Friday, June 09, 2006


OK People, Time to get out your score cards. Not many months left till we again are given the right to voice our opinion. So lets see....What are our choices?.....We can stay with the current bunch, give up more of our Constitutional rights, keep lining the pockets of big oil, insurance companies, drug companies, work till we are 90 then be able to retire, allow illegal immigrants to become citizens and we become the illegal immigrants and work for $2 dollars an hour ($1.95 going to health insurance) or we can throw out that bunch and put in the other guys. You know "THE NANNYCRATS" That Party of the working class folks. The party that gave us NAFTA, the party that wants to disarm the citizens (for our own protection you know) suspend the 2nd Amendment, the guys that tell us that GAY MARRIAGE is the way to go, our good buddies that want to tax the shit out of you till you have nothing left and have to go to Mexico to look for work, our pals that believe that only they know what is good for us and we don't have the ability to think for ourselves, that bunch that believes that Huge Government and Total Gov. Control over every aspect of your life with layer after layer of red tape is in your best interest. Our pals that believe that the SYSTEMS SURVIVAL is paramount over it's citizens rights and desires.
WOW...It's so confusing. I have so many good choices here to pick from. Help me out people!

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