps in the previous "knowns". Or as that great military mind once said - "known unknowns".

Anonymous said...

Anyone see the idiots in front of City Hall with their crackpot messages? Buddington and Lee ought to get a bicycle bult for two and move to Northampton.Barring that maybe they ought to go play on the rail road tracks.

Southview said...

daSnoop.....You seem to be grasping my arguments clearly. From the elements "H" to "118" and beyond, they are created mearly as a reaction to forces that follow a predescribed recipe.

You are assuming that the photon can come in both flavors, it can't! One photon is one particle...a bunch of photons is a wave!

We seem to be getting off the track here trying to explain wheather "MAN" has been here before our modern recorded history. Back to the question at hand and my postulation that other worlds existed before us. The "Preponderence of The Evidence" would require us to acknowledge that they did exist.

Anonymous said...

Southview, I disagree with points 1 and 2 of your last post. As to getting off the track, I suppose one would need to know more clearly what you mean when you say "other worlds" and "modern recorded history".

I was trying to point out that you are asking an unanswerable question, similar to what is at the end of the universe who (or what) created God. Our grasp of how this 3 dimensional world we live is put together is so lacking, that we can't even answer questions about our own existence never mind that which we are unable to weigh, measure, smell, taste, or hold.

Anonymous said...

if you have ever heard of plato's allegory of the cave, you know that life as we know it, possibly, could all be one big illusion. what we see might not really represent what actually is there. there could be other dimensions right beside us, right here with us, but we just don't know how to see them. our perception is not to the point where we can see these "other universes."

ask someone who has used lsd, mushrooms, or better yet, dmt, what other parallel worlds are like. stories from these "trips" are amazing. people feel as though they actually enter a different world that they never knew was there. maybe what we see is all in our mind.

as far as other worlds existing before us, i would say it would be likely. as you said, jack, there is the story of Atlantis. fossils tell us about dinosaurs roaming the earth before us. it is just really hard to prove these different universes or worlds.

as for 2012, we can only wait and see.

Southview said...

daSnoop...and John.....I can't argue the unarguable without being "all knowing", I can only present what facts are commonly known collectively throughout the world we live in, that, I with my limited knowledge, can grasp. What is un factual with post 1 & 2?
John you are getting into a whole different area of thought when you being in altered states of the mind, induced by drugs. But you make a valid point with respect to the power of the mind. Our functioning mind only uses about 10% of it's available mass so they say, but what about the other 90%? Do drugs give us the ability to use more of what is there or do they just alter the processes already being used? My personal theory is that if we could somehow surgically connect the right circuitry with in the brain than our mind would make us a "GOD" We would gain access to our collective episodic memory and know everything!

Anonymous said...

#1 "Although isotopes exhibit nearly identical electronic and chemical behavior . . . If too many or too few neutrons are present, the nucleus is unstable and subject to nuclear decay . . . The isotopic composition of elements is different on different planets, making it possible to determine the origin of meteorites." A somewhat simple explanation from Wikipedia.

#2 "This confusion over particle versus wave properties was eventually resolved with the advent and establishment of quantum mechanics in the first half of the 20th century, which ultimately explained wave–particle duality. It provided a single unified theoretical framework for understanding that all matter may have characteristics associated with particles and waves, as explained below. By the very end of the 20th century extremely precise results were obtained. " Again a somewhat simple explanation from Wikipedia.

Atlantis and dinosaurs, if this is what you are referring to as "other worlds", I won't object - there is certainly a connection from one era to the next.

"Do drugs give us the ability to use more of what is there or do they just alter the processes already being used?" Perhaps the authors of the Bible and Koran all sat around did some 'shrooms together. As the effects wore off they argued who's version was correct and decided to go off in different directions and preach their own versions.

Southview said...

When we start getting into the realm of "QUANTUM" anything, we are entering the bazzaro world. Schroons have nothing over that place. Here is the best explanation I can come up with...What is, isn't, but is! That about sums it up. Here is what I was able to glean from all this.....a particle is a particle and a wave is a wave, but a particle can be a wave at the same time and a wave can be a particle at the same time, both are the same at the same time, but different at the same time, but the same at different times but also different at different times!

As far as other epochs are concerned, I fervently believe that man was to stupid to accomplish what he did without outside help from other worlds. And as for the Egyptians and their purported building of the Sphinx and the pyramids.....A bunch of bullshit perpetuated by that Camel ass sucking head of Antiquities who's only goal in life is to try and sell to the world that his ancestors were the great builders and thinkers of all time...he is so full of shit!

Anonymous said...

Interesting response Southview, in the scientific realm - if you can't understand it, its "bazzaro". Yet in the religious world its called the leap of faith - and that is perfectly ok with you.

As for the pyramids and such, it does seem odd that the same structures would appear in different parts of the world at approximately the same era. But as for civilization being too dumb, I highly doubt that. They had less distractions in their daily lives and one could devote their entire life to a single goal.

A common perception seems to be that if energy/life/beings did come from some far off planet, that it must be "smarter" than those on this planet. Perhaps they just had a different set of problems to solve.

Southview said...

I didn't say that I don't comprehend it, I just said I am not a quantum scientist and understand only in layman terms. As such, and even if I was a quantum scientist, it is a bazzaro world.
....."Personally I believe that Science and Religion compliment each other. Religion may be nothing more than an attempt to explain science that isn't understood at that time."

Anonymous said...

Fair enough

Anonymous said...

southview, are you saying that the egyptians didn't build the pyramids and the sphinx? it is hard to look back and think that they could have that type of technology, but just look around right now. go to a city and look at the amazing buildings that stand. and just put yourself back 200 years and try to imagine if you think such a thing would ever be possible. if it all comes to an end in 2012, or anytime soon, i can see civilized people in the future doubting that we as a species were able to create such elaborate buildings and cities. they will probably think that we had the help of aliens. just try to put yourself out of our times and realize how amazing our building structures are nowadays. our architecture, engineering, and construction advancement over the last few years is profound.

da snoop made a good point. life was not so involved back then, you could devote your entire life to one thing. plus, there were slaves. people working from sunrise to sunset can do a lot. manpower is what they needed and they had it. plus, they had a lot of time on their hands. what were they going to do, go online and respond to blogs?

Southview said...

downcard....come up, I need you! And yes they MAY (?) have physically built the pyramids but with outside help. They did not build the Sphinx! And after 2012 they will say "What a wasted epoch it was" !

Anonymous said...

What kind of outside help do you mean, that is why I posed the question in the first place. Who built the Sphinx?

I'll be up Thursday I finally have a full day off. Sorry it has taken so long.

Southview said...

The Sphinx was built around 13,000 to 10,000 years ago, when, what is now desert, was a tropical plateau. The Egyptians merely reworked the head of an existing edifice that was ancient even in their time. A note here...They also were not the the inventors of mummifying. A group of people, the ancestors of the real Egyptians, migrated from central Africa at the time the earth shifted on its axis, bringing with them their knowledge of mummification! So to conclude here The Egyptians are not a unique people of themselves but the descendent's of an earlier people. What knowledge they had was not their own but stolen from others. And as far as the pyramids are concerned there is no written record anywhere that they built them! They were to stupid. All they did was to lay claim to an already existing structure by defacing them with there own graffiti. A State lie perpetuated by the existing head of Antiquities, desperately looking for their identity as something that they were not as a people, laying claim to things that they did not do!

Anonymous said...

"What knowledge they had was not their own but stolen from others."

Isn't this true of almost all knowledge? We all just share the knowledge. One guy learns something, shares it with someone else. Knowledge does that.

Very informative, never heard any of that information before. I can see why a government would want to lay claim to such amazing technology as the pyramids.