Friday, November 11, 2005


Once again the "KING of North Adams" (the title bestowed on the mayor by a local TV personality) tries to limit the facts to one side...HIS! I will have to agree that the city (town) council is no place to engage in legal matters. But what I find appalling is the lengths that the "KING" will go to, to stop the truth from being heard. Why do you need a large police presents at a council meeting? Are they that lawless and rowdy? Or were they sent there for intimidation and if necessary physically stop free speech! Why is it so hard for the council to just listen to a citizen and then thank them for their input and move on? Be real people...citizens don't go to the council meetings and engage in the open forum because they want to praise anything...they go because they have a bitch and want others to hear it. If we are going to limit WHAT can be said and WHO can can speak, then do away with the open forum. OK, the question for today is.......Is the Open Forum Really Open?...........IT's YOUR DIME!


Anonymous said...

I never did like open forum or councilor's concerns---chbpod

Anonymous said...

You're wrong on both counts--of course you haven't been around very long---Council meetings should not be a community bulletin board---you have a letters to the editor section in the local paper--if there is an agenda item under debate-interested parties have the opportunity to put their two cents in--whether it's worth that much or not--chbpod

Southview said...

I don't know what constructive purpose it serves unless the councelors really listen and want to hear all points of view. It is good in the fact that it gives the citizenry a place that they can go to be heard, where all the councilors are present at the same time. Bad in the fact that it has turned into a forum where nobody wants to listen to anyone else and becomes a yelling match. That serves no purpose at all. I have alwys believed that the councilers in this city (town) were dignified enough to engage the speaker in inteligent discourse, even if it was not their point of view. There are some issues they can address and some they can't...If you are going to have an open fourm then they have to listen...

Southview said...

chbpod...if open fourm isn't a place where the citizen can speek freely about anything...than what is it and what is its purpose?

Southview said...

chbpod...I do agree with you on one point, wild mud slinging has no place in the council chambers. Their may need to be rules that govern the context of the oratory. Restricting input that only pretains to the council and their sphere of influence. I can live with that!

Andrew Etman said...

If I am correct, during Open Forum, the Council is not allowed to respond to any queries by the citizens. As for Mr. Basanni, the Council President was correct in shutting him down. The alleged charges have not been presented to a Clerk-magistrate yet, so it is not reasonable to allow him to present a one-sided story to a body that can do nothing about it, and besides, being taped for television, who's to say he doesn't say something that can be used against him in court? Mr. Bloom protected Mr. Basanni from himself, and protected the Council from an unneccessary tirade.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the question is what is correct per se, but what is precedent? Was Mr. Basanni treated differently than any other resident who has been allowed to speak at the open forum? If the answer is no, then case closed. If the answer is yes, then there may be some substance to Mr. Basanni's claim.

Andrew Etman said...

What pending litigation does Deep have? And if he does, does it concern the West Shaft Road Sewer Line? That is what he wanted to speak about. He spoke for about a minute, and then was told to submit his comments to the City Clerk during business hours. Sounds a lot different than Mr. Bassani's attempt.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure I agree with your assessment Mr. Etman. In reading the Transcript article it sounds as if had Mr. Deep been able to "compress his comments into one minute" he would have been allowed to speak. Further I get the impression that if time allowed, Mr. Deep would have been permitted to speak in more depth. Probably with the same conditions given to Mr. Basanni, but none the less allowed to speak. However, one will never know.

Anonymous said...

Ok here I try again-- attempted to respond last night and couldn't get it posted -I was operating from a computer in the lobby of the Confort Inn in Concord NH-- went up Thursday night to visit my Dad (age 95) in the nursing home section of Havenwooh---he's doing quite well-- considering that he was in the hospital for a couple of weeks back in August--- had a mild heart attack and kidney failure- went through two sessions of dialysis and two blood transfusions-- but is doing Ok right now-----anyway--- on the Bassani/Deep thing-- first Bassani- has a compliant against the Mayor- his intention was to ask the Council for a public reprimand of the Mayor---- he had twice been removed from the Mayor's Office and it was know before hand his intentions at the meeting---so COPS? yup--- I have had cops present at meetings (on Occasion) when I was President----some folks used to get unruly -- very argumentative and when ruled out of order---- would keep on ranting--- given the recent events--- and Bassani's action - of disregarding the Council President---having the cops there was appropriate----When I made my over the top remarks about Adams (Town Administrator- Community Development Director and head nof the BRPC) Ted wrote a letter to the Editor( as a citizen) demanding that I publically apologize---- I told him that he had crossed the line--if he was a reporter he should do a story---he watched my tape---without my permission at the Studio---and was there as a reporter---I said I was going to file a complaint with Vox---I didn;t why??? because he was right and I did go far and the following week apologized------as far as his compliants to VOx-- he had told me about them back in April when I was a guest on his show---complained about staffing----so he had had some issues with management----NOW for Deep??/ he was there on the sewar issue--no law suit on that (YET)-----but would not have been allowed to go more than 2 minutes--- OPEN FORUM is when citizens (actually guests of the Council) can bring up an issue that is not on the agenda--Councilors are not allowed to respond- or ask question---they merely "receive" the comments-- if a councilor wants to put that issue on a subsequent Council agenda-- OK-- then discussion of that issue may ensue-----visitors in the gallery do have the opportunity to make their position or opinion on an issue before the Council known-- WHEN that issue comes before the Council and is on the agenda----Open Forum does not meet that criteria------Mike Bloom handled both cases very well----chbpod

Anonymous said...

I touch my glasses in order to distract assholes like you from your self-indulgent self-abuse----
and if it bothers you-- turn to another a channel---I never asked you to watch my show--and anyone who doesn;t like it or is offended by it and continues to watch it has already qualified as INSANE---come of the shadows TO-----because you are a loser--------and you are wrong-- this is not a free country--- there are rules-- and assholes like you apparently think they don;t apply to you------come on who are you>????? want to mix it up???-- you fucking coward-!!!!!--pissing behind the curtain- because you are afraid to come out into the light--pathetic-----naw na na na na na-- ( I figure that's the only language a retard like you can understand) chbpod

Anonymous said...

so TO -if you had an issue "it would take cops to get me out of the meeting"-- that doesn;t sound all that SANE--- have you ever been to a Council meeting--- what issue(s) do you have---or are you going to hide behind a screen (pay no attention to that man behind the curtain)-----well at least there are over 1700 voters that think I am sane enough to be a member of the City Council--- how many think you are???? care to test the waters???? put up or shut up-----oh that's right --in this "free" country you don;t have to shut up---BUT if you don;t "put up" you're just a coward----ooooooh am I disturbing your concentration???? chbpod

Southview said...

I am truely confused? If all he was going to do was ask the coucil for a public reprimand of the mayor, why wasn't he allowed to speak? His intentions were known before hand so Bloom had plenty of time to form a respectable cordial reponce. It was nothing more than the mayor again trying to agitate the situation so he looks good and the truth gets burried in the melay.

Anonymous said...

Well Clark do you use that language with your students??? What do you want me to do beat up a 60 year old man!!!!Clark I am a respactable person unlike yourself and its a shame that your in the Council because all you do is kiss ass well guess what Clark kiss mine!!!! ----topod

Anonymous said...

TOPOD if you were respectable-- you wouldn't be a "shadow person"--well I am not 60 I am 65----- so you certainly can take your best shot--I was talking about the rhetoric of argument---and you are still chicken shit---whether or not it's a "shame" that I am on the Council is really irrelevant--
I AM ON THE COUNCIL!!!!! and how many votes did you get in this past election????? if you think you can do a better job-- RUN--- but noooooooooooo-- you hide in the shadows and run away----and yes I do get a little spicy with my language in class---- it usally keeps the students alert------and I doubt that you are a respectable person---at least as long as pond scum is not deemed to be respectable----you are respectable??? and hide like a coward in the closet---with a computer ---and God knows what else is in your closet---if you are respectable--you wouldn't hide behind anonymity--you'd stand on your two feet and be proud of what you're saying---until that happens "TO" you're just another
constant complainer---- at least John Coquette had the courage of his convictions (no pun intended) as did Bill Davis--as did Vinnie Melito and Paul Babeu--and although I thought they were wrong--dead wrong-- I respected their willingness to identify themselves publically-----I don;t repect people who hide in the shadows---they are not respectable people or worthy of respect----you are so shadowey- that you probable don't have a reflection in the mirror--as far as me kissing your ass??? I only appreciate hard asses-- and your's TO is as soft as a smeaker full of shit---in fact that describes you in toto--- chbpod

Anonymous said...

---chbpod Your a joke!!!I think your hiding something in your closet!!!!Keep babbiling along on your 1 hour of bull a week that everyone laughs at....but think are they laughing with you NO THERE LAUGHING AT YOU and return a thinker to the City Council I think the people returned a STINKER ----TOPOD

Anonymous said...

well topod- you're still a coward- I am out of the closet on this Blog and on others--and on my TV show---funny but there are those who enjoy my show-- and agree with a lot of what i have to say---I am sure that there are those that think thatwhat I have to offer is crap----but i could really care less about that---it's my show---and if you think it is a comedy- so be it--BUT if you dislike it so much and keep on watching it- what does that say about YOU--pretty much a pervert don;t you think------frankly I don;t give a shit if they are laughing at me or with me---I AM on the City Council with my best finish in years--and what are you?????? look let me give you John Choquette's phone number-- his address and maybe you should drop him a line---- you are a pervert---are you on the sex offenders registry???? you are so obsessed-- it is clear that you are not in your right mind----if at any time you choose to come out of the shadows---and be a man?????
I would welcome it-- until such time you are a coward and a sissy--and a piece of worthless slime---no one can be lower than someone who has not the courage to identify himself----come on -bring it on TO----Ooooooooooooooooooh I like that bra and panty outfit you're wearing---the apron looks good too----you are such a worthless piece of shit----I can;t stand cowards-----and that means I can't stand you---- cluck cluck cluck cluck-- cock a doodle doo-----look you can insult me all you want-- because I am real---a real person----not hidng out in a closet for fear that mommy spank----I am a City Councilor (for another two years) a college Professor (with tenure) and a TV "personality"--just what do you bring to the table?? a 65 IQ-- no job - on welfare-- and using a computer paid for by the taxpayers???---you deserve no respect-- and that means your rants deserve no respect---and most of the bloggers on this page know that---do any young children live near you???? chbpod

Anonymous said...

----CHBPOD I love it love it your an idiot!!!Oh im a tv persanality hahahahaha your a tv IDIOT LOSER who has nothing better to do than to go down to heritage park and ramble on about nothing and keep touching your 100 year old glasses...Hey Clark let me talk to Bob and see if we can get you a new pair that fits you LOSER!!!!!Clark why dont you sip down another bottle of that cheap shit you drink and go to bed LOSER ---topod

Anonymous said...

Sorry Pal-- losers are afraid to come out in the open---so go play with youself--- if you can find it--
I'll make sure I do a double on my glasses this week----interesting that you call me a LOSER--- by what standards do you determine winners and losers>>> care to answer?? care to DEBATE?? or are you just a "master" of the issue???
So far I have not seen that you are a "winner" of anything-- thereby how do you know what or who a loser is---to me --if you have never won anything--- you are the LOSER-- now I may have this all wrong--you may be a winner-- you may be a "somebody" but until we know who you are-- you are still a loser--of course mommy and daddy may still tink you're swell--apron and all-----what a pathetic sub-human being --clearly in need of help--actually not a valued piece of North Adams---chbpod

Anonymous said...

chbposhit you keeping saying the same thing!!!Piss behind the curtain come out how about I piss on you loser!!!Obviously im not the only ONE who feels that way if you watched LETS TALK ABOUT IT someone else agrees alot of people agree your a LOSER which I know you watched because I heard that graggly voice of yours.I am asking for your resiganation from the Council and the Collge and go somewhere else and play with yourself in another city that will put up with your bullshit!!!!!Now Think About It you moron.---topod

Anonymous said...

I wish you had a call-in on your show so everyone could laugh at the callers that are telling you how much of an Idiot you are!!!Can I be a guest on your show and will see who knows what thats my story and im sticking to it dummy ---topod

Anonymous said...

Hi Clark im not a shadow person anymore got a beef call me your smart figure it out ----topod