Friday, November 25, 2005


A very interesting Council meeting with our State Senator. His report on the Health Care situation in the City (town) was some what rosy, as compared to other cities, but still a dire warning as what is to come. When government gets involved with health care I get a little skeptical, when government gets involved with MANAGING health care, I get frightened! Any type of managed health care IS NOT in the best interest of the patients, it is strictly an insurance ploy to sustain their bottom line. We will discuss the Insurance Industry at a later Blog!....... OK, What I see happening here is again our elected officials trying to bandaid and avoid a real problem.....HEALTH CARE FOR EVERYONE! He said "It is a complicated situation", Well ain't that the truth! Here is how I see it..........Our government officials have a big problem. On the one hand medical cost have gone through the roof and are going to go higher, leaving the people that are working, shouldering more of the burden. The number of people without insurance or very little is on the rise. On the other hand, the Insurance INDUSTRY is big business and government needs big business. So how to appease the people without pissing off the Insurance people??? By doing what politions do best.....NOTHING!!..... All they seem to be doing with this NEW POOL PLAN is making sure that the MEDICAL INDUSTRY gets paid! It is still going to be a cluster flock with some office worker telling you what is best for your medical needs, except now you will have to call a government office instead of an insurance office. (that's real scary!) As far as an employer is concerned, the private sector and our City (town), I don't see any savings, if anything is to be learned from history their cost will go up! As food for though...who is going to pay for another layer of government bureaucracy....higher taxes!..... Ain't nuttin free, ya gots ta pay da fiddler!.......... So what do you think? Should we test the waters first (ask lots and lots and lots of questions) or jump right in?.......... It's YOUR INSURANCE DIME!


Anonymous said...

I think the lack of comments on this issues shows what a catch-22 it is. Nobody wants another layer of government in our lives and no one can afford to pay the insurance rates. A very interesting conumdrum. As more people decided against insuance and therefore go to emergency rooms that must care for patients, what will happen? Will the government be forced to reimburse the facilities in order to keep them solvent? Or will the medical facilites of the country go further the way of farms and drug companies, where mega-corporations own and control everything?

Southview said...

If things keep progressing the way they are, there is going to be another revolution in this country! Just how far can people be pushed. No jobs, low wages when they do find something, high medical and drugs, gas, electric, oil, expensive transportation, a government that doesn't give a hoot, etc,etc. It can't go on forever, it has to explode!

Anonymous said...

Legalize marijuana, tax the sh*t out of it, free health care for everyone!No more damaging than cigs. or alcohol. Farmers would also benefit,1lb of corn or whatever, about $4.00/lb, 1lb of weed $1500.00/lb
Thats my dime