Monday, May 22, 2006


Just a thought here! If we made "THE PRESS" an official branch of the Government with unfettered access to all governmental documents, a clearing house sorta speaking, the branch though which ALL documents must pass before they are secretetized and classified. With full top- top secrete clearances for there unopstructed preview. Wouldn't this put a stop to all this over classifying of documents just for political reasons? This would be an elected body of people serving a short term and unencumbered by any political enety. It would be the responsibility of the government to prove their case before these people that a document is indeed worthy of the "TOP SECRET" stamp. Everything else is public information and treated as such!


Anonymous said...

How would you staff THE PRESS? Who would they answer to?

Southview said...

Hell I don't know? Maybe chosen by their peers and elected by the people? Retired old farts that want to stay in the game but can't keep up? But of course you have to have strict critera and oversight, it wouldn't be a government position without layers of burocrocy! :~ )

Anonymous said...

"Hell I don't know? Maybe chosen by their peers and elected by the people? Retired old farts that want to stay in the game but can't keep up?"

Southview, we have that now, its called Congress.

Corruption by another name will still smell as sweet.