Tuesday, October 30, 2007


This is more of a public service Blog today.

Tonight at 7:30 PM, Two very scary events take place. The first event is the official time for the opening of ....."CABBAGE STALK NIGHT". The one night of the year that the youth of the Town are possessed by demons and are set about creating mayhem.

Now in my youth I never partook of this tradition, preferring to stay home with my parents reading a lengthy novel by the fireplace and discussing the political situation in America as it related to the transitional effects on emerging economies in third world nations. But I can relate some stories that were told to me by that rather rowdy bunch the next morning in school. A flash news story just came over the T.V...... Wall street is reporting that futures in Eggs and Soap and Toilet Paper, are a sure money maker today.

The next and probably the scariest thing happening tonight is the "DEBATE Of The COUNCILORS", and those aspiring to be one. We will see laid bare before us their most inner thoughts. Like a brain on an autopsy table that has been removed from the head cavity but still attached to the body , pulsating and the electrical pulses flashing back and forth like an electrical tempest. We will see the body language, the sweating wringing hands and the fidgeting in their seats, like they were sitting in an electric chair just waiting for the warden to flip the switch. The visual sensors in the head darting to and fro knowing that millions of eyes and ears are focused on just them and what they say. I tell you folks it will be Scary and you won't want to miss it........ 7:30 on cable - see you there! :~)


Anonymous said...

yeah i'm going to be sweating...hoping you don't call in!!!!


Anonymous said...

Non-sweaters: Gailanne and Marie-- they have done some cable access shows before----Bob Moulton and Ron Boucher--they have a call-in show-- Eric Buddington-- he has his own show--and moi--- although Think About It is not call in I have appeared --as have most incumbents on cable access candidates forums before---plus we are on the Council meetings----no fear---no sweat----no hot seat--sorry-- chbpod