Monday, November 14, 2005


Today I would like to further explore into the mind set that prevails on the city (town) council. It would be a learning process for those of us that are not privy to the internal workings of the council. As they say "hard tellin not knowin" So those of you that know...(shadow people) ...learn us sumptin!.....Remember "Questions are the keys to knowledge and knowledge is power, and that power will set you free!"..... It's Your Dime!


Bill Donovan said...

It may come as a surprise, but there is no "...mind set..." on the North Adams City Council other than to serve the city of North Adams as well as possible. There is no secret politicking, no behind the scenes maneuvering. In fact, because of the rigid strictures of the state's Open Meeting Law, there is overall very limited contact between city councilors, especially concerning city business.
And as far as the influence that Mayor Barrett exerts on the council, it is well earned by years of expert administration of the city's budget. He is also accomplished at anticipating and planning the city's strategy in relation to state aid. His skill in this department alone has saved North Adams millions over the course of his tenure. It may come as a shock to you planners and plotters out there, but Mayor Barrett never once asked me to vote a certain way on any issue in my many years on the council - not once.
It also may come as a surprise to you who believe there is some grand conspiracy to local politics, but the most important role of the North Adams City Council doesn't involve any type of politics at all - it involves mundane, boring work reading the budget, as well as fascinating documents like zoning ordinances, or taxi license applications (our most frequent vote on the council), or the city's budget recap sheets voluntarily provided the council by the Mayor's staff on a timely basis. Oh,let's not forget the wildly political adventures of items such as locating utility poles.
I started reading a couple of these local blogs right around election time and I am flabbergasted at the snotty, self-serving arrogance of some of you folks. It is a crummy, low-life thing indeed to make greasy hints about the character of people when you have no evidence at all. That's how a coward operates.
The folks on the North Adams City Council are good-natured hard working public servants who are enthusiastically willing to do the everyday chores of overseeing city government. And the voters of North Adams have recognized their service once again.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Donovan, I wouldn't call POD "snotty, self-serving" or "crummy, low-life"! Or were you referring to the "greasy hints about the character of people" made by others who posted in this manner, including your candidate - Mr. Etman.

Anonymous said...

cjt- just a heads up about taxi licenses--- almost every rookie councilor about 4-6 months into their first year----has asked why were apporving so many taxi licenses-----answer is that there are two types-- one is to "operate" a taxi-- which means ownership of the vehicle---the other is to "drive" a taxi---we currently have 5 cabs in the City---but oodles of driver applications-- it is a very transient end of the business--- sometimes people drive for as little as a week or two-- but their licenses are still on the books- and then the operators hire other people to drive---but sit tight-- you may get one of ou "meatier" issues----I am not sure we will resolve the dangerous dog ordinance before the new term begins----we arewaiting for some input from the Mayor and City Solicitor-- I know that John Morocco has a coupleof changes he'd like to see- and NOW Gailanne has proposed adding registration of cats---this one may take a while---and you may be able to get involved---one of the reasons we keep postponig is to come to a preliminary agreement BEFORE we publish tha document as required by law---it is lengthy---and I would like to save the clerks budget-- for publication until I know we have it right----and that it will not be vetoed----or that we have enough votes to over ride a veto---so this is taking some time-----chbpod

Anonymous said...

da snoop?? snotty- self-serving- crummy low-life??? Moi????? just remember what Meatloaf said-- two out of three ain't bad---heh heh heh

Anonymous said...

That's right CJT- I forgot that you had a golden-- just proves you're not that bad a person after all---I do recall that you got fined- when they were lose----but I agree on cats-----it is probably in response (the proposal) to something that the Animal Control officer said at our first meeting- that HE had more problems with stary cats than dangerous dogs-- probably Gailanne talked directly with him on this issue and decided to bring in a proposal to add cats to the legislation------ I have a cat-(in addition to my Golden)- several of my neighbors do-- and we also had about 4 strays in the area over the summer-- so what--- you ain;t going to catch those dudes--- they don;t exist in the "wild" without some "street" or "backyard" smarts-----herding cats is not something for the light of heart---chbpod

Southview said...

CATS! did someone say cats? I love cats...They are independent, resorcefull, loving, helpfull, smart,and loyal. But now I am a grandfather to two dogs...A black lab and a ???, her name is Mia, but we just call her..."DOG FROM HELL" :~)

Southview said...

Bill... You are right, some of those other blogs were pretty selfserving. Bill... which council were you on???

Andrew Etman said...

"You are right, some of those other blogs were pretty selfserving." Look in the mirror. This blog was pretty family-serving if you ask me.

Andrew Etman said...

The actual quote, if you had bothered reading it, was "I started reading a couple of these local blogs right around election time and I am flabbergasted at the snotty, self-serving arrogance of some of you folks. It is a crummy, low-life thing indeed to make greasy hints about the character of people when you have no evidence at all. That's how a coward operates."
I believe he was talking about the commenters, not the blogs.

Southview said...

I would be more inclined to say....truthfull and issue oriented! But the election is we really want to get into this?

Andrew Etman said...

First time I ever met a "sore winner". I'll be sure to save this quote for the next election.

Anonymous said...

POD those weren't my words, those were Mr. Donovan's. I assume he was commenting on southview and family, but I think the mud was slung by all, not just a select few.

Strange accusations from someone who was trying to limit free speech with the whole Topia Arts deal.

Southview said...

Anyway...where does he mention commenters? Gee...I read it several times...oh..right!...I didn't read between the lines! Must be one of those magic cereal box code ring things!

Anonymous said...

da snoop? I know the quotes-- I was just admitting to the description even if it were not directed at me----chbpod---

Anonymous said...

wi-fi hot spot?? so pray tell is it---coundlt because of the City could it--or is it the result of the private sector??? chbpod

Anonymous said...

Fine with me--- I still havn't been able to distinguish between Wi-Fi and Wha da Fha????? is there a difference???--so who needs it??? but if there is a market for it??? ok with me---chbpod

Anonymous said...

mr. donovan...i do recall that you were one of the first to pioneer "blog politics" early during the campaign when you stated that "none of the new city council candidates" were cut out for the job.

Anonymous said...

andy...are you irritated because your blog turned out to work, not in your favor, but in the favor of your "competitor"?

John said...

Hmm . . . based on my experience, the city council, school board, planning board, mayor, business leaders, slumlords, Mass MoCA, and normal citizens can all clam slices of the pie when it comes to the current state of North Adams. There are a lot of people out here who enjoy witnessing all this finger pointing . . . pot kettle black each and every time.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry- I just looked at my pot-- and it's still white-- wrinkled no doubt -but still white---chbpod

Andrew Etman said...

I wouldn't say it worked in anyone's favor. When you're outspent 5-1, it's tough to overcome. I'll be back. Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

andy, what are you implying?

Anonymous said...

see, it is funny that you say that because i thought having the mayor's full support behind you would have given you the edge. i thought that was what would have given you the advantage but i guess that was a bad assumption.

Andrew Etman said...

What I am saying is that for every dollar I spent, 9th place probably spent $5. I was appreciative of the Mayors' support. But you have to wonder, with all the voting machine malfunctions, and the City Clerk's comment to the media that "The city no longer deals with “unread ballots,” meaning ballots that passed through a voting machine without being counted.", how different the outcome might be if I asked for a recount. I'm not saying I'd make up 137 votes, but a lot of people are concerned that their votes were never counted. Remember, cjtrem forewarned me that if he lost to me by any margin, he was going to ask for one. Fair is fair.

Anonymous said...

Andy showing your true colors again!!!Hey 10th place isnt bad try again next time and see how good you do---topod

Andrew Etman said...

I'll be back, and I hope you run also.....

Anonymous said...

10th ---1975---- 10th ---1995 (as an incumbent) 10th ---1997 Been there!!! Done that!!!! If you really want to serve-- you don;t quit after one loss (or several) you have to let voters know you want it (for them)--- this year none of the challengers- except Chris and Andy--- even tried to let the voters know they were serious---Buddington said he wouldn;t use lawn sign- becaise if he did and got elected it would be for the "wrong" reasons----none of the Rudinistas (except Nicolai -with maybe on small ad in the "T"--did anything at all---sheeer arrogance-- vote for me I'm special--I'm important- I'm the future-- I've got new ideas- creative solutions--take my word for it (and that of the Transcript)
Let's see how many run again in 2007----there's where the proof is----are they sunshine patriots????
they certainly didn;t waste the time or money on their campaign to help us poor retarded folks still living in the middle ages-- stuck in this decaying milltown that they single handedly are going to save------they were either-- arrogant or just plain lazy---Congrats to Chris and Andy----- they put their efforts in --they campaigned as though they actually wanted to earn the vote of the voter----what was it that the actor John Houseman-- said when touting Smith Barney---"we manke money the old fashioned way-- We EARN it" well both Chris and Andy didn;t make it--- but they both EARNED the votes they got----the Rudinistas?????---BARF--- they didn;t even "try" accept to utilize the "freebies" provided by the media----they obviously donpt have any real interest in this community at all- accept their own vested one---- condos lofts and fuel assistance---is this a great country or what???? chbpod