Friday, April 27, 2007


OK it's now official........ I am throwing my hat into the ring........ You heard it first right here...... I am officially running for PRESIDENT ! All donations can be sent directly to me (cash only) I suppose you want me to have some sort of platform to run on,..... such inconvenience! What's next? want me to have a fancy name for my affiliation.......OK, I call my party "Citizens For Accountable Government" catchy right? I am looking for suckers.....I mean run my campaign, since I only have $0.00 in my war chest and my wallet, which I hope to fatten up with your donations!..... We ass kiss any and all groups, no matter how deprived, because we are an equal opportunity boot lick party, not that we agree with you or will do anything to help your cause, we just want your vote, then......kiss off! ..... Isn't it refreshing to have a candidate that is honest for a change? And that's what we are all about!

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