Monday, November 21, 2005

It's Your Dime!

Being that this is the holiday week I thought I would try something different, at least for this blog. I have been spewing out my thoughts and trying to get all of you involved in the conversation, with only a small few choosing to join in. The rest of you, "the shadow people", preferring to not to participate. So...for the purpose of engagement I would like to know what YOU would like to talk about? What is in your thoughts? No one can trace you, without an act of congress, so you can still stay in the shadows. I guess they call this an open thread, so open up!....Remember "It's Your Dime", the best buy you'll get this holiday season! :~)


Anonymous said...

Mayorial term limits

Anonymous said...

JB III are you fer em or ag'n em?

Anonymous said...

We have term limits--- they are called elections------many of the suggestions that have been made on this blogs-- --e.g. with the bobbleheads on the Council why do we even need a council---or term limits for Mayor-----even if they are ood ideas-----that means you have to change the charter---last time that was tried-- the voters said no and the top nine vote getters- who would have formed the Charter Commission if the voters had said yes-- were all opposed to any changes---chbpod

Anonymous said...

Happens nationally in this country every four years.

Southview said...

I am for term limits...Keeps new ideas flowing...ctrem...the president of the council would become the mayor...chbpod... How do you change the charter and at the same have an impartial charter commission?

Anonymous said...

hmmm... interesting topic. Just some thoughts (because I really have not made up my mind on this one):
No Limits:
There is definately a lot to be said for experience. A mayor, to be effective, certainly has a lot to do with establishing yourself, making connections and the ability to see issues through to completion.
Many positive changes take time to research, implement and establish a proven record of success.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

For Limits:
Would we not see more worthy opponents if it were not such a battle to unseat an incumbant?
Are we relying too much on one man's vision? Thereby missing unseen opportunites.
Does an unlimited term lead to a situation where the incumbant is "too powerful" (whetehr actual or perceived)for otherwise worthy individuals to risk opposeing?
Would term limits force those constiguents that may not see the importance of making a choice, to get more invloved because choice would be inevitable?

Like I said, I do not know personally what i would choose right now. But if there were limits, I would want them to be at least 6 years. Seems like that would be ample time to establish yourself, produce results and groom underlings to continue.

Anonymous said...

Response to Southview---- if a Mayor resigns into the last six months of his term the City Council President shall function as Acting Mayor (John Taft Jr. did that when Dick Lamb resigned) other wise an election is called for to fill the remainder of the unexpired term------to pass a ballot question asking for the formation of a Charter Commission--- and to get those elected to the Carter Commission that don;t like the present form??? you just need the votes-----if for some reason Barrett-- resigned (highly unlikely) there would probably be a couple or more on the City Council that would take a shot----Gailanne Cariddi has always been mentioned as a candidate----and there would probably be some push for Dick Alcombright----Al Marden???
at one time perhaps---proably too happy in his semi retirement---Mike Bloom could have some consideration---of course that would depend on his health and family commitments---- I still get a few who ask me why I don't run----why should I-- Barrett's doing a solid job---besides I'm to old for that shit----what 20% of the population don't like about Barrett is his personality-- as they see it--- and some of the decisions he has made-- the other 80% is certainly happy enough to vote for him---- a "bona fide" candidate---unlike Walter Smith-- might get 40% of the vote-----since I would doubt that any of the incumbent Councilors would run
against him--- where would you look ???? School Committee???
Heather Bulger???? doubt it---vacant seat?????--- possibly---anyone in the business community???
Deep?? Ransford?? Tremblay?? well in the former two cases they have had their opportunities----Eric Rudd did run a few elections ago--1997 I think-------this time around he seemed more disatisfied with the Council than the Mayor---just my thoughts-- chbpod

Anonymous said...

There is only one person strong enough to beat this mayor - Gold Finger - no that's what you get when you visit the mayor in his office.

For local office, I'm with POD. The election process is the limiting factor. Especially in NA where just about every decision can be traced back to the Mayor. If the majority of people are that unhappy with his/her job, it should be easy to boot 'em.

"Would we not see more worthy opponents if it were not such a battle to unseat an incumbant?" If they can't unseat the incumbant, then I question their worthiness.

"Are we relying too much on one man's vision? Thereby missing unseen opportunites." One could ask themselves that question everytime someone is elected. I still think this, or any election, boils down to what a few of us have been saying. It takes an educated informed population to be able separate the wheat from the chaff.

Harder to do in national election where the amount of information necessary is staggering and you either to have spend your entire life following every decision ever made or you have to depend on the media to help sort out the issues.

Locally, given the voter turnout, I don't think it matters who runs. Maybe Bill Donovan should have run for mayor or better yet, how about that Bowden character with the publicly funded private public charter school. Of course in the mid-west they elect dead people, and on the west coast they elect people in jail. Perhaps we're no so bad off after all.

Southview said...

chbpod...Thanks for the information...I do agree with you if Barrett didn't run they would be comming out of the woodwork....JET... I just feel very uneasy with loungevity in any government elected office...I think it stiffles new ideas and and leads to complacency, and meny more problems. Hell, even our federal people realized this many eons ago...thus only two terms,which is enough, then the boot!

Southview said...

Just an observation for da snoop and chbpod...Just because someone wins an election doesn't nescesarly mean that is the person all people want.....that is the person that the PEOPLE THAT VOTE want! Some would rather sit home and grump at the outcome and not get off their ass to vote...

Anonymous said...

Southview, I think that your observation is fairly obvious and not overlooked. But one could also argue that people only get out to vote when they are unhappy with who is in office. So one could extrapolate that the incumbent is indeed re-elected with a majority of the voters approval. There is always some number of people that fall into your scenario, but as times get worse, that number drops I'm sure.

Wes said...

I tend to believe term-limits are good for executive positions (prevents concentration of power in one person for too long - see Daley, Richard J., Sr.) but not so good for legislative positions, since so much of the legislative process is predicated upon personal friendships that have been built over time.

In Ohio, they have term limits of eight years for both executive and legislative offices (at the state level). This has led to the destruction of institutional memory in the General Assembly and the increase in the power of the lobbyists (since they're often the only ones who know how things really work).

And chbpod, you are right - we do have term limits every two years (or four or six, depending on office). However, for that to be completely effective, you need fair districts, clean elections, and an informed citizenry. You can usually get one of those, and sometimes two of them, but rarely do you hit the trifecta.


Anonymous said...

The trifecta--- fair districts-- 5 wards- but since everyone runs at large-- the "district" thing is irrelevant--- clean elections-- yeah pretty much-- sometimes the campiagn rhetoric can get dicey--- but as far as ballot stuffing- voter intimidation- hanging chads----not here- what helps is that the elections are non-partisan---so "party" power and perks are also irrelevant----AAAAAAAAAAh now we come to an "informed citizenry"
There are people who have no interest- don't care--don;t register---and don't want to be informed----there are people here that didn;t even know we had an election a couple of weeks ago---don;t read newspapers or watch TV news------we have others who out of custom or habit always vote---and I think everyone that votes is "informed"------the assumption of left wing elites is that no one who voted for George Bush could possibly be informed--- nothing is further from the truth-- they WERE informed and rejected the leftism of the left---- just as the Gore/Kerry-- even Nader supporters WERE informed and they rejected the positions/policies of the right--- AND all of this applies to North Adams---what John Barrett has done for the overwhelming majority of North Adamites- is to give them hope that this City will rebound from the tough times of the 1970's and it has---as far as the "intelligence" of the "average" voter---they don;t need to have a college degree and be philosophically "imbued" to know who they want to vote for---and they are not "lazy" people -as Eric Rudd suggested -who just check off the first 9 names----CJT was LAST on the ballot and came in 9th---when I lost re-elecion in 1995 (my own damn fault and the voters were right)---I was second on the ballot-------they liked the 8 incumbents this year(even though we swapped positions around a bit-- and gave CJT a shot---if the voters just routinely checked off the first 9 names-- why is there such a spread of votes between #1 on the Council and #8 ( just talking about the inclubents-- I was number two and finished 500 votes behind Alcombright---that shows- for whatever reason a discernment by the voters------but we'll see--about CJT--if he gives the impression that he's anti-Barrett---his chances for re-election will go down immensely----if he's there to make a statement- or oddles of them---we'll just have to see how it plays out----------as far as I am concerned- in North Adams we have the Trifecta---chbpod

Anonymous said...

Clarification-- I was number two ON THE BALLOT and finished 6th-- 500 votes behind Alcombright-- I was NOT #2 in the order of finish--just in case there was some confusion at the tail end of my post--- mea culpa ----chbpod

Anonymous said...

Ok here's one for you "politico buffs"- two weeks ago under Open Forum- Ted Bassani tried to address the Council-- ruled out of order- THEN Mike Deep tried to address the Council (obviously relative to the West Shaft Road Sewar issue) he wanted 30 minutes of time- and was told to submit the papers that he had with him to the City Clerk during business hours-----in my Council packet- delivered on Friday night-- there were no papers from Mike Deep EXCEPT a letter to the Clerk asking to be put on the agenda for 30 minutes time-------however- his request had not been "sponsored" and put on the agenda by any Councilor---so technically his letter comes in as "Correspondence" which we rarely ever discuss or comment on------so what will happen tomorrow night - Deep is not on the agenda-- and will probably protest under Open Forum----how will the chair rule????????---again - the West Shaft Sewar line is not on the agenda- the Council gave authorization for the Mayor to purchase it for $10,000-- it is in the Mayor's lap----if he cannot take it with a friendly purchase he may decide to use eminent domain-- in which case it will have to come back to the Council for the "taking"---certainly at that time Deep as an interested party to an agenda item- would be allowed to respond (oh and the operatable words in the Council's rules- is "at the discretion of the Chair"----Barrett will not be at the meeting tomorrow night - at least that is my understanding---so it could be very interesting--- Adelphia viewing area-- Channel 17 at 7:30----there will be some time taken up by Senator Nuciforo talking about health care reform----put on the agenda by Gailanne a few months ago--- postponed until Andy could come and explain his plan---my Public Safety Committee report on the Osterman Propane request for a 1000 gallon diesal fuel tank---- will be referred (if the Council concurs with the 3-0 committtee report) to the Planning Board for Site Plan review- the Conservation Commission and the ZBA for advice and recommendation---chbpod

Anonymous said...

Deep was asked by Bloom how much time he needed- he said 30 minutes- the same amount of time that the Mayor took ----Bloom asked him to submit his "documents" to the City Clerk----instead he submitted a letter asking to be put on the agenda-- no Council sponsorship-----as for your analysis- of having two minutes under Open Forum -- I agree- cjt---chbpod

Anonymous said...

update-- according to today's Eagle--- Bloom has reserved time for Deep as an agenda item for the Dec 13th regular meeting-----chbpod

Anonymous said...

Ok- yes cjt-- you should be able to get a copy of the two dog ordinances that Gail used- Marlborough and New Bedford-- as well as her draft for North Adams-- and the City Solicitor's opinion----you raise the same question that I thoight of after the meeting---what will happne to Bc/BS--- or my Unicare indemnity plan of the PPos and the HMOs???// for examply I pay (I think) 15% the State pays %85% of each faculty's plan--- that means I pay more as does the state - than someone on a PPO or an HMO----so if all the money goes into this pot
#1--- will I be able to receive the same level of care that I am paying for?
#2- What will happen to the insurers that we have now?
#3- will I still be paying more and my colleagues paying less and we all have the same level of protection--??
I wouldn;t say I "blew" that but I did think of it afterwards on the way home

as far as I know Gail has not filed anything with the Clerk on Cats

As for Gail health care resolution--- she will re-draft one- maybe with Nuciforo's help that comes closer to what is in House/Senate conference----as opposed to the resolution she originally files that was in support of Nuciforo's bill---details are beinjg hammered out in conference committee-----my own thoughts on this are to oppose any support--- until the details are spelled out and a bill comes out of committee ---as for your BC/BS--- I have no idea-- and that is a valid question---hope this helps-- chbpod

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice to see those who fought so bitterly during the election become such buds!! Good for the city!!

Anonymous said...

That would be an easy one. Who is going to say you are wrong? Now telling the road crews they have to stop milking the overtime by plowing the road after every snowflake before the holidays, that would be the tough one.

Anonymous said...

I agree, but how much snow is required before the crews are sent out? About 2 inches at the beginning of the season, by the end it takes 6 or more. I don't fault the drivers, its whoever makes the call to send out the trucks. More importantly, its the morons that can't limit their driving to necessary trips and drive like its summer. When they get into trouble, who do they blame - the road crews.