Monday, June 05, 2006


Is George Bush really in need of mental help? Is our president really crazy? Do we have a nut case running the nation? The more we listen to him the more I have to say .....YES! George Orwell's 1984 has indeed come to pass and in terms grater than even He postulated. There is no longer a system of checks and balances, a clear cut division of branches of Government..... the Supreme Court (a Republican Party puppet) dictates the laws of the land, and is the unchecked authority of American Law. They have elevated themselves to the status of supreme ruler of the land. The mentally retarded President has placed himself above reproach by simply ignoring the Constitution and sizing power that isn't his, and the Republican Party controlled Government has allowed this to happen.....Hell, we have allowed this to happen.....Hell, we don't have a say any more.....HELL,Did we ever? I have to say people this is no longer My America! We have been invaded and conquered and we went down without a wimpier, Hell, we even helped! The System no longer serves the people as it was intended to, it is the people that are supposed to serve the System now. It is all twisted backward and upside down. The all mighty and encompassing System that we are enslaved to. The System was intended to be small and to serve only the needs of the people, but it has evolved into a beast that devours anyone that dares to oppose it. The whistle blower, a revealer of truth from within, has now become an enemy of the system, a traitor, an outcast, someone to be made an example of to discourage future discord. , so that makes "THE TRUTH" an enemy of the system, and that makes us all an enemy of the System! The System Rules Supreme...and What or Who is the System.........R=$

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