Thursday, February 16, 2006


I have been sitting here, for the past many mornings, reading all the news or at least what some call news. Actually the line between real news, gossip, and carefully prepared statements attempting to masquerade as news has become so fuzzy one can hardly tell the difference any more. Also the major news outlets ( TV, newspapers, internet ) are no longer what you could in the wildest dream conscrew as independent, being that they are all big conglomerate corporations or their foster children with direct ties to the agenda of some political party. All that being said, I try to look between the lines in search of the real news.
My Blog today isn't about the Media so lets not get side tracked here. In my romp through the media maelstrom I ran across an interesting term that seems to say a lot about our current state of affairs, OWNERSHIP SOCIETY. That term probably has been around a while but since I don't get out much it was the first time I really paid much attention to it. That term speaks volumes as to where the current controllers would like to take us. It isn't any deep dark secret that the Republican Party and the current administration have an agenda that, to say the least, is about as far away from our American values as you can get -----depending on your point of view from the totem pole! But lets give their "AMERICA" a look see. We will use the "KISS" acronym " Keep It Simple Stupid " so we don't take all day. Simply stated an Ownership Society is one that shifts the burden from government to the individual. Elimination of ALL social programs and and safety nets that now exist. I think that Ownership Society and a Market Economy are synonymous. They want an America where there is no "THY BROTHERS KEEPER", as far as the government is concerned. You are on your own buddy!
Well of course they are in la-la land. Their perception of the purpose and function of an AMERICAN FORM of Government is up side down. We demand that our Government protect us from the big bad world. That's why we put them in office in the first place. Yes we want social programs, we want big business to pay their fair share of taxes, we want a government that helps keep jobs here, not one that pays company's to move out of the country, Yes we want openness and accountability of our elected officials, seems everything "WE THE PEOPLE" are for they are against!
So what do you think? Should we "Stay The Course" or should we try and take back our government?


Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that according to most polls Americans overwhelmingly believe and want safety nets. They want pensions. They want universal medical insurance.

But the GOP has done such a great job at "reframing" the argument that many average folks are left dazed and confused.

Google George Lakoff's book on the subject. It is quite astounding to see the lengths that a political party went to convince the American Public that the GOP was their friend.

This also explains why the White House spent over a billion dollars on Public Relations since the Bushies moved in.

Southview said...

An American government is ment to serve the general good of the general public. It really leaves me baffled why anyone that has to work for a paycheck would back the Republican Party and the likes of Ronny The Rat ( busted unions and peoples right to bargin with their employer for a living wage) or Tricky Dicky, or a Party that struts around with "A Contract For (corporate) America stuck in their front pocket flapping in the faces of working Americans. I don't see how these people see that it is making things better for them or their families.