Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I'm b-a-c-k!........I think I finely have my problems with Adelphia fixed, at least for the moment. Seems that it was a bad cable. If you would like to test your download speed here is a link, ( ) , There are several links that you can test your speed at, but I having been using this one as a bench mark for a while. Any of you old techno puterites remember the "TANDY COLOR COMPUTER"? That was my first adventure into computing. There was an evil reason I was interested in the world of computing though, making a big killing at the track! I reasoned that if I could put all the statistics of the horse and the jockey along with other variables, and the "K-factor", into a program on the machine, I could walk away a winner! Ya RIGHT!..........Anyway, it was a great exercise in learning the computer. Hell back then you had to write a program just to draw a line. Boy have we come a long way. Remember the Slide Rule? That's not a baseball term! :~) ..........This is a sort of an open thread today till I can get back into the swing of things. The Holiday Season is a good time to reflect and curb our bitching, which is not a bad thing! ............It's YOUR DIME!

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