Thursday, June 22, 2006


WOW ! Jumpin Samolies...What the hell is he be a talkin bout?...What planet did he fall from?... To day I thought I would rag on the ways certain people and organizations use our English inter mixed with old English, Latin, gibberish, and an assortment of non descript words to make themselves and their position sound superior and to baffle, befuddle, confuse, and hide the truth, from us barefoot bumpkin...........Number one on the chart is the legal profession. They have perverted the English language to the point where lawyers need lawyers to interpret the interpretations. The Insurance Industry tried to do the same deception but we now have laws that make them write in somewhat plain English.......... Then there is the ingredients label on products we put in our mouths, nose, ears, and butts or rub on, rub in, add to, mix with or use straight out of the box. After the first word, which is usually water, no one has a clue or for that matter can pronounce the rest of the shit that they have added...........Next on the list are the LAWS. But one must remember here that they are written by Lawyers for Lawyers with the help of and in cohesion with Politicians............Then of course there is the TAX CODE. I really don't have to say anything here because that one is well known by all, if you can figure out what it says?
OK people, today lets gab about the use of our language and other languages, like Latin by the Church and the medical field, and those examples I listed above. I believe that they should be made to be written in plain simple English so all can understand. What do you think? or am I just Expostulating?

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