Friday, June 16, 2006


In America today there seems to be something missing. Our political fabric, on all levels, is a joke. Our elected employees that we direct to do our bidding are a joke. Our moral base has rotted away. Any reference to Religion of any sort is today considered radical and not mainstream, anti-Constitution, not the American way! Law abiding citizens have now become suspect and not protected under the 2nd, 1st, 4th, and all the Amendments of the Constitution by reason of protecting those very rights? Our Schools have gone from teaching even the most basic skills, to coaching our kids on how to pass a Test. Our courts are loaded with nonquilified judges that seem to believe that the criminal is the victim and the victim caused the crime in the first place.....not to mention their total disregard for the peoples wishes ( GAY MARRIAGE ).
We have become a nation of " BRASS RING GRABBERS " Do as little as you can for as much as you can. There is something missing! What ever happened to right from wrong, love thy neighbor, for the good of the many, working together. The drive to better our condition as a nation with sacrifice, ( the working folk seem to be doing all the sacrificing today)
So I pose this question to you..... What is MISSING?

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