Sunday, February 25, 2007


I'm all a dither this morning. There is so much stuff out there this morning to blog about. But unfortunately it is all a bunch of crap laced with bull shit PR, and most of it is frosted over - same old, same old - hog snot lies and purposely directed propaganda, all packaged up nice and pretty for our daily brain fix, to go along with our morning injection of caffeine! So.... after long and comprehensive deliberation with my undisclosed (for reasons of national security and self preservation--mine) informants, I decided to pick out the biggest lie of them all ---" TAXES "
We bantered about this topic last year but we didn't seem to have made much of an impression on any one because things have seem to have gotten worse, not better. Is it just my imagination or have the forms become even more complex and vague and dependent on even more complex forms, for their completion? In one such instance...." If you give the IRS $300 something dollars....they will fill out the form for you" Holy shit, what gives there? I find it very disturbing that it is getting to the point where you have to be a tax lawyer to be able to fill out your tax forms.
Who dreams up these forms? Aren't they all based on some percent of some number for the outcome? Why all the mumbo jumbo? I guess my question for discussion today is " Why are they so complicated and confusing? " Isn't simple better? You make $100, you pay a given percent? Everyone pays the same percent of their income, starting just above the poverty line. We are talking gainful income here, not welfare or ssi or income to the disabled. That would be dumb and counter productive. IT's YOUR DIME!

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