Sunday, November 13, 2005


As I was sitting in my easy chair watching the television, not really paying attention to what was on the screen, my mind wandering off to the far reaches of the universe, with little snippits of thought popping in and out, not concentrating on anything particular.......WHAM!.......From out of the blue it hit me like a 2x4 up side the head! "The reason why there is no dialog, questions and answers, at the city (town) council meetings!" It is a matter of me hearing but not listening!
A while back,on our favorite local TV personality's program, he was explaining why there is not any dialog at the meetings. He explained that there is no reason to ask any questions because the questions have already been asked in the various committee meetings! What struck me most, "THE REVELATION", is the mind set that must prevail on the council! Their are two possibilities, ONE...that they truly believe and are relying completely on the premise that all possible questions that could be asked were asked in committee meetings...and TWO...that by asking a question of a committee member, would be taken as an attack or an insult, so don't ask so as to keep the peace! I can't agree with the first one, but would be more leaning towards the second. All council members can't be on every committee and at every meeting,..... so I would be reasonably correct if I reason that they must have a few questions........ What do you think? IT's YOUR DIME!


Anonymous said...

There are issues that generate debate- or at least questions that come to the Council floor----some are directed at the Committee members---some at the Mayor--- that there are no questions asked at full counil meetings is not true--if there were no questions why would the Eagle have endorsed me by saying that I am "outspoken and ask tough questions"? Reportes rarely attend Committee meetings- so their only assessment must come from the full Council meetings. Yes I do trust the judgment of the Councilors that I have served with for some time---but that doesn't mean that questions are not asked----sometimes I will analyze a proposal and be satisfied without question that it deserves my support---other times I will ask questions-and at times diagree with the conclusion of a committee.

Southview said...

chbpod...maybe I'm being to's just the inpression that is given, not just to me, but to everyone, that everything is taken off hand without question. The reports are given or the mayor asks for money for this or that and there is little output from the council. I will conceed that you are the one that does comment the most, but not in an inquisitive manner as such, more of a refermation. (is that a word?):~)...Remember way back when, the mayor was asking for some money for the dump or sume such thing and, I beleve Vinnie Maleto, asked the mayor about putting the monies in a special account or some something to that effect, so that there could be accountability. Well all hell broke loose...Back then you were a real scrapper! Anyway from that time to the present the council has shyed away from any sort of confrontation. Maybe not wanting to be thought of as a member of the "Gang". On the other point I don't think it is a matter of trusting their judgment. Hopefully their judgment is sound. It is more an issue of "I wasn't there, can't tell not knowing", don't be offended, I would just like to know!"...Clark my prayers go out to your Father and I pray for his speedy recovery...southview

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind expression of concern for my Dad----he won't be recovering enough to leave the nursinh home section of the Retirement Community-- he can't walk on his own--part of that is due to poor circulation in his feet and legs---but he looked good --still is alert -although he does have some memory problems- and who doesn't??

--"reaffirmation"-- is that the word you were looking for??? you were closer to "refermentation"---I'll have a brewski on that one---

a "scrapper" eh??? those were my days --as The Eagle called me "a loose cannon"


Southview said...

Ya Me Too... Here's to life! Sometimes I find myself pretty fermented!

Anonymous said...

refermented or embalmed??

Southview said...

Well let me say this.....I'll save a lot of money at the undertakers!

Anonymous said...

I'll probably wind up in the brine vat at Heinz--- chbpod

Anonymous said...

POD, best wishes for your father.

Anonymous said...

Thanks da snoop- now is the time that being an only child isn't much fun--chbpod