Thursday, November 03, 2005


Good Morning Citizens! Before we get started today I must correct incorrect statements made on Mr. Billings TV show last night. First, I am NOT Chris Tremblays father. I don't know where he got that idea? Second, Chris Tremblay is not trying to hijack the City (town) council or the mayors office. He is just a concerned citizen that is willing to step forward and offer his time and talents and ideas to the people of North Adams. He is not a hand picked candidate of the mayor and hence attacked at every turn. Since when is having an opinion or an idea bad for the City? (town) Now lets talk about "BENCHES"... Chris Tremblay listened to people in the city (town) and their desire for a place to be able to sit and rest while downtown. The older people and the disabled need, Chris Tremblay listened, and it may be added here that it was with the mayors blessings and the within the existing guidelines, donated benches to the people of the city. Then all hell broke loose...the mayor, perceiving an imaginary threat of some sort, lashed out as usual and sent city employees around to try and harass and strongarm local businesses, and then mounted a campaign of verbal abuse. This is good for the city and its people? This is moving foward? This is helping the elderly and disabled ? This is helping bring people to the downtown to shop?... Mr. Mayor, what is wrong with you?... Comment if you like, I'm fed up!


Andrew Etman said...

Who's the hand-picked candidate?

Southview said...

That doesn't even deserve a reply!

Andrew Etman said...

Are you saying I am the hand-picked candidate? I chose to run on my own accord. Nobody in City Hall asked me to, and I am sure there would be other choices the Mayor would have gone to first.

Anonymous said...

Well Mr. Handpicked Candidate you say that you wish there was talk about real issues??? I won't even go there. What issues would you like to talk about?

Anonymous said...

you may not have been hand picked but you are the one they are going to have to go with now. mr. barrett has a history of assulting people, eric fehrenstorm?, then blaming the other person for provoking him. wow, what is going on here? the mayor lied to the city council and the citizens of north adams, got caught and is now trying to lay the blame on someone else. stop the nonsense with mr. deep, it is costing taxpayers, of which you are not one.

Anonymous said...

Man POD, I wish I could see your show. I bet it would a real kick. Have you looked into a way to distribute it other than the cable channel? How about you do it from MoCA like Ex. Gov Swift used to do her meetings? Is there anyway to get a transcript of what was said? You could post that on the Internet couldn't you?

Anonymous said...

Well if you know someone in the viewing area maybe they would tape it for you----it's on at 9 on Weds and again at 4:30 on thursdays----the past few weeks have been mostly on the election--- but I get into all sorts of things usually--- sometimes city issues-
sometimes state- national and sometimes just goofy news from around the world---some of which I get from a British web- called Ananova--- if you visit their site-- click on "quirkies" some of that stuff is a hoot----wonder if all this activity will "blog" down after the election-----oh yes- da snoop--- sometimes I do windmills--

Anonymous said...

Hey POD, I wanna hear it all. Certainly the good folks at the MCLA media center, I assume that's where you tape it, could find a way to stream it.

Anonymous said...

No I tape it at Building 6 in the Heritage Park at the studios of Northern Berkshire Community Television---well since I have no idea of what "streaming" is I can;t say---- is "streaming" connected to Buddingon's proposal to alter the flood control chute--I know what "steaming" is that apparently occured in the Corner Office on Tuesday---and I know what "streaking " is---I quit that long ago--- bad knees---chbpod

Anonymous said...

Simply put, streaming is taking a video feed and sending it over the internet in small pieces. High speed users see the video uninterupted, dialup connections have to wait for each piece to fully download to their machine before it will play. If you go to CNN's website, they usually have a streaming video of the top news story. You can also go to the weather channel and see a streaming video of the weather in your area. But even having the the text in downloadble form would be cool, and easy to do. Does this place have a website? Actually your ISP (Internet Service Provider like Adelphia or BCN) probably gives you 5mb of space with your email account. You could post the text to that location and create a public folder for us to download from.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would I want to make my public comments public-- I usually hope people forget them--- chbpod

Anonymous said...

Ok Southview----so who's your Daddy--- that I know--- now-- and you could have revealed this at any time--- of course you have taken your name John Tremblay-- off your "complete profile" link-----so we know that John " Jack" Tremblay - Chris grandfather was nicknamed Southview-- and that you took the name Southview- in honor of your father-----So you're not Chris' Dad I was wrong---so I give up I am ready to scream uncle----chbpod

Anonymous said...

Let's see- mu last post was at 6:46
it is now10:26 --- and no response from Southview---does that mean that this blog no loger exists---cluck cluck cluck to all of you