Saturday, November 05, 2005


In a few days we will be going to the polls to take part in a process, that our citizens have fought and died for, and are still fighting and dying for. Your right to vote! This is the one great tool , that you as a citizen have, that allows you to choose who you want to represent you in the affairs of the city. This year the people of North Adams have a rare opportunity to elect to the city council a vibrant, caring, dedicated individual , that is not a politico bobblhead. A person that truly cares for the city and its people...Chris Tremblay!... Contrary to what a small frightened few would have you believe, Chris Tremblay will bring honest, open debate to the floor of the council where YOUR concerns will be given a fair hearing, not behind closed doors and out of sight of the citizens. Some say we have a week council, they are only as week as they allow themselves to be. They control the purse strings of the city, which is pretty powerful. Chris Tremblay will watch over your tax dollars so that when requested for, YOU will know where they are going. Chris Tremblay has new and some not so new ideas...Ideas are what moves us forward. Some can be acted on directly from the council, others through another process, but without open honest debate within the council, and the key word here is debate, how can Any idea get a fair hearing? Chris Tremblay wants ALL voices given an opportunity to be herd. To ask questions is the DUTY of our council members and not anti anything or anti anybody. Being inquisitive does not impede the process or bring our city to a screeching halt...It allows for everyone to participate...That is the American Democratic System. So after all this said, I will have to endorse...CHRIS TREMBLAY for city council!


Anonymous said...

Hey Southview...
You might advise your readers to go to the "polls" Tuesday rather than the "poles"...might be a safer way to take advantage of The American, Democratic Way as you urge.

and when at the "polls" Give One Vote for Al..

Southview said...

Thank you for the correction, I am sorry to say that me and the american language are most of the time at odds with each other. Spell Check let me down again! :~)...Southview

Southview said...

Hmmm, seems that the blazer blog has gone behind closed doors today? Another glitch... or is he practicing?

Anonymous said...

You might enjoy this one- in 1984 when I was running for State Rep against Frank Costa (D-Adams) I ran ad on Channel 22's Bulletin Board----I could make one change without additional cost--so for election day I changed the ad and called the Board Master and asked him to add
"For Rides to the Polls- call 663---
Election night as I was listing to the WNAW election returns at my home-- my ad popped up on the screen and it read
"For Rides to the POLES"
I new I was going to lose-- The Poles in Adams would be insulted since I didn't think they could drive and I'd lose the Italian and French vote in North Adams because I ignored them------true story

Southview said...

:~) I envy these that have a good handle on english. Our language can be so destructive sometimes without us trying to be!

Andrew Etman said...

No closed doors...Comment Moderation prevents profanity and Slander...try it...

Anonymous said...

Now I may not be the brightest bulb on the tree---but I usually am able to "get it" after a while-- CJT recently proposed altering the tax classification plan-- to favor the business community-- any such shift would fall on the residential property owner-whose taxes would increase-- CJT said he- as a home owner- wouldn;t mind paying MORE-- now he has an ad on WNAW saying he will lower your taxes----HUH?????
sounds like he got some crap for his original position-- and now has become a --(WHAT'S THAT SOUND?)


Southview said...

Blog master...I'm not that sensitive to words in the english language...(sticks & stones)...I try to keep my blog open to all reguardless of their position or condition...try it

Anonymous said...

cjt- what the heck are you talking about-- we have never relied on residential taxes- the residentail sector pays about 70% maybe a bit more of our total tax levy---- and our property taxes-- from all local sources pay cover about 28% of our total budget---you'advocated cutting fees---or at least Uncle Jack has---so that means you are going to cut services---if you can;t raise the revenue we need-- what specific cuts do you propose that you would care to make public??? chbpod

Andrew Etman said...

It's called Politics.

Anonymous said...

No one in his right mind will allow a Vicon into this community--
-let alone reommend such----as lomg as we have a balanced budget I do't care one crap where the revenue is coming from----BUT YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTION ---if you reduce business tAXES DO YOU NOT BY THAT PROCESS raise residential taxes----come Chicken-- answer the Damn question--you are the biggest COWARD I have ever had to deal with-- frankly you are so erratic and irresponsible-- you should be on the 4th floor---chbpod--