Friday, August 11, 2006

" WE ARE IN WWlll ! "

I have been sitting here thinking again, (that is a scary proposition) about all the shit that is going on around us in today's world. I use to think of the battle with the Muslim extremists as just a fight with a couple of radical nut cases bent on world domination. The scary realization is that there are thousands of these nut cases out there. Here is how this barefoot mountain boy sees it. ..... You have first of all, the top dogs. Those we all know. The leaders of countries or movements or sects. Who are nothing more than greedy, power hungry, dominating individuals that are scared shitless that their underlings will learn about Western ways and there-by undermining their power base. They are not Religious Zelots or Defenders of their government system but use the Muslim Religion card to their advantage and expel the evils of thinking for yourself. Just plain and simple these are TYRANTS. From Cheviz to Kim Yung to The Palestinians, to Al Qaeda to Castro and all those in between. Our problem is these people that live under their control have been taught from birth that we are bad, and the people believe it!
I know the solution but it is hard for the tree hugger and peacenick types to admit. It is really simple.....Assassinate the bastards! The gloves off approach, take no prisoners. Send in the Black Ops team and do away with them! We know who they are even before they make noise on the national news. Just simply kill them, and when another pops up..... kill him too! Listen people we ARE in a war and we are under attack. It doesn't matter the how or why it would have happened nomatter what.
Look, we beat the British and won our independence by unethical warfare, hiding behind trees and stone walls. They thought us savages for not fighting the good fight...(standing in a row fifty yards apart and shooting into each others ranks till there were only the victors left standing.) Well our enemy today knows that they can't beat us fighting "the good fight" so they have opted for the tree and stone wall approach. If we don't answer in kind ....we also will be defeated!
You can talk the moral aspects to death but the reality remains " IT'S THEM OR US "
What do you think? IT's YOUR DIME!


Anonymous said...

we are on the same page for a change- chbpod

Southview said...

We have always been on the same page just didn't realize it. :~ )

Anonymous said...

Actually I think its 72 virgins or close to that number----why anyone would wnat 72 virgins is beyond me--I prefer sultry and experienced---same with polygamy-- who would want more than one wife----think about it- 5 wives- you quintuple the pain and suffering---let's say one of your wives divorces you- community property and she takes 50%---then if the other 4 divorce you they each get 50%--- now they collectively have 2 1/2 times your net worth---OUCH---- chbpod

Southview said...

Hmmmm! never looked at it that way. Is it like our TAX System? They get 50% ot the total, not 50% of whats left after the first wife gets her 50%? We call that creative math. Hell go for the gusto.....after the first wife drages you over the coals what difference would it make!

Anonymous said...

Well it might all depend on the attorney---but I have sworn off polygamy -taking no chances--chbpod