Monday, May 01, 2006


OK, Who is going to set up the MAY POLE?

Not going back to preChristion Rome or dancing to Goddess Flora, there is still some significance of MAY DAY, even today. The celebration of Spring and a hope in the coming season. We should set up a MAY POLE on the front lawn of every City Hall, State Capital, and The White House and all the People should dance around it. What you nuts? It would show our unity as a people, that we are still in control, that we do believe in a better tomorrow...and demand it! It would show our desire for the fertility of the process to grow and become bountiful to our needs, not wither on the vine. A showing that we still do believe in the System and it can work for us, all we have to do is pick off the dead leaves and stems. Make MAY DAY a national holiday to remind those who we allow to govern that we expect the coming year to bring forth a bountiful harvest of laws designed to help John Doe Smuck Citizen. It would be a Celebration as well as a Warning!.....

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