Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well congrarts to all you CEO's of the "Conglomerate Insurance Party of Taxachusetts". Again you have succeeded in cramming down the throats of the people of Taxachusetts your desire to dictate your bottom line at the expense of the working people. And thank you to all the WIENERS we elected to watch out for our pocket books. Once again the peoples representatives have shown that they don't want to do anything to jepodize there standing with BIG MONEY Insurance Companies. Maybe you missed the message? So here it is again, you min't want to make a copy of it this time....."We The People of Massachusetts want You to Control the COST of MEDICAL services and Medicine by DICTATING the PRICES that can be charged, not allowing the INSURANCE INDUSTRY to dictate the system!"..... Is that plain enough to you? You have shown your indignation once again to the working people of Massachusetts by putting the burden of Health Care squarely on their backs. THANKS AGAIN!

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