Sunday, February 05, 2006


I have to comment on the latest uproar in the Muslim World. The Publishing of the picture of the Mohammad Cartoon. What's the BIG DEAL! In today's world any mention or depiction of Mohammad or Muslims by any medium, causes an uproar. They do not allow any freedom of expression, as we do in the Western World. But on the other hand they do allow degrading articles and pictures of Christins and the Jewish Faith or any other infidel belief. Hmmm.... Seems freedom of the press is only applicable when it serves their purpose. OK, here is how I see it. Most of those Countries are run by Madmen that use Religion for their own political gain. They utilize the zealots to stir up the masses in the name of Allah. You can feel sorry, to some extent for the average JOE or Mohammad, because they have been brainwashed from birth to follow blindly their Cleric. Remember their is no freedom of thought and certainly no freedom of the press.
Just a passing thought to consider.....Doesn't it make sense that GOD, ALLAH, Whoever, would have sent more than one emissary to spread the WORD? Seems to me that the WORD has not been heard yet!.....What do you think?


Anonymous said...

"Most of those Countries are run by Madmen that use Religion for their own political gain. They utilize the zealots to stir up the masses in the name of Allah."

You could say the same about this country, but maybe that's the difference. You can say that about this country and keep looking over your shoulder. Not yet anyway.

Anonymous said...

I really should read my posts before I send them. Just to clarify, my final statement should have been -

You could say the same about this country, but maybe that's the difference. You can say that about this country AND NOT HAVE TO keep looking over your shoulder. Not yet anyway.