Saturday, January 27, 2007


"The North Adams Real Estate Agency, John Barrett lll your friendly sales agent! Gimmy a break! I just have a couple of questions to ask that seem to shout out at me on the issue:
1. If there is an interested party (who min"t that be?) why are we acting as an agent for the French church?
2. Did Mr. Alcombright excuse himself from the voting? A conflict of interest surely exists by his being on the finance committee for the catholic parishes?
3. As the planning board has the ultimate decision and they do what John Barrett says, then the City (town) has complete control over anything that is done with the property already, without having to purchase it, as has been shown with past City (town ) involvement in projects.
4. Are we also going to buy the other City (town) Churches when they come up for sale? The same arguments can be made for them also. They are all part of the heritage of the Town and are no less important than the French Church.

Personally, I think there is more going on here than John Barrett is willing to tell! Come on John, what's the real story?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just in case anyone's wondering-- it was not my post that was deleted---chbpod

Anonymous said...

The real store is that a coal mine is coming to town. Don't tell any one or we might scare away the copper mine that wants to come here.

Anonymous said... ha not in liberal lala land Massachusetts.If the stupid environmental laws don't do you in unions and the trouble making assholes that love unions will certainly finish you off.Just look at the factories that once flurished here.Just about all of them have blown town because of union bullshit.

Southview said...

Thurston, Thurston, Thurston....Without "UNIONS" the labor force in America would be fighting with the Illegal Mexicans for ten cents an hour jobs. And you certaintly wouldn't be making enough money to afford a computer from which to complain about unions...kinda like slapping the gift horse in the mouth! You arn't much of a thinker are you?

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true blue collar slug unionist.All unions do is keep good workers down because of the crap known as seniority.Kind of like the first hog at the feeder thinking he owns it.Also it is nearly impossible to fire a union worker no matter how disgusting his conduct may be.I know of mill workers doing things that should land them in court and the union goes to bat for them. Why do you think ( you do think don't you ? )the Mob likes to own unions? All you do is take in money and give out lip service.Can't beat it as a business but rather you like it or not unions are intelectually backwards. Just ask Fat Tony.