Friday, May 26, 2006


I just can't stand by any more, I gotta say sumptin! To you and I, average Joe Smuck Citizen, it is a clear cut black and white problem..... If you are an illegal immigrant then you are a law breaker and should be dealt with as such, whether you are hear for an hour or fifty years, you are breaking the law! Now in the fantasy land of politics those people seem to have a different reality...... "Why not say to those undocumented workers who are working the jobs that the rest of us refuse, come out from the shadows," said Arizona Republican John McCain. In the first place notice how he evades the the term "illegal". All you have to do is insert the term...." Undocumented" Some how that upgrades there status from criminal to normal worker but just not documented! Then pretend that we Americans don't want to do this work, he is correct but he doesn't finish the sentence...." At the wages they are paying"..... The bill "strengthens our security and reflects our humanity," said Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., McCain's partner in the Senate compromise. "It is intended to keep out those who would harm us and welcome those who contribute to our country." Mr. Kennedy would you care to elaborate? Just what the hell are you smoking:?.......... I won't go into the Bill in it's entirety because it is typical politico double speak and so full of holes it could allow the whole Chinese Army through. You read it and see for yourself!

President Bush stepped into the Justice Department's constitutional confrontation with Congress on Thursday and ordered that documents seized in a raid on a lawmaker's office be sealed for 45 days. Now here is an interesting news flash! Talk about protecting your own. Politico protecting politico. Is the Lord Almighty George buying time so he can erase any trace of his administrations involvement if any? I wonder?

OK people that is my rant for this morning.


Anonymous said...

Southview my problem with those who say "doing the jobs that Americans won't do" in addition to what you point out about wages, is that a recent study showed of the four main sectors of the jobs that illegal immigrants work in, in each sector the majority of workers were American workers. And would probably be higher if, as you point out, wages were not suppressed by the illegal immigrants and thus employees were paid a living wage.

Editor said...

There is no "constitutional confrontation" and any member of Congress who supports this farce should be remooved from office this November.

Members of Congress are not immune from a criminal investigations and they ceratinly have no protection against lawfully obtained serach warrants, that is the very essence of separation of powers, not conflicting with it.

Is this a nation of laws or a nation of men, apparently its the later...