Thursday, May 10, 2007

" YOUR TURN " being that I am "The Peoples Candidate" it wouldn't be very peopleish if I didn't ask you what I can do for YOU! What do you want your Top Public Servant to accomplish on your behalf?


Southview said...

I was sitting here just pondering the perplexities of my presidency, trying to figure out how to best Serve ALL the people. There are those that say that it can't be done, it is impossible to please all the people. I concede that is a true statement. But I do have the answer. What I will do is to take the politicians, the main reason that our system DOESN'T WORK, out of the decision making role. Their new role will be as Elected Advisers to the people. Have you ever spent any time watching the House or the Senate in action? They are an embarrassment and a sham.
So their new Duties will be to present to THE PEOPLE the pros and cons with explanations written in plain ENGLISH, not Legalese, or Spanish or Botonese, or Jive, of legislation to be enacted. Then once a year, at the same time you file your taxes, you will submit your vote on those bills attached to the back of your individual tax form. What can be more openly democratic and fair than that! (corporations are not treated as individuals here)
(A note here.....If you are a citizen of this country then learn to speak the language or get someone to translate for you, we are not wasting any more money on extra paper so those to lazy to learn our National Language can understand us.)

Anonymous said...

So legislative reform can only happen once a year? What happens if the votes are tallied and there is no consensus on what to do.

What if the highest vote tally for a particular item is 15% does that mean it becomes law?

What those who are simply unable to understand the consequences of a particular vote?

What if the total votes are less than 51% of the voting population?

How would you handle large factions of the voting population - i.e. Unions, Conservative Christians, etc?

How would have advisers on the take be any different that what we have now?

Sounds pretty much like a dictatorship suppose the American people don't like this idea, or those in power do not vote to all the change in the system?

Many unanswered questions in the Utopian gov't.

Anonymous said...

Was this not the theme to Atlas Shrugged? What's your party called, The John Galt Party?

Southview said...

da snoop...da snoop...da snoop...
What tiny gremlins are scurring around inside your head? If there is a 50/50 tie then I, the decider, will decide!
15% of what? the total available voters or of just those voting?
If they can't understand simple plain english or the translater then fuck um! They shouldn't be voting in the first place because they are obviously to ignorant and probibly can't even take a piss without help!
Hell ...if you don't vote then how can you expect your vote to be counted?
Who gives a shit about them? Let them make up their own minds!
It's simple... If they are found to be on the take they are thrown in prison automatically and have to share a cell with BUBBA!
What's not to like? sure beats the hell outta the screwed up corrupt, self serving system we have now! They wouldn't be in power any more!

Anonymous said...

Maybe when you get elected you could do something about low wages.A good example is a certain unnamed business on Brown St. in North Adams. Seems that they could pay a higher wage and then the workers who congregate in Hillside Cemetary Brown St. side every morning from 11:00 to 12:00 wouldn't have to share the same "cigarette".

Anonymous said...

Fatal Error ID10-T

"I was sitting here just pondering the perplexities of my presidency, trying to figure out how to best Serve ALL the people." != "If they can't understand simple plain english or the translater then fuck um!"

We don't need another decider, we need a leader.

Southview said...

da snoop... I thought y'all were real happy with George Bush-Reagan-Nixon-Lincoln-God- the Decider? I was just reaching out to you and your far,far,far, Right.
You haven't told me what YOU desire of your humble servant?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he desires his humble servant to out grow the mental disorder of liberalism.

Anonymous said...

First time I have ever been grouped with the conservatives.

What I want is probably the same as most middle class.

A flat tax that begins at the poverty level, the percentage is negotiable, but no deductions, no loop holes. Includes any income - lottery, estate, wages, real estate, drugs however you pay your bills.

Zero gifts to individual politicans. People can donate as much as they want (non tax deductable) but it goes into a general fund to be used by all candidates. Lobbying becomes illegal. A politician can not go to work for any company that receives government contracts. Companies that hire former politicans (5 years out or less) must cancel any current government contract.

Increased funding for education, alternate energy, small scale farming, mass transportation, social security, prescription drugs, local law enforcement, and college loans.

Reduced or repayment of funding for any company that produces multi-million dollar profits in any quarter.

There is more, but I'm sure you get the picture.

Southview said...

da snoop...Good boy, You have moved to the top of the list of those being proposed for VP.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, but no thanks, I have no politacal ambitions. I also wouldn't accept as we have totally opposing views on gay rights. I feel the gay/lesbian community should have the exact same rights as the hetrosexual community.

Southview said...

da snoop....To bad, you would have made a good VP. That was one of the reasons you were picked. I was going to make you you my liaison to the queer community, you know go to the queer bars, join in at their orgies, you know kinda my hands on guy. oh well maybe next time?

Anonymous said...

If you really want to a man of the people, perhaps you should make a few visits and see for yourself what the community is like.

Southview said...

da snoop.....I knew you were the right man? for the job. You seem to have intimate knowledge of their colony. You would have brought that hands-on knowledge that the party needs to reach out at a very, very, far distance.
I try to stay away from diseased people (leper colony,aids colony) because of my health. Although I have pondered what it would be like to be in the middle of a lesbo sandwich, with me as the meat filling? Not very often but usually during ponfar(?)every seven years. I guess that shows that I am not totally anti-queer?

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have any more knowledge than I do on the black community, but that hasn't stopped me from commenting on their (African-American) plight.

Southview said...

da snoop... are you black? We could use a Rev. Something to reach out to the Black Americans. I don't like to use the term "Minorities" it denotes an impression of inferiority. Yes there are some inferior Blacks and we call them Niggers, as we call inferior French- Frogs, and inferior Polish- Pollocks, etc. We are going to do away with Affirmative Action, as it has no purpose in todays culture and it is a form of special treatment for a segment of the population, that at this point in time seems to want to be more equal than the rest of us. Besides it is degrading to know that the only reason you got the job was not because of your qualifications but because you were black.

Anonymous said...

What do you call "inferior" women as women also benefit from affirmative action (and leave Don Imus out of this)?

Perhaps "Minorities" causes you to think of inferiority, but the meaning has to do with numbers and representation, or lack there of, of a certain segment of our population. Maybe this is a side effect from the Moral Majority group that attempts to equate superiority with majority.

There are definite flaws to affirmative action and I'm not 100% in favor of it, but the alternative is far worse in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Flaws???? Like in your face discrimination.The altrnative is worse???? You sick liberal asshole the alternative is the best qualified person gets the job. You want maybe some doctor or pilot who isn't as well qualified but gets the job anyway because of this liberal crap which is nothing more than reverse discrimination ?