Wednesday, November 28, 2007


For those of you that really do have a life and aren't forced by some old age affliction to have to plop yourselves in front of the TV. Or the ravages of time catching up with a not so well conceived human body, let me inform you as to the newest onslaught to your pocket books. The " SNAKE OIL BUSINESS" There are "PILLS" being sold and pushed that will cure just about anything and everything. And if you don't have anything there is one that will give you something. What makes me laugh the most is if you listen closely, the side effects caused by the cure, ..... are worse than the affliction! But not to worry there is a pill for that too! What is going on?

The other thing that has me concerned is the State of Massachusetts threaten it's citizens with this "Forced Insurance" LAW. Seems that our Representatives are in bed with the insurance companies instead of trying to truly help it's citizens with the health care boondoggle. They know how to fix the problem ,but they are not going to force the medical profession or the insurance companies to regulated pricing, as long as these entities keep filling their pockets with favors and cash! Who said our government isn't for sale? Since when and where does the government have the authority to tell its citizens, without their consent, to be forced to buy from a private entity....anything? What is going on?


Anonymous said...

I honestly think the medical companies do medical studies just so that they can make up a new disease, affliction, etc, so that they can create a drug for it and sell it. Bill Maher made a good point when talking about restless leg syndrome. He asked who in the world had actually had this before they came out with a pill for it?! It seems as though a new disease pops up every few months nowadays. Actually it isn't the diseases that pop up, but a pill or something that you have to buy to fix it. The medical companies have people in their back pockets because they really don't have a choice.

The reason that they have these pills that cause side effects that are almost just as bad as the affliction itself, is, like you said, because they make a pill that will then cure that affliction as well. They make a cycle of it so that you have to keep opening your wallet.

The "forced insurance" personally bothered me because I didn't have insurance for the last several years, and I hadn't needed it. Who is the government to tell me that I NEED to get insurance to protect myself? I had been doing fine. If I had felt as though it was necessary, I would have purchased it long ago.

Southview said...

They are not looking out for you!!!They could give a shit about your health, all they are trying to protect and enhance is the insurance companies that have to pay in the end if you don't have insurance. Also this way there will be less voices for universal health care!

Anonymous said...

I'm not for forced health care coverage, but as long as emergency rooms are forced to give care to anyone whether they can pay for it or not, I think something has to be done. My suggestion would be if you opt out of healthcare then you give up the right to be treated unless you pay.

How anyone will be able to determine if someone is opting out on their own or just can't afford coverage would be the next problem.

I have occasion to respond to emergency medical situations and never have I been instructed to verify proof of insurance, or the ability to pay, prior to beginning care.

Southview said...

da snoop.....Are you kidding?...While on the stretcher you are besieged by the hospital insurance police. The sad health care system we have today is driven by ability to pay rather than best care possible for everyone. If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield then you are treated like a king, if you just have medicare you are treated like a peasant.....hurry up -fix um up - shove them out the door!
"Something has to be done"....I agree snoop. We need universal health care.

Anonymous said...

Agreed Southview, but if you have NO insurance, you are still treated. I know many people in local healthcare and do not believe a single one would choose one patient over another simply because of insurance. The hospital suits may make that decision for them, but I don't think they personally care one way or the other.

Not that many years ago I faced a life and death situation with less than good insurance coverage. NARH provide spectacular care and saved my life (for the second time I might add - the other was a long time ago). After being stabilized at NARH, I was airlifted to another facility that again provided the best care - I was treated by the head of the dept in the wee hours of the morning. It has taken many years to pay off those bills, sometimes all I could afford was $5/month. But they are paid and I now work for an employer with excellent healthcare - but my experiences have still been the same.

My point is that if I had skated on the bills, the hospital would have had to absorb that cost and everyone's rates would go up.

I have no problem with someone opting out of insurance as long as the opt out of guaranteed emergency care as well.

Southview said...

da snoop...Dam you! You have made a helluva good argument, that I am having trouble answering! But I think you have made an observation that is at the center of it all....."THE SUITS"! We all know the horrors of "HMO's", Treatment by secretarial authorization. And yes people have died because of not getting the nessa cary treatment because they weren't covered for the life saving treatment needed! So although insured, it doesn't mean that you will receive all the medical treatment needed.....So it is as I stated before.....Money talks and the patient walks!
We need universal health care desperately. People are dying because of "THE SUITS"!

Greg said...

I am all for healthcare coverage for all, but I think "insurance" for all is a major mistake. Look at Medicare part D and the enticements it took to get the insurance industry to sign on. The whole thing is a pathetic attempt to keep some semblance of "private markets" involved when the fact is that in 2007, American-style health insurance is nothing more than a greedy middle-man who drives up the cost by over 1/3rd.

Southview said...

Greg...Massachusetts is a prime example of government officials selling out its people in the name of profet. Did they try to get the same coverage for the people that State workers get?....NO. Did they try to force the insurance companies to issue meaningfull full coverage policies, like the ones they have, at the same rate that they pay?...NO. Take a close look at what is covered as to what you get for your dollar....NOTTIN HONEY! My wife worked for the State and for a reasonable $35.00 a week she had Blue Shield Blue Cross with all the bells and whistles. Why isn't the same coverage offerede to the general population? Maybe Dan can elaberate a little on this and help us understand why it is offered to State Employies but not the rest of the people?

DWPittelli said...

"Since when and where does the government have the authority to tell its citizens, without their consent, to be forced to buy from a private entity....anything?"

It doesn't. Neither does the government have the authority to force its citizens and a private entity not to come to a mutual agreement, nor the authority to set the price and other terms required before permitting an agreement.

Southview said...
