Saturday, June 09, 2007


I have had the displeasure the last couple of weeks to watch the never ending soap opera that has been unfolding in the Senate. I was very pleased to see the outcome of the latest Bush/Big Business initiative, to get rid of Unions and the American worker. Seems those that are trying to keep their cushy jobs are finally realizing that the voting American public doesn't want amnesty for illegal immigrants. Too bad Ted Kennedy doesn't get it.....Good-by Ted, it was not nice knowing you!
On another subject, yesterday they were having Senate hearing on the EPA. What an arrogant shit head this man is. Mr. Steve Johnson - Administrator of the EPA. He has his head so far up Bushes ass, you could tell by the brownish tone to his skin.

This man is suppose to be looking out for the public good of this nation, not the bottom line of Big Business. How do we stop people like this from getting into their positions and once there and we find they are not looking out for our intrest, how do we get rid of them? The System is severely busted and needs fixin real soon.


Anonymous said...

Yes...Big Business is no good. Hee hee hee what a crock of shit that is.Would you rather work for mom and pop or G.E.? Stupid environmental laws and unions are why there are no "good" jobs.As for your hatred of the president if you even had an inkeling as to what is going on in the real world and didn't believe the left wing treasonist press you might be singing a different tune. Your Democrats are a party that keeps a welfare underclass fed and housed for votes.Who do they represent? The middle class??? I doubt it.The social ills in this country are directly related to liberalism and liberalism is nothing short of a mental disorder.Why don't you admit that the reason you like unions is because you spent half of your working life drawing unemployment with the promise of being called back to a union job.

Southview said...

I'd love to respond to that comment, but seems the gutless wonder doesn't have a name. So we just have to file it under the Right Wing Propaganda Machine. That Free Market ANTI Worker pro immigration amnesty crowd that is clueless as to what it is to have to work for a living. Or it could just be a dissatisfied member of the "ME, ME, ME" generation that is pissed off because they didn't get their perceptually owed big cut of the pie. They have to blame someone else, other than a system that promised them the world, if they embraced the corporate ideology of the REPUKE Party. Right Andy!

Anonymous said...

'Would you rather work for mom and pop or G.E.? Stupid environmental laws and unions are why there are no "good" jobs'

If there weren't any environmental laws and unions, you would be working for GE 16 hours a day with zero protection from the toxins that they would be able to spew into the air and zero health care. In true Republican fashion, you cherry pick the working conditions to suit your needs and fail to look at the big picture or how you got where you are today.

If you're going to slam the unions then you have to work as many hours as "the man" tells you to, no over-time, no double pay on weekends, breaks when they say you can, no health care, no vacation, no protection to voice your opinion about the working conditions. If you do this, then you can slam the unions, otherwise you don't have a leg to stand on.

Anonymous said...

That is the dumbiest line of liberal shit I have heard today.Unions are the kiss of death to any company and most of the mill jobs that once were in this area moved due to union bull shit. Can't fire anyone for anything other than attendance rules,can't promote the best man for the job because of seniority, can't give a bonus to worker A unless worker B gets one even if worker B is a drug soaked piece of shit like so many of the production workers were at many local mills. Can't increase production even though the workers never come close to working an eight hour day. Want examples of unionism at work locally...G.E. Sprague,W.R. Grace, Old Stone Mill, Vichay, Berkshire Propane, Eaton Paper,General Photo Products....all moved out of town or closed down.. So lets put our baseball cap on backwards and head down to the coffee shop and do a little deep thinking liberal style. Gee...could it be a shortage of unskilled and mostly untrainable workers? Could it be a shortage of people who can be relied on to come to work each day? Could it be a shortage of people who go to work and try to destroy their fellow workers? Could it be a shortage of the I hate the boss and I hate the company crowd? Don't tell me otherwise because you don't know your hole from an ass in the ground.Only the northeast is suffering a job drain. Why do companies prefer to locate to red states?Why do red states economy grow and the blue states drop???? Very simple. Liberalism which is a mental disorder is the main reason.

Southview said...

Jimmy....A strange handel for an anti-union person? Anyway you are defonately an angry person but you are directing your anger at the wrong enity. It wasn't the UNIONS that bagged you and moved was corporate management. Union policy is made to protect ALL members not just you! The great thing about unions is that if you have a complaint you can go before the E-Board and state your case, try that in a non-union mill! I will grant you that unions do indeed have their failings but without them you have nothing!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Southview, there is no doubt that the system has been abused. I highly doubt that you can blame all the departures just on unions. There is the "I hate the boss and I hate the company" crowd in any work place. But my point is you are looking only at the abuses of unions. I worked in a union company, I have seen first hand what a union gone bad can do. However, my point is that it is the unions that fought and suffered for all the job perks we all enjoy now. If you feel your pay is too high for the company, you can certainly find someone who would be happy to take some of that cash of your hands. If you are retired, where do you think that retirement fund came from? Social Security benefits? Do you use health insurance?

Sure many companies went to "Red" states, were they "Red" when they moved? What is the average wage in those states v. the "blue"? If you want to talk about who benefits from keeping wages down and an uneducated work force, you need to do a little more research. Why is it that the work force is unskilled and untrainable?

I would also argue that the downfall of many of the companies you have named, hard to say GE had a downfall, would be the cost of goods and services in the global economy. Even if you froze wages at the minimum wage level, a US company still can't compete with a company overseas that pays its employees a dollar a day.