Thursday, December 21, 2006


MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone and a Healthy NEW YEAR

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Good Morning People!..........Do we, meaning the City (town) of North Adams have in their employ a person that does Grant research on a full time basis or do we just wing it, when we hear of something we go for it? A few links I came across that will be interesting reading for us non politico types that don't normally hear of these things or even know that they exist.

Just something to get the juices running for those interested in WI-FI and where it would fit into the Comunity Development Program in the City (town). There seems to be a lot out there in grant monies just for the asking!.......... So why arn't we asking?..... It's Your Dime!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Good Morning People! ..... I have been doing a little surfing and looking at WI-FI. WOW.....I wasn't aware that just being able to connect to the internet was such a big deal. Like everything today it has come down to the greedy corporations facing off against the wishes of the people. We are talking, MUNI-WI-FI. Seems that, as usual, some of our public servants have been bought off by greedy corporations and have gone so far as to submitting legislation of behalf of corporations making it a crime to install a MUNI-WI-FI system in some places. Check out this link.....
Ok my opinion....MUNI-WI-FI is a good thing! I know just the mention of this makes some politicos break out in a sweat and their heart start palputating like crazy. The 21st century is not kind to regressive politicians that vote their pocket book rather than their duty to the people. MUNI-WI-FI is a reality who's time has come. Like other city services, water - sewerage (?) - trash pick up (?) - a dump (?) - schools - etc... MUNI-WI-FI is a staple of the 21st century. We are not talking of putting some local small internet provider out of business because they don't provide high speed access, we are talking having to compete with corporate giants that don't want the competition because that would mean lower profits for themselves and having to provide a better service. Heaven forbid! ...Checked your UP Load speed lately?
what we are going through now is liken to when OLD Ma BELL was the only telephone Company in town. Hell... if they had had their way we would still have to go through Geraldine to get our call through. (One Ringie Dingy - snuck,snuck,snuck ) OK, IT's YOUR DIME...VOTE

Monday, November 27, 2006


Good morning people. Being that our Politicians in Boston don't seem to want our voices to be heard, I have added to the Blog a special place for us to get a sense of everyone's thoughts on issues, and for you to be heard. I will try to be impartial in the questions and let the numbers lie where they fall. They will relate to the topic at hand or you can suggest one that you would like to know what people think. You have my E-Mail ( ) so if you have any ideas send them along. Even the "Shadow People" can get involved without having to type anything in the comment box. You will see it just above the topic of the day. Give it a try and let yourself be heard..................It's Your Dime!

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Our Gov. Mitt Romney asked the Massachusetts' highest court Friday to force a proposed anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment onto the state's 2008 ballot if the Legislature fails to vote on it. At least he has the GUTS to bring it before the people of the state. What is the rest of the Legislature afraid of?
Our Gov. filed the request with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court after lawmakers put off acting on the question until January, also known as avoiding the wishes of the People, not rocking the boat, protecting votes and contributions, and maintaining their NANNYCRAT elitist status....after all ,THEY are the "ALL KNOWING GOD LIKE, and we are merely the lowly dumb Voters! Go get um Mitt!.....

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Good mornin People. Being the Sabbath, or the day after the Sabbath, or when is the Sabbath anyway? "The seventh day after six days of toil", but when do you start counting? If I don't start working till on a Tuesday, then the following Monday is my Sabbath! So if I am reading the Good Book right, the Sabbath is a different day for each of us depending on our work schedule....What if I work nights?! Hmmmm, very interesting.
I am thinking of turning over a new leaf. No more spewage about the short comings of our political system and the people that ploy it for their own personal egos and advantage......enough thought.....never mind, it was just a passing fantasy!
It really doesn't matter, nothing really changes, just the faces. At the risk of offending some...I liken it to what I always say about women.... God had only one mold, He just put different faces on it! ( you fellows know what I mean ) :~ )
So nuttin really worth yackin about today. Just thought I'd stop by and let everyone know I am still the dismay of some I'm sure! It's Your Dime...............

Friday, November 10, 2006


What is the problem with our servants in Boston? Why do they consistently act as an elitist all knowing special secret society that they want to keep the voting public from having access to? What are they afraid of? Why at every turn do they fight binding initiative petitions, and do all they can to keep them off the ballet? What is their problem? Are they so arrogant that they believe that they are all knowing and the rest of us are just dumb hicks that don't really know what is good for ourselves? Or are their other reasons? It wouldn't be that their loyalty lies with Special interest Groups, that make loud noises and contribute heavily to enhancing Party War Chests? It baffles me why they refuse to allow the wishes of the voters to be heard time after time, and when our wishes are heard.....just ignore them in favor of big money, and go on their merry way! I think that it is time for another voter revolution like the one we just saw in Washington. It is time we replace the PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS, that are mainly concerned with enhancing them selves and their positions and maintaining their elitist club, than doing the bidding of the voting public that sent them to Boston. I guess it is true that who ever yells the loudest and can back it up with lots of money wins votes.....or lack there of! .....It's Your Dime!

Friday, October 20, 2006


OK, just some rambling thoughts for this morning.......... With the country in a tizzy over the up-coming fight for political power and control of the masses, here are a few of my thoughts on the grand event.
First, what are the issues we would like our elected help to address: That is a personal issue because each of us has different needs and desires, but as a whole, I believe the ability to survive financially, have our elected help pay more attention to our needs and less to theirs, Follow our wishes and not their personal agenda.
To begin with the "two party system" is a sham. Although I rag on Republicans, I do like what they profess to stand for, although reality is far from the advertising brochure. Their core doctrine is in line with the founding fathers wishes for a small unintrusive central government. Allowing the States to work out the details but with guidance from Washington. Unfortunately the reality has become perverse and has been hijacked by a few elitist hell bent on greed. Now the Democrats on the other hand profess to be the working man's party protecting us lowly slaves that produce the wealth of this nation from those very elitist. But again the cover doesn't jive with the content of the book. They have become nannycrats that believe only they, because of their self importance, know what is best for you. You are just children with no ability to think for yourself and comprehend what is good for you. The party of "It's for your own good".
So who stands for what? The reality is it doesn't matter because they both stand for themselves and the perpetuation of their elitist jobs. Sure we get a few crumbs now and again, but they are few and far between.
The structure of our system is broken and needs to be fixed. We need to take the authority out of the hands of the professional politician and give it back to the people. The structure is designed for the early days of the country when it was hard to find a person that could read and write much less understand the workings of government. Not to let the fact that the great US of A was started by a small group of elitist in the first place, go un noticed. But time marches on, and knowing this, our founding fathers tried to fashion a system that would be able to change with the changing seasons. Unfortunately those that came after them had other fish to fry and we weren't invited to the feast. They quickly found that bull shit goes a long way, especially if you can keep the masses from finding out the truth. We need a drastic revamping of the system or, actually more to the point, is to bring the system back in line with the purpose for which it was started in the first place.....doing the bidding of the people!
The trick will be to lance the political leaches from the system, those that have elevated "their line of bull shit " to an art form and sit in their cushy office in Washington and do as little as possible anything with substance. Don't rock the boat-a-tiction, the fence sitter that bends to whatever is fashionable at the time. Term limits is a good start.
In closing just a few thoughts.....We want our elected hired help to be open and forthcoming, responsive to our real needs, protect us from those that seek to take advantage of us, and most of trustworthy!

Saturday, October 07, 2006


After many attempts to educate you readers on the vial state of our governing system, and the fact that you have "NO" say what's so ever in your government, I give you a big....." I TOLD YOU SO " the great corporate government is imploding. The revelations of the past years , (the BUSH years) are just the tip or the iceberg. It lays bare the reasons politions are so desirous to "serve the people"...... Hell, to serve themselves, and boy do they! From Mayors to State Reps. and Senators to members of Congress.....There should be term limits.
Why is it that our government officials have such a good medical insurance program and all they can seem to do for the general public is put everyone in a risk pool policy, dictated by an office worker somewhere more concerned with the corporate bottom line than your health? Yes Dorothy we are talkin PERKS here. From health care, to health insurance to working hours to working conditions to employee rights to unions to whatever can benefit them should also benefit us! They don't seem to have a problem with substantial automatic raises for themselves, usually hidden away in some scheme away from public scrutiny, but can't seem to rationalize a higher minimum wage for the working public. Why is that?
You have to take the decision making process out of the hands of politicos! Let the politions do the research and report the pros and cons and let the voters decide.....everything! Contrary to what the politions would have you believe, we are smart enough to know what is good for us and some of us can even read and write today.
The first big hurdle is to take money out of the election process. A pool of money shared equal by ALL parties. No party or canidate war chest. All donations go into one big pool shared equally by all.
The next big change is to limit the lobbyist access to government buildings. They should not have access to anyplace that the general public doesn't. If you can't go behind the counter than they can't either!
Of course this is all wasted ink...nobody will do shit about the situation and we will just keep a crusin along in the same gutter until it gets so bad that a revolution will break out and the people will finely take back their government....knowing the people...don't hold your breath!
IT'S YOUR DIME......ya right!

Monday, September 25, 2006

"SO.....WHAT'S NEW?{"

Just an observation from the cheap seats.....The Republican Party is falling apart, the Democrats are all suited up and waiting to enter the game, and we the people are looking for a political party that will just be concerned with our needs. We are looking for a government that isn't more concerned with it's self and its own interest and more concerned with our interests and needs. Sorry to say but our government, federal and State, are not the government the people want. In my opinion we need to start over and get the authority back into the hands of the people. Our current form has been raped into oblivion by big money and people with way to much authority. I don't see any real change or difference happening even with a changing of the people in power. The system needs to be restructured so the people have the final word not a party or an indivual. With the modern state of the electronic revolution that is possible. I predict a revolution by the people in the not to far future. They are tired of being lied to, cheated, overlooked, controlled, and used by people that have hijacked the government for their own personal enhancement. We have lost the ability to govern ourselves......So...What's New?

Sunday, September 24, 2006


For all you NANNYCRAT DEMOCRATS to have a look see. I guess reality is hard for even you to swallow. "ANNIE GET YOUR GUN"
Want to really fight crime....take a lesson from those that really know how!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


OK...Alright...Right On...It's Saturday!...The work week is over for a few...( in today's real world the work week is six days long, not five, and for some seven days long ) Not to get side tracked here, the length of the work day and the work week and the why, I will save for another time. Today's Blog has to ask the question " Why do people get so intense about things that they have no control over? There are two endeavors that are in the spotlight at the moment.....SPORTS and POLITICS! I have a tough time understanding why some people get so worked up, almost to the point of violence, over what team or what player, racer, boxer, golfer, quarter back, pitcher, hitter, etc. etc. My point being that some people spend the whole week in anticipation of plunking their ass down on the couch on Saturday and Sunday from morning till the wee hours of the night watching SPORTS! There must be an uncountable number of these people around because every where you go you see the advertisements, and the specialty bars, devoted to just one thing...SPORTS! It isn't because they know anyone involved or they have any financial interest in the team or player...they are just fanatical watchers. WHY?
Then there is the political observer. Today's reality is that we have as much control over our politicians as we do over our favorite baseball team,... none! I guess the point I am trying to make is that we, as part of our human condition, love to partake of life from the cheap seats. We get all frothy on the corner of our lips, raining spit all over the face of the person we are talking to, flailing arm and hand gestures (that would make any of our grandfathers proud) over WHAT? I really don't see the logic behind any of it. I read with interest and a slight smile "The Blazer Blog" and Andys in depth reporting, of which he did a tremendous job, kudos to you Andy. The smile came from reading the comments people had. People spewing their own logical reasons for backing this one or that one. Do they really know the person...NO, do they really know what the person will do...NO, do they really think that it will make a rats favorite cheese ball in purgatory difference...NO! SO then why even waste the energy?
Well that is enough foaming and spitting for this Saturday morning. Not that anyone will even read this posting.....It's Saturday stupid.....everyone will be to busy plunking their fat asses on the sopha, sucking down bruskies and popcorn and cheap seating life as they know it! May all the GODS have mercy on our spirit!
Me...I'm going to sit on the back porch and take in the aroma of Autumn and watch the leaves turn color.....and suck down a couple of bruskies!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


NEWS FLASH: PM 6:37 Monday.... North Adams has "WON" According to my sources at City Hall, NORTH ADAMS will be among those vying for the Grand Prize at the Fenway drawing! Councilor Chris Tremblay and the Mayor will be present representing the City (town). Initially there was some confusion over some "hanging chads" but after a careful recount it was reported that the City had indeed the correct number of votes to win an entry into the final drawing. A big THANK YOU to all that voted and lets keep our fingers crossed!

Monday, September 04, 2006


Just to let you people out there know that JACK FROST has been seen wondering the foothills. I know it is hard to believe, but Summer is over already! I just thought I would remind you that it is time to get in the wood or pellets or the coal in preparation for the freezing season. Don't forget to test out your furnace and heating system and any heating stove you have, before you need to use it. OK, that's my public service announcement for this year......Oh yah...Don't forget to get the long johns washed?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Good morning people.
I was just wondering if the mayor has gone down to main street, with his team, to test out the sturdiness of those flimsy looking chairs that now dot the downtown? Hmmm.....Isn't he the self appointed official expert on flimsy seating? On a side note.....The elderly and the disabled must pick up their reservations for the bench in Calgrove Park for 2007 at city (town) hall by Thursday or they will be forced to sit on the ground till a seat becomes available. The Bench will only seat two comfortably and the city ordinance forbidding half cheek sitting will be strictly enforced! The demand for this Bench is up because of the proximity to the funeral home next door, so come early.

Summer is over and still we are waiting with great anticipation for the grand opening of " THE CITY (town) WEB PAGE! Will the GRAND OPENING be open to the public or is it a private affair with a need to know only WEB and E-mail address? On the same topic has anything been reported on the City Study for WI-FI?
Does anyone out there reading this have any idea how many homes in North Adams are plugged into a septic system and not on the City Sewer System? Shouldn't Sewer Treatment be a high priority on City Services provided to all it's citizens, I mean after street paving of course, which is more important.
It's Your Dime!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Wanna talk to an insane mad man? Only possible in the 21st century with our marvel of modern electronic communication devices. No appointment needed! Come right in!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


As the War rages on, the report in from the Israeli front, ... is that both sides have won! Hmmmm?????? How can that be? It must be one of those UN things, that we normal people just can't understand because it is to international in scope and way beyond our ability to comprehend. means that it isn't over yet and the combatants are just taking R&R.
OBSERVATION from planet Earth....
1. The UN will do shit to keep Hezbollah from re-arming
2. The UN will continue to try and blame Israel for all the problems
3. The UN is a useless conglomerate of self serving people whose only interest is making money and staying out of harm's way and not having to make any tough decisions.
4. And as for them being a peace keeping force enforcing their resolutions, What Force? What Resolve?

Back to the Front: "The way it looks here Roger, is that there seems to be a lull in the fighting so supplies can be brought down from the north" "Back to you Roger!" "Roger, Roger" "Roger Carl!" "Carl, can you see any UN troops?" "Roger Roger, it looks like several UN convoys heading into South Lebanon." "Roger Carl, are those the humanitarian supplies that couldn't get through earlier?" " Negatory Roger, There seem to be pointed objects sticking out the back of the trucks with women and children ducked taped to them!" "Back to you Roger" "Roger, Carl, I guess that is the UN assistance we have heard so much about?" "Roger, Roger" " The UN will assist any way they can." "Roger Carl" "Roger, Roger, back to the FOX Studios!"

Friday, August 11, 2006

" WE ARE IN WWlll ! "

I have been sitting here thinking again, (that is a scary proposition) about all the shit that is going on around us in today's world. I use to think of the battle with the Muslim extremists as just a fight with a couple of radical nut cases bent on world domination. The scary realization is that there are thousands of these nut cases out there. Here is how this barefoot mountain boy sees it. ..... You have first of all, the top dogs. Those we all know. The leaders of countries or movements or sects. Who are nothing more than greedy, power hungry, dominating individuals that are scared shitless that their underlings will learn about Western ways and there-by undermining their power base. They are not Religious Zelots or Defenders of their government system but use the Muslim Religion card to their advantage and expel the evils of thinking for yourself. Just plain and simple these are TYRANTS. From Cheviz to Kim Yung to The Palestinians, to Al Qaeda to Castro and all those in between. Our problem is these people that live under their control have been taught from birth that we are bad, and the people believe it!
I know the solution but it is hard for the tree hugger and peacenick types to admit. It is really simple.....Assassinate the bastards! The gloves off approach, take no prisoners. Send in the Black Ops team and do away with them! We know who they are even before they make noise on the national news. Just simply kill them, and when another pops up..... kill him too! Listen people we ARE in a war and we are under attack. It doesn't matter the how or why it would have happened nomatter what.
Look, we beat the British and won our independence by unethical warfare, hiding behind trees and stone walls. They thought us savages for not fighting the good fight...(standing in a row fifty yards apart and shooting into each others ranks till there were only the victors left standing.) Well our enemy today knows that they can't beat us fighting "the good fight" so they have opted for the tree and stone wall approach. If we don't answer in kind ....we also will be defeated!
You can talk the moral aspects to death but the reality remains " IT'S THEM OR US "
What do you think? IT's YOUR DIME!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


We need a strong voice in Boston. My pick.....

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Field Of Dreams III Contest

***Voting will be from August 1, 2006 Noon - September 15, 2006 11:59 p.m. E.S.T.***

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


From John B's statements at last night's council meeting I finally get the message.....If you need to sit on a bench to rest your weary bones, then you aren't welcome downtown. Drag your butt to Calgrove Park or to the Highrise, but we don't want you down town ruining it for all the big spenders on Main Street. After all, how would it look to have an old person with a walker sitting on a bench in front of those over priced apartments .....sorry I mean Condos. After all a prospective buyer from New York or Boston, or Connecticut min't see an elderly person or a disabled person on Main Street and get the wrong impression.... that there are old and or disabled actually living in the City (town) and decide to take their money elsewhere!
The Mayor again showed his ignorance of what the people of North Adams really want. Well actually he doesn't give two shits what the people of North Adams want because He has "THE MASTER PLAN" and the "MASTER PLAN" doesn't include the elderly or the disabled of North Adams, and "THE MASTER PLAN" is what is important! I never have seen a person drag out so many and so diverse and so stupid and so meaningless excuses for not allowing Benches on His Main Street. He did say one thing that does bring some hope to the people of North Adams..... There is an election every two years for Mayor. I do believe His Majesty's reign is about over..... finely! This time around, from what my sources in City Hall tell me.... The Fat Lady is about to sing! .......... BENCH POWER!
Just a thought in passing... who does the Mayor NOT hate? I mean..... besides himself?

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Good mornin! Well I am back from a restful week a campin at the City (town) Campground up at Fish Pond. We decided to go a campin locally because it is close to home and I hadn't been up there for many long years. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would have to give it a 9. There were some issues with very old and rotting tables and site maintenance seems non existence. It struck me that putting on kids for summer help to take care of some of these issues, maybe through some summer work grant, could fix these problems. The staff was friendly and helpful and vigilant in maintaining order and safety for all campers, they get a gold star. The last time I was there, pop up campers were just coming into use, but now there are these mega motor homes that need a 200 amp service and an acre just for themselves. Times sure do change. I have to admit I to first started out doing the tent thing, an experience in self inflected misery, then moved up to a pop-up, the older type mind you that was nothing more than a tent on wheels. Then joined the elite with a 30 foot tow behind rig that had more shit in it than I had at home. Ran on gas and or electric, cable hook up, telephone hook up, satellite hook up, central heat and or air conditioning, shower, (inside and outside) flush toilet, stained glass, rug, queen bed, plush couch and an easy swivel chair! Well being that all things have a season, first my truck decided that it had had enough and retired from active service. Now without a tow vehicle all I could do was go sit in the camper in the yard and suck on a bruski and pretend. Then my wife passed away and that pretty much ended my camping. So I sold the camper and all the accumulated stuff that goes with it in hopes that someone else could enjoy it. Guess what? I am back to that tenting thing again! ( I must like to inflect pain on myself!) I discovered real fast that when you are older trying to get up off the ground from sleeping on a half deflated air mattress in the middle of the night in a dark tent to take a wizz, is a trick that Houdini couldn't even master. I upgraded to a cot!
I think that with gas prices going through the roof that people will rediscover some of the real assets we have here locally. A nice place for the family to go with lots for the younins to do. Now if we can only get BENCHES downtown for us old tired campers, I may try and discover what wonders we have on Main Street.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Good Morning People. I would venture to say, even at this point in time, most of you already know which party and candidate you are going to vote for in the November Election. It would seem in today's reality that you either are a Democrat or a Republican. We are , of course not just a two party system, but we seem to only hear about these two and have become indoctrinated into believing that there are only two parties, with the exception of the Independents, who are regulated to a non important fringe group. In my search for someone or party to vote for I am perplexed by what choices I have. I lean towards small government intrusion into my personal life but on the other hand demand that government protect me from the predators that want to control me for their own interest. this would seem to make me a Republican? I demand a party that works to enhance my well being while protecting my rights under the Constitution. This seems to make me a Democrat. Unfortunately if I choose using these guidelines I would be living in fantasy land. Both choices are just the opposite of what they claim to stand for. Not only that but both seem to a shadow of the other. They have become a blurred mix not really standing for their purported platform, but standing more for self perpetuation. To "Keep It Simple Stupid" The Republicans have morphed into a party dedicated to the enhancement of the profit barrens, while the Democrats have become a party that is dedicated to the finite control of every aspect of our lives, a no choice society where government dictates what is good for you and you have no option of making a personal choice. But all this said you can see that one choice is just a mirror of the other.
So what do I do?..... Do I choose the party that I believe is the lesser of the two evils? Do I not vote at all? Do I vote for one of those other nondescript parties listed on the ballot?..........At this point in time I am perplexed and in need of input. So today I am asking for your help in making a decision.............. IT's YOUR DIME!

Sunday, June 25, 2006


OK people today is Sunday, so I thought we could rest from solving the problems of the Prez and the Republicans and just have some fun. So lets talk about something just as dumb and silly as the Prez and the Republicans.........The use of those silent letters..... What is this all about any way? Any logical mind or since of reason would tell you that if you don't need something, than you don't use it. Hmmm, then why do we stick in these letters into words? What purpose do they serve? They aren't needed or used? Is there like a quota thing where we have to use so many "W's" in a year in our writings? You don't put on an extra sox over the pair you have on already do you? Today let's list the words with silent letters in them and maybe I can write to the keeper of the silent letters department and get them to look at this for us. . Just think of all the ink that would be saved! What are your words and letters? :~)

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I am feeling much safer now that the FBI has captured and uncovered this group of anti-American terrorists .......... Gimmy a break! If you look closely at the words and listen real good to the statements coming out of Washington you can almost feel pity for Gonzales and Alexander. What a couple of butt licks. All it shows to the people of America is that the Republican Party and the Prez are getting so desperate for some good news, If none happens along then you make up your own!
A clear case of entrapment by the FBI. These people were no more a threat than the Skin Heads, the American Communist Party, or Ralph Nader. What does have me concerned is the thought process that is going on with those in charge in Washington. Lets examine their statements:

This group was more aspirational than operational," FBI Deputy Director John Pistole said
Meaning that if you or I chit chat about anything against the Government that is in power we become suspect. These people had no contacts, no money, no nuttin, not even boots.

Nevertheless, Gonzales said Thursday's arrests underscored the danger of "homegrown terrorists" who "view their home country as the enemy."
We are all in trouble now! I think at this point in time 99.99% of the Citizens of America think that their country IS the enemy. Notice the word...NEVERTHELESS... meaning that regardless of the PR ploy and stupidness of those government agencies involved and the obvious set up.....this is a good thing.

"It's an example of the philosophy of prevention. These arrests were made during the talking stage, long before any bomb-making stage," said Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. Attorney in Florida. "While they may be seen as bungling wannabes, they are potentially dangerous wannabes who, based on the allegations, were pursuing extremely dangerous plans."
This is the one that really has me concerned the most. "philosophy of prevention" in other words if anyone in the government considers you some how a threat then you are doomed.....Reminds me of Germany and Hitler and the SS.

"We are confident that we have identified every individual who had the intent of posing a threat to the United States," said R. Alexander Acosta, U.S. Attorney in Miami
What threat? the poor bastards didn't even have boots! and unless the FBI hadn't gone to them with God knows what promises, trying to entrap them, they would still hanging out in the hood.

So what do you think? The real thing or just more bull shit PR from a desperate Republican Party and President!

Friday, June 23, 2006


OK Mr. Mayor...Where is that Home Page for North Adams we have been promised and are waiting to see, for the past two years? It must be some hum dingier! The temperature just keeps rising from all the hot air coming from the corner office. I understand that there is a petition being passed around by the Citizens of North Adams to force His Majesty to stop sending out his henchmen, or is it his BENCHMEN, .....( not all of those messengers like their task but they have a family to feed and we know what happens to those that dare question "HIS WORD". Then again their are those that relish the opportunity to lick butt )
To allow BENCHES for the Elderly and the disabled and THE PEOPLE of this city to rest upon is what the people want. John B... don't you get it...The people of North Adams WANT BENCHES! Stop acting like a spoiled child and for once in your life act like a man and get behind putting BENCHES on Main Street. You are employed by the Citizens of this city to work for their benefit, not your ego!
The Question for today is.......... Why do we have to have a petition to get something done in this city that reflects the desires of the people? Would you sign sign it?

Thursday, June 22, 2006


WOW ! Jumpin Samolies...What the hell is he be a talkin bout?...What planet did he fall from?... To day I thought I would rag on the ways certain people and organizations use our English inter mixed with old English, Latin, gibberish, and an assortment of non descript words to make themselves and their position sound superior and to baffle, befuddle, confuse, and hide the truth, from us barefoot bumpkin...........Number one on the chart is the legal profession. They have perverted the English language to the point where lawyers need lawyers to interpret the interpretations. The Insurance Industry tried to do the same deception but we now have laws that make them write in somewhat plain English.......... Then there is the ingredients label on products we put in our mouths, nose, ears, and butts or rub on, rub in, add to, mix with or use straight out of the box. After the first word, which is usually water, no one has a clue or for that matter can pronounce the rest of the shit that they have added...........Next on the list are the LAWS. But one must remember here that they are written by Lawyers for Lawyers with the help of and in cohesion with Politicians............Then of course there is the TAX CODE. I really don't have to say anything here because that one is well known by all, if you can figure out what it says?
OK people, today lets gab about the use of our language and other languages, like Latin by the Church and the medical field, and those examples I listed above. I believe that they should be made to be written in plain simple English so all can understand. What do you think? or am I just Expostulating?

Friday, June 16, 2006


In America today there seems to be something missing. Our political fabric, on all levels, is a joke. Our elected employees that we direct to do our bidding are a joke. Our moral base has rotted away. Any reference to Religion of any sort is today considered radical and not mainstream, anti-Constitution, not the American way! Law abiding citizens have now become suspect and not protected under the 2nd, 1st, 4th, and all the Amendments of the Constitution by reason of protecting those very rights? Our Schools have gone from teaching even the most basic skills, to coaching our kids on how to pass a Test. Our courts are loaded with nonquilified judges that seem to believe that the criminal is the victim and the victim caused the crime in the first place.....not to mention their total disregard for the peoples wishes ( GAY MARRIAGE ).
We have become a nation of " BRASS RING GRABBERS " Do as little as you can for as much as you can. There is something missing! What ever happened to right from wrong, love thy neighbor, for the good of the many, working together. The drive to better our condition as a nation with sacrifice, ( the working folk seem to be doing all the sacrificing today)
So I pose this question to you..... What is MISSING?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I really fail to see why everyone is fighting over whether we are in the mist of Global Warming or not. It is a fact that our big blue globe has in the past and will in the future go through many phases and changes. Our Earth is spinning around in space and susceptible to many influences from a variety of sources. In the past it has cooled, gotten hotter, wetter, dryer, tipped to and fro on it's axes, flipped over to the extent that the North pole has become the South pole, frozen, melted, the ocean have become dry land, dry land has become oceans, and on and on it goes. To those that still believe the Earth is flat and the center of the solar system.......Go to the library! Anyone with a brain that has a modicum of logical functionality can reason that if you spew gazillion tons of chemicals into the atmosphere, you are going to create an imbalance somewhere. Mother Earth, has through natural processes, herself done the same thing but it takes her billions of years. We are just shorting the cause and effect process. You can call it whatever you want but the fact remains.....we are causing a change and it isn't good news for the human race!

Monday, June 12, 2006


Life.....doesn't it seem like it is a carousel running just a little to fast and the operator is nowhere in sight and the people watching it go around keep throwing shit at you and won't let you off? Well I'm here to rescue you! I disconnected the power to the thing so now you can jump off and sit on the BENCH and catch your wind. Today I'm going to let you go to that special room that only you have the key to. That place where you go and shed your protective mask that Life has made you put on. That place where you feel like a knight shedding his heavy armor clothing and just sitting around in your skivies. You know the place. That place where you are you........ I don't know how long I can keep Life away from the door and sucking you back on the carousel so for the time you have.....enjoy!

Friday, June 09, 2006


OK People, Time to get out your score cards. Not many months left till we again are given the right to voice our opinion. So lets see....What are our choices?.....We can stay with the current bunch, give up more of our Constitutional rights, keep lining the pockets of big oil, insurance companies, drug companies, work till we are 90 then be able to retire, allow illegal immigrants to become citizens and we become the illegal immigrants and work for $2 dollars an hour ($1.95 going to health insurance) or we can throw out that bunch and put in the other guys. You know "THE NANNYCRATS" That Party of the working class folks. The party that gave us NAFTA, the party that wants to disarm the citizens (for our own protection you know) suspend the 2nd Amendment, the guys that tell us that GAY MARRIAGE is the way to go, our good buddies that want to tax the shit out of you till you have nothing left and have to go to Mexico to look for work, our pals that believe that only they know what is good for us and we don't have the ability to think for ourselves, that bunch that believes that Huge Government and Total Gov. Control over every aspect of your life with layer after layer of red tape is in your best interest. Our pals that believe that the SYSTEMS SURVIVAL is paramount over it's citizens rights and desires.
WOW...It's so confusing. I have so many good choices here to pick from. Help me out people!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Just a note to all you senators that chose to show their real colors......You don't deserve to serve the people of this nation. Again you show how you don't really care about the peoples wishes and are more concerned with Politics than substance! See you in November!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well finely the "KING" of the land is doing something useful. The two points that I agree with are.....
1. This Amendment will once and for all define for the fringe element the true meaning of marriage.
2. The amendment will allow for the people to truly have a voice and not have our wishes over run by some judge who probably is gay himself or herself, and stop this using of the court system to by pass the wishes of the majority of the people.
If you are of the perverse nature and want to diddle in your closet, that's between you and your God, if you have one, but don't try to throw it in the face of my children and try to convince them that it is normal and excepted behavior. Don't try to pervert the purpose of marriage with your twisted outlook of life. You need one of two things.....serious psychological help or a sex change. You pick one!
And as for the mealy mouthed wormy politicians that try to play the fence, more worried about loosing a few votes than standing up for justice.....get real or get gone!

Monday, June 05, 2006


Is George Bush really in need of mental help? Is our president really crazy? Do we have a nut case running the nation? The more we listen to him the more I have to say .....YES! George Orwell's 1984 has indeed come to pass and in terms grater than even He postulated. There is no longer a system of checks and balances, a clear cut division of branches of Government..... the Supreme Court (a Republican Party puppet) dictates the laws of the land, and is the unchecked authority of American Law. They have elevated themselves to the status of supreme ruler of the land. The mentally retarded President has placed himself above reproach by simply ignoring the Constitution and sizing power that isn't his, and the Republican Party controlled Government has allowed this to happen.....Hell, we have allowed this to happen.....Hell, we don't have a say any more.....HELL,Did we ever? I have to say people this is no longer My America! We have been invaded and conquered and we went down without a wimpier, Hell, we even helped! The System no longer serves the people as it was intended to, it is the people that are supposed to serve the System now. It is all twisted backward and upside down. The all mighty and encompassing System that we are enslaved to. The System was intended to be small and to serve only the needs of the people, but it has evolved into a beast that devours anyone that dares to oppose it. The whistle blower, a revealer of truth from within, has now become an enemy of the system, a traitor, an outcast, someone to be made an example of to discourage future discord. , so that makes "THE TRUTH" an enemy of the system, and that makes us all an enemy of the System! The System Rules Supreme...and What or Who is the System.........R=$

Saturday, May 27, 2006


On the bright side of the news this morning, the Vietnam Veterans on River street will be getting a new American Flag on Monday, replacing the one that was stolen. Chris Tremblay has purchased, through the office of John Oliver, an American Flag that has flown over the Capital Building in Washington D.C. He will present it to the Vietnam Veterans Chapter in honor of those Vets from Berkshire County that lost their lives in Vietnam. Come help us Honor our local Veterans that made the ultimate sacrifice for us. The Flag will be raised at 12 noon on Monday, Memorial Day at the Vietnam Veterans Chapter on River Street in North Adams.

Friday, May 26, 2006


I just can't stand by any more, I gotta say sumptin! To you and I, average Joe Smuck Citizen, it is a clear cut black and white problem..... If you are an illegal immigrant then you are a law breaker and should be dealt with as such, whether you are hear for an hour or fifty years, you are breaking the law! Now in the fantasy land of politics those people seem to have a different reality...... "Why not say to those undocumented workers who are working the jobs that the rest of us refuse, come out from the shadows," said Arizona Republican John McCain. In the first place notice how he evades the the term "illegal". All you have to do is insert the term...." Undocumented" Some how that upgrades there status from criminal to normal worker but just not documented! Then pretend that we Americans don't want to do this work, he is correct but he doesn't finish the sentence...." At the wages they are paying"..... The bill "strengthens our security and reflects our humanity," said Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., McCain's partner in the Senate compromise. "It is intended to keep out those who would harm us and welcome those who contribute to our country." Mr. Kennedy would you care to elaborate? Just what the hell are you smoking:?.......... I won't go into the Bill in it's entirety because it is typical politico double speak and so full of holes it could allow the whole Chinese Army through. You read it and see for yourself!

President Bush stepped into the Justice Department's constitutional confrontation with Congress on Thursday and ordered that documents seized in a raid on a lawmaker's office be sealed for 45 days. Now here is an interesting news flash! Talk about protecting your own. Politico protecting politico. Is the Lord Almighty George buying time so he can erase any trace of his administrations involvement if any? I wonder?

OK people that is my rant for this morning.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


The Republicans are all kicked from office, King George is dethroned, we have some normalcy back in Government (whatever that is?) , now what? With all the damage done to our Constitutional Rights, separation of powers nothing but a gray area up for interpretation by those in control, foreign policy a total mess, the NSA checking each sheet of toilet paper you use for secret messages, and on and on it goes. My question today is "NOW WHAT?" you know whoever takes control will not be able to fix all the problems, and they may even be blamed for some of them. Have we entered a new era? Has the Republican Party and Their Contract With Corporate America doomed for evermore our system of government, never to return from the abyss? Have we been mortitly wounded? What do you think?

Monday, May 22, 2006


Just a thought here! If we made "THE PRESS" an official branch of the Government with unfettered access to all governmental documents, a clearing house sorta speaking, the branch though which ALL documents must pass before they are secretetized and classified. With full top- top secrete clearances for there unopstructed preview. Wouldn't this put a stop to all this over classifying of documents just for political reasons? This would be an elected body of people serving a short term and unencumbered by any political enety. It would be the responsibility of the government to prove their case before these people that a document is indeed worthy of the "TOP SECRET" stamp. Everything else is public information and treated as such!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


We seem to take for granted the fact that "THE PRESS" has evolved into almost part of our system of government. They are like the ultimate watchdog group. The safety valve that without, we would be kept in the dark to the goings on in our government. Politicos have a nasty habit of not informing or saying just what they have to. They don't like the idea of an informed public. It is a wonderful institution when the press can be used for their PR Spewage but when they find the dirt then they are traitors, anti American, leekers, and all sorts of negative things. I my self can't imagine our society without the PRESS. We would know absolutely nothing that went on in any government institution--- City (town), State, or Federal. But there is a problem..... When the same people that run the government run the Press you have nothing more than a PR outlet. Your big press operations and their CEO's are more inclined to be republicans because they are the party of profit and news is all about the profit. It is a good thing for us as a country that there are still some independent press people around that are not under the control of the government. I would just like to thank those that have the character to inform and report the news with out the influence of any politico or corporation. THANKS GUYS.......

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


As usual at last night's Council Meeting the mayor was true to form. No longer can he rely on a rubber stamp for anything he brings before the Council so he has reverted to trying to intimidate, threaten, scare, and lie to the members. He also shows his lack of respect for the Councils ability to comprehend the subject before them, he kept jumping up and saying "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Well I think they do understand all to well. Because the mayor can't control the retirement board and they don't do his bidding, he tries to paint them as a force that will bring down the City (town) to financial ruin and all the city employees will be on the unemployment line. Because they didn't take his advice it cost the City $70,000. Well that may be but Mr. Bloom was correct when he pointed out that when you are dealing with the stock market it is a crap shoot at best and the City could have lost a lot more. The Retirement board seems to be in the hands of an extremely knowledgeable person and they don't need the mayor sticking his nose in trying to take control. As for the Veterans Bill, I believe Mr. Billings was correct to ask for more clarification before voting on it. Although it seemed that the Council would have passed the first section with no problem. The Veterans of this City should get what is due them and I back the bill in its entirety. Mr. Mayor sit down and leave your pettiness at home, you can't control the whole world!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

" WWlll "

After much thought of the world situation and all the forces tugging this way and that way, each seemingly to have some sort of hidden agenda. With sides clearly taking sometimes and sometimes hard to tell friend from foe. With every country involved in a struggle somewhere in the world, over something transparient or sometimes hidden away in the minds of those in power I have done the math and have concluded we are certaintly involved in WORLD WAR 3! Not the war of my fathers generation but a product of the forces of my generation. Just as the British Square, the horse charge of the calvery, or the storming the hill have all been replaced with more intricately layered centrailized command, insted of reporting to, they get orders from! A global agenda not fought over dirt or rightous beliefs or good v/s evil but over the planets resources by the shadow government trying to posess the wealth of the planet for their own financial gain. We the citizens of the world are nothing but cannon fodder for their greed.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Well I wasn't! How about some input from you people. It would be the greatest thing to hit this City (town) since "A BOULDER ON A STRING". I'm Looking for some serious input here.

Yup...I finally found the real answer to our dwindling population and low tourist attraction dilemma. It has been starring us right in the face the whole time. Turn the wasted swamp land that the Hoosic River South Branch meanders through into a great lake! Let me explain... Dam up the river at the point where the existing flood control begins, behind the radio tower. then on the other end...on the Adams - North Adams border build a retaining dyke across the low lying land. (to be a nice neighbor...ask Adams if they would like to join the endeavor, which would extend the Lake even further and cut them in on the action, but knowing their dislike for anything that even sounds like progress and development, I'm sure they would refuse) Moving on...being that all this land is low lying swamp you wouldn't have to do much but add some stones around the sides. The secret is to dredge out the swamp area to maybe a depth of 40 to 60 feet deep. Now some land will have to be taken by the mayor, for the good of the many, but that isn't a problem. Existing businesses on high ground would stay because they are above the lake level. On the outflow, dam side of the lake we will install several low flow electric generators, selling the power back to the electric company and the monies going directly to the residents of North Adams via a yearly check. Next, as part of the rejuvenation process, on the hill or mountain, depending on your perspective, on the westerly side of Rt. 8 across from the radio tower we will build a large multi function lodge. A low profile log building, so as to keep in step with the environment and the look of the mountain. the main access to the lodge will be a train trolley that will wind through the wooded area to the south of the mountain starting on Rt.8. The cars will be mostly clear plexie glass so as to afford the passengers an unobstructed view of the ride and also so as to be almost invisible from any observer. the tracks will be in the ground so you won't see them and the width of the train trolley will be 8 feet. There will have to be an access road to the lodge and that will be on the northernly side of the mountain. Again the mayor will have to exercise his "take um Daniel" stamp and take the parcel for parking and pickup of passengers that don't want to ride the train trolley. A shuttle buss will be used here and deliveries will have to be made. Their will be no parking or vehicles allowed on the mountain for obvious reasons. The lodge itself will be a lowprofile log building that will be mostly under ground with guest rooms and decks allowing for a view of the lake. Built into the environment. A first class restaurant over looking the lake with outside and inside dining, a banquet hall, rooms to rent, and a visitor center. This is just a rough draft and the details will be worked out at a later date...... So what do you think?

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Well today I am depressed. Seems everyday I'm depressed! Well can you blame me! My problem is that I read the News first thing in the morning then go on to read the Blogs then make the mistake and read Blog comments! We seem to be trapped in a big toilet bowl that someone just flushed. Seems all we can do is just.....nothing! Why is that? Why can't we be masters of all we perceive? Is this really HELL? We have no control over our Government, though they would like us to believe that we do. We purchase land with a home on it, but it isn't really ours. The Bank, Insurance Companies, City (town) State, national, environmental, and a plethora of Laws govern usage both outside and inside. We buy something from the store but it isn't really ours, we are only buying permission to use it under certain circumstances. ALL, and I stress here "ALL" our elected officials work harder at preserving their jobs than really doing something substantial to enhance our Health, protect us from the Greedy, keep the Wolf at bay as you were. This is truly what HELL is. You think you are FREE, but only free to exercise the freedoms that "THEY" allow. The DARK FORCE has indeed prevailed in the world....and yes Dorothy there is a Satin! And yes, we are in HELL! IT"S YOUR MELTED DIME!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Without getting all philosophical and long winded, I pose a question to you.....Who Is GOD?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Yes Citizens it's finally Spring time in the little City (town) of North Adams. Time to start getting ready to plant our flowers downtown, fix up the roads, clean away the winter sand in the gutters, and put out the BENCHES for the people...... What do you mean there are no benches? Not this again! Maybe this year I'll write a nice letter to the major news outlets and in form them that the Mayor of the smallest City (town) in Mass. is trying to keep the elderly and handicapped from the downtown by not allowing BENCHES for them to rest on, (BENCHES that everyone wants), and making it impossible for local private businesses to do so by sending out his henchmen to harass them. Also by making up make believe concerns about structural soundness, (we all know that the Mayor is also an expert on bench construction and soundness) ...(just a thought here...I would suspect that the State safety laws already regulate BENCH safety and unless they pass State Standards they couldn't be sold in the State.) They like little news items like that. Of course they will want to check with the Mayor for his side of the story and take a few pictures and they may visit the elderly and ask them their opinion. Of course maybe I am jumping the gun here. The Mayor probably already has plans to allow Benches this year as a nice surprise for us. We'll just have to wait and see! IT's YOUR DIME!

Monday, May 01, 2006


OK, Who is going to set up the MAY POLE?

Not going back to preChristion Rome or dancing to Goddess Flora, there is still some significance of MAY DAY, even today. The celebration of Spring and a hope in the coming season. We should set up a MAY POLE on the front lawn of every City Hall, State Capital, and The White House and all the People should dance around it. What you nuts? It would show our unity as a people, that we are still in control, that we do believe in a better tomorrow...and demand it! It would show our desire for the fertility of the process to grow and become bountiful to our needs, not wither on the vine. A showing that we still do believe in the System and it can work for us, all we have to do is pick off the dead leaves and stems. Make MAY DAY a national holiday to remind those who we allow to govern that we expect the coming year to bring forth a bountiful harvest of laws designed to help John Doe Smuck Citizen. It would be a Celebration as well as a Warning!.....

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I watched the prez on the tube yesterday and I feel a lot safer and I am assrured that fuel for my truck will now be cheap.....YAH RIGHT! What did strike me is the fact that Georgie and his Spinners are trying to copy, almost word for word, from the Reagan play book. Remember when Ronnie the Rat came on the TV and had this big demonstration on how driving slower (55 mph ) would put us on the road to lower gas prices! Well that didn't work, but it did generate more monies from tickets and a winfall for the insurance companies (surcharges for speeding) . So again more bullshit from the prez and the Republican Party trying to protect the interest of the wealthy at the expense of the working man, without having to do anything real. Although it was a great opportunity for the prez to accomplish one of his pet projects....gutting the environmental laws. Snuck that one in nicely he did! When are we going to wake up in this country and take back our AMERICA? People get your heads out from up your asses and Impeach the bastard and his cronies, throw the whole bunch out and investigate the shit out of them and throw their butts in jail where they belong....they are traitors to the American way of life! On another note.....The Glen Story the same stupid people are pissing about this and that. Not in my backyard, to much noise, to many people, ruin the peaceful tranquility of the Town, turn our daughters into whores and our sons into pimps, ruin the habitat of the "Brown Beak Red Breasted Northern Dung Sucker", and the stupidity goes on...... At least if their sons and daughters are pimps and whores they will have a job, more than they have now! What Do You Think?

Sunday, April 23, 2006


I was watching an old time movie yesterday, you know the old black and white film with poor acting and a bad worn out plot. Well maybe I wasn't actually watching the movie more like starring in the direction of the TV and letting the scenery on the screen time travel me back to those good old days. My mind was adrift in some remote long gone period when things seemed simpler and less complicated. I found myself back in North Adams around, Oh I don't know, you know those olden times! I was seeing the old automobiles and wishing I had one, watching people scurry hither and fro, slipping in and out of the many stores on main street. Wondering what they were thinking and what was important to them, wishing I could communicate. Wanting to stand on the street corner with that group of gentlemen and listen in on their conversation or go up to the Lafayette Club and have a frosty one with the boys while easedropping in on their banter. Not that life was easier back then, hell it was a lot tougher and shorter. Maybe that's what was dragging me back? The longing for a time when people were stronger because they had to be and beliefs were more sincere because sincerity was held in such high regard. An era when a persons word was his seal and badge of integrity and people prided themselves in being honest. Drifting back to busy Old North Adams I became part of the whole City. ( and back then it was a City ) A multitude of people working in the many factories that were around. All busy with the concerns of life but with one big difference from today.......there was hope in the future! They felt they were working for something and what they were doing really made a difference and there was pride in their work. I next found myself on a playground, maybe Freeman School or Johnson School, or Braton School, The French School or maybe St. Josephs, I really don't know which one it was maybe it was all of them. But I was pondering how back then you had neighborhoods and the hub was the School you went to. You learned and developed pride in belonging to something. Where as today it is just a single learning factory pumping out kids that can take a hell of a good test. I may have been feeling sorry for the youngins of today because they were missing out on a lot of stuff that isn't on a test, things that build character and backbone and tools that they will need later in life. Well the movie is over and I don't have a clue what it was about! I'm sure it will be on time do you want to join me on a trip?
It's Your Dime!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Does ADAMS really think that what they are doing at the Glen is Progress & Development? Are they outta their frikin minds? Is there something wrong with the air in Adams that effects their brains? With all the venues that have been proposed for the Glen, from a Casino (which I thought was a great idea) to condos (which I thought was a bad idea) they decided to settle on this foolish idea. The "TREE HUGGERS" and the "BIRD WATCHERS" and the "Au Natural" crowd have finely takin over. They had a world class gulf course there that just needed maintaining but they let that go in the toilet. What is wrong with those people? Now in concert with the HUGGERS, WATCHERS, and LOOK BUT DON"T TOUCH group they are going to "Develop" the Glen? I don't think so! You gotta laugh though because already those interests are demanding that before anything is done the Town has to hand over 1,000 acres to them. And what is their center piece for this wonderful project.....An Enviromental Awareness Shack! You gotta be shittin me! A word to the residents of Adams....hold on to your pocket books and life savings because your taxes are about to go through the roof. You don't think that the huggers and that group are going to foot the bill do you? Instead of adding to the Town coffers, this project is going to suck the Town dry and to top it all off you won't be able to use the land for anything but standing on a pre- determined plot and just looking...."Honey, isn't the view of the mountains just so beautiful and natural" You gotta be shittin me! Adams... get your head outta your ass and build something at the Glen that will bring in some money!..... What do you think....It's Your Dime!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Yup...I finally found the real answer to our dwindling population and low tourist attraction dilemma. It has been starring us right in the face the whole time. Turn the wasted swamp land that the Hoosic River South Branch meanders through into a great lake! Let me explain... Dam up the river at the point where the existing flood control begins, behind the radio tower. then on the other end...on the Adams - North Adams border build a retaining dyke across the low lying land. (to be a nice neighbor...ask Adams if they would like to join the endeavor, which would extend the Lake even further and cut them in on the action, but knowing their dislike for anything that even sounds like progress and development, I'm sure they would refuse) Moving on...being that all this land is low lying swamp you wouldn't have to do much but add some stones around the sides. The secret is to dredge out the swamp area to maybe a depth of 40 to 60 feet deep. Now some land will have to be taken by the mayor, for the good of the many, but that isn't a problem. Existing businesses on high ground would stay because they are above the lake level. On the outflow, dam side of the lake we will install several low flow electric generators, selling the power back to the electric company and the monies going directly to the residents of North Adams via a yearly check. Next, as part of the rejuvenation process, on the hill or mountain, depending on your perspective, on the westerly side of Rt. 8 across from the radio tower we will build a large multi function lodge. A low profile log building, so as to keep in step with the environment and the look of the mountain. the main access to the lodge will be a train trolley that will wind through the wooded area to the south of the mountain starting on Rt.8. The cars will be mostly clear plexie glass so as to afford the passengers an unobstructed view of the ride and also so as to be almost invisible from any observer. the tracks will be in the ground so you won't see them and the width of the train trolley will be 8 feet. There will have to be an access road to the lodge and that will be on the northernly side of the mountain. Again the mayor will have to exercise his "take um Daniel" stamp and take the parcel for parking and pickup of passengers that don't want to ride the train trolley. A shuttle buss will be used here and deliveries will have to be made. Their will be no parking or vehicles allowed on the mountain for obvious reasons. The lodge itself will be a lowprofile log building that will be mostly under ground with guest rooms and decks allowing for a view of the lake. Built into the environment. A first class restaurant over looking the lake with outside and inside dining, a banquet hall, rooms to rent, and a visitor center. This is just a rough draft and the details will be worked out at a later date...... So what do you think? It's Your Dime!

Monday, April 17, 2006


There is a land rush in Vermont!.....well at least you would think so going by the prices that local real estate agents are trying to get for some pieces. We're talking remote, no electric, no sewer, no gas, no nuttin...and the roads to get to these parcels are only passable with ATV's in the summer and maybe snowmobiles in winter. So what gives? More greed? Do they think that local people are stupid enough to pay their inflated prices or maybe they are only trying to get out of towners to buy that have more money than brains. We ain't talkin Massachusetts here. We already know what happened to land prices in our own City (town). Once the real estate agents get their grubby hands on property it becomes unafordable to local people, actually they prefer out of towners. So any one out there got and acreage (24 +) I prefer Vermont because they haven't been regulated to death......yet.......with permitidous, and cofferaddalotus...two of the terminal deceases we here in North Adams are effected with. Any way I will pay a fair price for land if it suites my needs....remote, doesn't have to have electric, a brook or stream is desirable and wanted, like to shoot guns without complaining neighbors, and a descent access road to the land. OK I'll be waiting for your call.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


I hope everyone out there in Blog Land has a very Happy EASTER.

Friday, April 14, 2006

"THE SIGNS, THEY ARE A CHANGING" (opus 1 in D minor)

I love the key of D minor. It conjures up a since of foreboding, tugs at the nerve endings of doom and gloom. Puts you in a state of depression. Ah.... music, the outward visible form of sharing personal inner emotions with others. A conduit to ones inner self that can be transmitted to the rest of humanity. Ever just sit around slurpin on a bruski and doing a joint ( called pissin in the wind) and listening to some Pink Floyd? Ya right you say....and the check is in the mail,... ya, but I didn't inhale!..... Anyway what does this have to do with anything? Well probably everything. Look around at the situation that the world is in today. Not very humanistic in a humanintarian sort of way. We seem to be on the negative side of life, the black side, the underside, the reverse side, the evil parallel universe,... you get the meaning. Let me pose a question to you? Why is it easier to kick our neighbor when he is down, than it is to offer him a hand up? Why does the nature of the beast always take the side opposite the side that will benefit and enhance our short stay here on earth? Why is it easier to do evil than to do good? Why is it so difficult for those intrusted with our well being to look after our interest instead of the interest of those that really don't need looking after? Somewhere along the way humanity got on the wrong path. Maybe we as a people are inherently evil? Maybe it is a lingering trait from our pre history days when we were in a strictly survival mode against the forces around us. The era when it was either him or me that would survive. Actually that is a pretty lame excuse today. We have evolved to a point where we realize that in order for us to survive everyone has to survive. So..... what the hell has all this gibberish got to do with anything? I think the point I am trying to bring to the forefront in this blog is that there has to be some drastic changes made in our perception of what is important and what is merely survival mode thinking. Stop for a moment (take another toke and a sip) and look at where we are. The laws of the land seem to favor the few, at the expense of the many (Spock... Star Trek ) Just a little side trip here... a great number of cultures and religions, in their teachings, forecast in the year 2012 ( only 6 years away) the "World as we know it will no longer exist" I would surmise that they are talking about the demise of a wampom based system of existence. Wouldn't that be great! But knowing the forces that are dictating our lives and influencing our elected officials it would take a global disaster to bring us from a D minor existence to a C Sharp existence. What do you think?

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I always thought that BLOGIN was a means where one could spew out their thoughts and engage in conversation with others. What some of our local blogs have turned into are "HOME PAGES" dedicated to some sort of self gratification numbers game. The authors just seems to want to put themselves on a pedestal and seem more interested in advertising themselves than engaging in true blogin. Hell, on some of these self gratifying "HOME PAGES" (not to be confused with true blogs) You can't even submit a comment! Lets stay focused on Blogin and the purity of the blog. I am more interested in what YOUR thoughts are, not the thoughts of someone else....if I want that sort of article I can read the newspaper!
What Do You Think? It's Your Dime!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Good morning citizens... Well what is on the "TO DO LIST" for today, lets see? Wow! There are a lot of things that have to be done. I had better shorten my morning wake-up coffee break and get to it. Lets see,....... number one....... Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney and put them on a buss headed to a Federal Penitentiary. That should be easy enough to do. I better make sure there are enough seats on the buss though because they are going to have lots of Republican Party Members going with them.
OK, number two..........Round up all the illegal immigrants,... will start with the homes of Republican Party Big Shots and Corporate Mucky Mucks,... Because that is where most of them are slaving, and ship their asses back to the Mother Land, the employers will be put on the buss with George. Also have to finish the Fence between Mexico and the U.S. I'll have to buy more land mines.
number three on the list.......... Nuke Iran, North Korea, The Palestinians, South America, The Gay Liberation Front, and if I have any left over maybe I'll lob one into France just for some chuckles!
Wow time flies when you are having fun. It's almost dinner time. I'll take in some fast food and get back to work.
OK, number four is to go and unlock all the so called SECRET documents and have "The People" reclassify them so that what is really Secret remains Secret and the rest of the dribble is open to the public.
The rest of the afternoon will be spent sucking down some bruskies and reorganizing the TAX SYSTEM, and our POLITICAL SYSTEM.
Stop up and pound a few with me, it will be fun!

Monday, April 10, 2006


Good mornin! I have decided to throw our current people out of power, National and local, and fix the current broken system. Our first problem is to make the wording in our new Constitution very concise, so that it isn't twisted every which way by sleazy lawyers looking to subvert its meaning to the benefit of some corporation looking to enhance their bottom line. We have to keep it simple because the people of this country seem to be simple minded and can't understand the complexities of a representative form of government, which is evident by their choice of the current administrations. OK, lets begin.....

Revision #1... No person can serve more than two consecutive terms in any office or position.

Revision #2... The TAX System will change to a Flat Tax System with the starting amount set at a percentage amount above the poverty level. Deletion of all deductions in all categories and removable of all tax sheltering systems. Corporations and or any enity which has income from any source, will be considered as an individual. The percentage amount of taxaction will be a single fixed rate covering all amounts of income. The percentage rate will be visited once a year by congress ( APRIL 15th ) and adjusted as needed.

Revision #3... All judges will be elected to office by popular vote and their term limited to two consecutive terms. The number of positions available will be dictated by the Court System Case Load.

Revision #4... All elections will be by popular vote.

Revision #5... The House and Senate will present to the public once a year on April 15th, ALL measures and bills in their final form to be voted on by the people by popular vote. No amendment will be attached to any form of legislation that does not relate specifically to that legislation.

Revision #6... Congress will stay in session for eleven months.

Revision #7... No person or organizing shall transfer by any means any gratuity in any form to government employees or their families. All lobbying can only be done in the Front Halls of the Capital Buildings and lobbyist are forbidden access to locker rooms, shower rooms, dressing rooms, exercise rooms, or any room where they may come in contact with government employees.

Revision #8... Revisions can be revised by popular vote.

This is just the highlights of the revised Revisions. Like any good government it 's purpose is to serve the publics best interest by letting the people control the process directly.
So what would you include?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well congrarts to all you CEO's of the "Conglomerate Insurance Party of Taxachusetts". Again you have succeeded in cramming down the throats of the people of Taxachusetts your desire to dictate your bottom line at the expense of the working people. And thank you to all the WIENERS we elected to watch out for our pocket books. Once again the peoples representatives have shown that they don't want to do anything to jepodize there standing with BIG MONEY Insurance Companies. Maybe you missed the message? So here it is again, you min't want to make a copy of it this time....."We The People of Massachusetts want You to Control the COST of MEDICAL services and Medicine by DICTATING the PRICES that can be charged, not allowing the INSURANCE INDUSTRY to dictate the system!"..... Is that plain enough to you? You have shown your indignation once again to the working people of Massachusetts by putting the burden of Health Care squarely on their backs. THANKS AGAIN!

Friday, March 31, 2006


I have to pop out of my hole for a while and throw in my few pennies worth of wisdom. It is becoming quite apparent lately, from reading the news papers, watching TV, reading the blogs, and listening to people, that this country is headed for a revolution. No not an armed raid on the capital, but finely the people have been pushed into a corner and they are going to come out fighting and try to take back what is theirs....THEIR GOVERNMENT! They have been forced to watch and listen to the lies and bullshit spewing out of the mouths of their elected and appointed officials, from the city government all the way to the nations capital and all in between. Let me pose this question to you.....Why is it impossible for government people to serve the peoples needs and wishes ? The two biggest reasons are their huge egos, (I am smarter and better than you) and $$$$$ MONEY! Lets not get off the track here. We were talking about revolution. Maybe a more concise term would be evolution!
Our officials are no longer responsive to our wishes or our needs...... Ex.... our state politicians regarding the wishes of the people toward" The Seatbelt Law", and their deregulation of utilities and big business. People now realize that the system doesn't work and those people involved in government don't have our best interests in mind when they make changes, there needs to be changes. The Republican Party and George W. have shown us just how perverse the system has become. They have turned our Constitution and The Bill Of Rights into nothing more than toilet paper and it has filtered all the way down to the city level, (taking private property without fair compensation under the auspices of....."It's good for the City") What to do?.....REVOLT and EVOLVE! People are waking up to the fact that they don't want government to rule them they want to rule government. Hay....Wasn't that the reason we became a nation in the first place?..... Isn't there a historic parallel here.....KING GEORGE and King GEORGE W ?

Saturday, February 25, 2006


There seems to be a movement afoot to finally bring some legality and sanity to our election process. It is not a new idea but an idea who's time has come, given the the obvious fixing of the last two elections for president. ONE PERSON - ONE VOTE. That idea sends shutters up the spine of Republicans and Democrats alike. They don't want the voting public to really participate. They want to be able to control the system and the way it is set up now, they can. Our framers couldn't decide on which way to go on this question so they tossed it to the States to decide. The states got together and came up with a sort of pact that is the system that we have now. It is not a LAW nor is it written in the Constitution, so it CAN be changed, and at some point it will be. The current system is immensely flawed and can even border on illegal. The Framers never intended for a politically appointed Court to be the deciding factor or a relative of one of the candidates who is the reining governor to decide the outcome. A note here: They have found problems with the Florida voting machines (surprise) Seems there were votes already in the machines for GEORGE before the poles were even open and the machines turned on....Hmmmm. Anyway.....My belief is that our system needs a new make over. It was set up with the idea of flexibility and fine tuning and now is the time. Our TAX system is next! For your viewing pleasure here are a couple of sites for you to view and see how States with a vested interest can skew the outcome.
So what's your thoughts? Seems the Republico's have been silent lately and don't have an opinion, that's strange given their posturing in the past! Must be because of National Security Reasons and they don't want to anger China either!

Friday, February 24, 2006


Well more of the same bull shit coming from His Majesty, more SECRET DEALS behind closed doors by the shadow government of the OIL barons. Frankly I am scared, as should all of you be. Your American form of government has been replaced by greedy self serving conglomerates that seem to feel that sending off to prison the person that exposes them more important than punishing the law breaker. Folks, open your eyes..... We have been invaded from within! George Bush had the elections fixed in his favor..... ( And if you don't think it can happen here, just ask a German that was living in the Motherland during the thirties! Hmmm.....all in the name of "The War On Terror" or the catch all..... "National Security".....Who's security?
This president and his GANG (The Republican Party and Big Money interest) have made a mockery of our Constitution and the freedoms that are provided from it. How many FREEDOMS are YOU willing to give up so you will feel FREE? It's Your Dime! What's Your Thoughts?

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I have been sitting here, for the past many mornings, reading all the news or at least what some call news. Actually the line between real news, gossip, and carefully prepared statements attempting to masquerade as news has become so fuzzy one can hardly tell the difference any more. Also the major news outlets ( TV, newspapers, internet ) are no longer what you could in the wildest dream conscrew as independent, being that they are all big conglomerate corporations or their foster children with direct ties to the agenda of some political party. All that being said, I try to look between the lines in search of the real news.
My Blog today isn't about the Media so lets not get side tracked here. In my romp through the media maelstrom I ran across an interesting term that seems to say a lot about our current state of affairs, OWNERSHIP SOCIETY. That term probably has been around a while but since I don't get out much it was the first time I really paid much attention to it. That term speaks volumes as to where the current controllers would like to take us. It isn't any deep dark secret that the Republican Party and the current administration have an agenda that, to say the least, is about as far away from our American values as you can get -----depending on your point of view from the totem pole! But lets give their "AMERICA" a look see. We will use the "KISS" acronym " Keep It Simple Stupid " so we don't take all day. Simply stated an Ownership Society is one that shifts the burden from government to the individual. Elimination of ALL social programs and and safety nets that now exist. I think that Ownership Society and a Market Economy are synonymous. They want an America where there is no "THY BROTHERS KEEPER", as far as the government is concerned. You are on your own buddy!
Well of course they are in la-la land. Their perception of the purpose and function of an AMERICAN FORM of Government is up side down. We demand that our Government protect us from the big bad world. That's why we put them in office in the first place. Yes we want social programs, we want big business to pay their fair share of taxes, we want a government that helps keep jobs here, not one that pays company's to move out of the country, Yes we want openness and accountability of our elected officials, seems everything "WE THE PEOPLE" are for they are against!
So what do you think? Should we "Stay The Course" or should we try and take back our government?

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I have to comment on the latest uproar in the Muslim World. The Publishing of the picture of the Mohammad Cartoon. What's the BIG DEAL! In today's world any mention or depiction of Mohammad or Muslims by any medium, causes an uproar. They do not allow any freedom of expression, as we do in the Western World. But on the other hand they do allow degrading articles and pictures of Christins and the Jewish Faith or any other infidel belief. Hmmm.... Seems freedom of the press is only applicable when it serves their purpose. OK, here is how I see it. Most of those Countries are run by Madmen that use Religion for their own political gain. They utilize the zealots to stir up the masses in the name of Allah. You can feel sorry, to some extent for the average JOE or Mohammad, because they have been brainwashed from birth to follow blindly their Cleric. Remember their is no freedom of thought and certainly no freedom of the press.
Just a passing thought to consider.....Doesn't it make sense that GOD, ALLAH, Whoever, would have sent more than one emissary to spread the WORD? Seems to me that the WORD has not been heard yet!.....What do you think?

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Ah.....a citizens favorite topic. Of course the whole School Budget has gotten nuts. Reality is that each year the School Budget demands more and more of the City resources. At what point does it take all the resources? It is going to happen at some point. All a City can do is cut other services to the bone and raise taxes. What will happen when the City can't meet it's obligation to the School Budget? And it will happen at some point. The Mayor is facing the beginnings of that dilemma at the present time. He has no other alternative than to raise taxes to pay for the School System. The State is trying to wash their hands of local problems and trying to keep as much money as they can for their own financial problems. Times are getting real desperate out there folks! So how to help the Mayor solve the dilemma?
1. Close all public schools and go to the semi-public/private pay your own way schools?
2. Rely on Charter Systems and semi-Charter Schools, as the Mayor was suggesting.
3. Turn all schools over to the State and let them deal with the problem?
4. Tax people to the limit of the law to pay for the School System.
What advice would you give to the Mayor and the School Board to help them solve the growing crisis?
Eventually the State will have to handle the School Systems of the cities and towns, people are not going to be able to pay for the cost to provide schooling for their children.
What do you think..... It's YOUR DIME?