Monday, May 14, 2007


And you people wonder why I think that politicians are such dirt bags. Look at what is happening now to the Repukes! Their new twist or flip-flop is to now try and blame the Iraq Gov. for all the problems in Iraq and the reason that things ain't going so good. It ain't the Decider Guy's fault or the stick with him at all cost of our youths lives, Repukes, it's that dam Iraq Governments fault! What a bunch of hog-snot flip flopping forked tonged bull shit. I have yet to meet a politician that wouldn't sell his Mother to a slave trader if he thought it could get him elected. Remember it's all about "ME", they don't give two shits about you and your sons or daughters and never will...wake up people!
So lets all watch as this soap opera unfolds and the Repukes try to save the Decider Guys factious legacy and at the same time get elected. It should be quite a show!

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