Friday, June 29, 2007


I have only a few question to ask .

Were any of those people illegal immigrants?
If so were they arrested?
What are lawbreakers doing sitting in our halls of justice free as a bird without a cop in site?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

" 2012 "

This picture has nothing to do with 2012 but is put here because you can't add pictures to the comments section in blogger. Why not? may ask? It is intended for my good buddy Dwpittelli over at
OK, back to the blog......
Today I am feeling a little physiological so let us jump right in!
What is the reason that we have Government or Governing Bodies in the first place? Why do we need them? What purpose do they serve? Why is it that when you finally get a system that works, you have to insert Politicians to gum up the works?
Just think what could be accomplished without the interference of Politicos. If those with the power to make a positive difference did so. Protecting us from the bad, the greedy, and the selfish elements, that are ever present and are constantly looking for an opening to stick it to us. Well welcome to AMERICA! Yup, I can't see our existence going beyond 2012. What do you think?

Saturday, June 09, 2007


I have had the displeasure the last couple of weeks to watch the never ending soap opera that has been unfolding in the Senate. I was very pleased to see the outcome of the latest Bush/Big Business initiative, to get rid of Unions and the American worker. Seems those that are trying to keep their cushy jobs are finally realizing that the voting American public doesn't want amnesty for illegal immigrants. Too bad Ted Kennedy doesn't get it.....Good-by Ted, it was not nice knowing you!
On another subject, yesterday they were having Senate hearing on the EPA. What an arrogant shit head this man is. Mr. Steve Johnson - Administrator of the EPA. He has his head so far up Bushes ass, you could tell by the brownish tone to his skin.

This man is suppose to be looking out for the public good of this nation, not the bottom line of Big Business. How do we stop people like this from getting into their positions and once there and we find they are not looking out for our intrest, how do we get rid of them? The System is severely busted and needs fixin real soon.