Friday, July 06, 2007


Can anyone please tell me where George W. thinks he gets his power to do anything he pleases? Are there no more checks and balances within our system? Does he indeed have total authority over everything and everybody? Please help me out here, I think I missed that class in school? Does Congress have the authority, or better stated, the will, to challenge and alter what GW has done? Can they un-pardon a bad pardon?
After GW slithers outta office with the UNTOUCHABLES, can we ever go back to the old way we were governed?


kc said...

Ya, I have the same questions. Seems like when the R's are in office, they can push through a lot of things they believe in that I think do damage to our country, but when the Ds are in, they can only work very slowly at change, sometimes hardly accomplishing anything. It is hard not to get discouraged!!

Anonymous said...

Sure Dubya and Cheney are slime balls, but I put the blame on each member of the spineless congress.

Southview said...

It seems the more we learn about our elected servants and their real attitude towards how government should work, and who it should represent, the more we see that it isn't the general public. It is all about the money and always has been. Until we get "BIG" corporate money out of the equation and get an election by popular vote, we are going to continue down the same road. We need major changes our system but unfortunately those in power to change things won't. So sometime down the road the people will get pissed enough and have another revolution. That seems to be the only way to be able to effect change within an occupied government. When your government no longer will listen to it's people you do have true tyranny!

DWPittelli said...

Actually, the President does have sole and total authority to issue irrevocable pardons for all federal criminal cases (not for impeachment).

That would be the reason nothing was done when Clinton pardoned Puerto Rican terrorists for Puerto Rican votes for Hillary's campaign, Hasidic Jewish fraudsters for Hasidic votes for Hillary's campaign, an unrepentant global criminal whose ex-wife donated money to his library, his coke-head brother, the woman who went to jail for contempt for refusing to testify about Clinton's actions in Whitewater, and some drug dealers who paid and loaned Hillary's brothers $100,000 apiece for the brothers' getting them the pardons.

Southview said...

dw.....I agree with you totally. There should NOT be a pardon of anyone for strictly reasons, but I don't see a big rush by congress to change it. It is nothing but a "get outta jail" free card for the mighty elitist class. Just another way for them to watch each others backs and not to have to worry about retribution for criminal activity. It is a very sad state of affairs we find ourselves in today.