Friday, April 13, 2007


OK....So what is all the big deal with Imus? People have been calling each other names since they were first able to speak. Now all of a sudden, because of Al Sharption, Mr. Black Mans self appointed spokesman, CBS has suddenly decided to become concerned. Bull shit! They caved in to the Blacks threats of pulling sponsorship that's all. It is all a bunch of nappy headed nigger jive, meant to perpetuate the poor me syndrome. And by the way don't all you Whops, Spicks, Kikes, Frogs, Slope Head, Chink, Whities, Redneck, Flatlanders get any ideas...this is strictly for the advancement of Colors... I say Hogsnot...Sticks and Stones...All Sharpton and Jessy the Rev Jackson get a real life and stop sucking off the bigotry of your black community for your personal glory!


Anonymous said...

Credit must be given where credit is due.Al Sharpton might be a half baked moron but he is a world class scamsman.Remember Tawana Brawley?

Southview said...

I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that Al Sharpton is nothing more than a racist himself. Running around calling the pot Black. Call a spade a spade. Tell me something? Why doesn't Big Al and the Rev. Jackson shout and pound the desk when their Brother song writers and jive Rap singers use the same terms? It is bullshit in my book.

Anonymous said...

You are quite right.What is really sick about these types is that people are afraid to say anything that these two leaches might not like.It seems that if they were at all concerned about the sorry condition of so many blacks that they would embrace what Bill Cosby has been saying for years. Don't drop out of school,don't use drugs,don't invent a stupid nonexistant name for your kid,don't have illigid kids,speak English and not Ebonics (is that what they call it ? )In other words if you want people to accept you the least you can do is try to be a part of the culture you were born into and not invent some stupid counterculture crap.

Anonymous said...

Looks like not many people will reply to this blog as the guy said they are afraid. Sad isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Tawana Brawley was not the worst thing Al Sharpton did. Inciting arson and murder with the chant to burn down Freddy's Fashion Mart, that was worse.

Anonymous said...

To Bad Strom Thurmond's Great grandpa wasn't around.He would know how to handle the Rev. Sharpton.