Tuesday, August 15, 2006


As the War rages on, the report in from the Israeli front, ... is that both sides have won! Hmmmm?????? How can that be? It must be one of those UN things, that we normal people just can't understand because it is to international in scope and way beyond our ability to comprehend. Or.....it means that it isn't over yet and the combatants are just taking R&R.
OBSERVATION from planet Earth....
1. The UN will do shit to keep Hezbollah from re-arming
2. The UN will continue to try and blame Israel for all the problems
3. The UN is a useless conglomerate of self serving people whose only interest is making money and staying out of harm's way and not having to make any tough decisions.
4. And as for them being a peace keeping force enforcing their resolutions, What Force? What Resolve?

Back to the Front: "The way it looks here Roger, is that there seems to be a lull in the fighting so supplies can be brought down from the north" "Back to you Roger!" "Roger, Roger" "Roger Carl!" "Carl, can you see any UN troops?" "Roger Roger, it looks like several UN convoys heading into South Lebanon." "Roger Carl, are those the humanitarian supplies that couldn't get through earlier?" " Negatory Roger, There seem to be pointed objects sticking out the back of the trucks with women and children ducked taped to them!" "Back to you Roger" "Roger, Carl, I guess that is the UN assistance we have heard so much about?" "Roger, Roger" " The UN will assist any way they can." "Roger Carl" "Roger, Roger, back to the FOX Studios!"