Saturday, November 12, 2005


This is a tough one, being that there are so many factors to consider. There has been a lot of gab about rejuvenation of the downtown area with more retail stores. That is all fine and dandy but that is up to the private sector and they first and foremost need a market for their items if they are to survive. We as a city (town) can only do so much to entice business to locate here, they need a market. Anyway...I thought it would be a novel idea if you, the shoppers, had a chance to give your opinion as to what you would like to see downtown...This will be the official -unofficial polling of what store you would like to see open in the downtown area...Come on you "Shadow People" here is your chance to be heard! ..... It's YOUR DIME!


Anonymous said...

Great question!! A quick scan of my requests would be a Staples and a multiplex.

Andrew Etman said...

Already coming, according to my high-level sources.

Andrew Etman said...

Include the "X-large" hat sizes for you, Chris. Congrats, by the way....

Southview said...

How about the speciality shops for the hobbiest...staned glass, model railroad, candel making, and my favorite,,,beer making!

Southview said...

Just a note to ponder...if the rents are to high for a mom & pop operation then what? These type of stores cater to a small few and their income probibly sparce. Would it be fesable for the city (town) to purchase or build a building or a small complex charging low rent...say a persentage of their profets? And I am not talking fly by night here. store

Anonymous said...

Just for info- Ihave posted a sort of lengthy response to yesterday's post"The King"-- somehow I couldn;t get it posted last night--chbpod

Anonymous said...

Boston Market or some kind of chicken shack

Anonymous said...

A whole foods store/deli

Anonymous said...

I think a diner on main street is a fantastic idea

John said...

Something that flourishes and stays in business.