Tuesday, November 15, 2005


A very revealing article can be read here........... http://www.benningtonbanner.com/editorials/ci_3213285 ..........Are we in the same boat...Almost? What do you think? IT's YOUR DIME!


Anonymous said...

Our School Committee meetings are not televised- but are open to the public---the City Council as a whole conducts no "work sessions" although I suppose you could say that the sub-committee meetings are in essence "work sessions" and although not televised- are open to the public----nothing nefarious going on here---the public's right to know is not violated here in NA nor is it in Bennington---the press has access to all meetings--chbpod

Southview said...

I don't think the infrence of the article was trying to say that anything nefarious was going on. But rather that by not bringing the discussions to the open floor, where the general public would be more likely to see and hear, and those members that arn't privy to the discussions, get the oppertunity to add their two cents. By this not being the case, they get the feeling that they are left out of the process, or at least preceive to be, that it has all been said and agreed to, and all that is left to do is bobble.

Andrew Etman said...

The general public is invited to all committee meetings. The dates and times are posted. Why re-hash something because people are too apathetic or lazy to attend these committee meetings? They would rather think something is going on behind closed doors, make inferences, and let the peoples' imaginations run.

Southview said...

Blog master...What planet do you live on? Slurp, Slurp, Slurp!

Bill Donovan said...

Again - as I said yesterday, there is no secret conspiracy, no hidden politicking that goes on with the North Adams City Council. What Bennington's school committee is doing would violate Massachusetts' Open Meeting Law and the school committee members would face fairly stiff fines. Believe me, Massachusetts takes that law very seriously. A quorum (five in the city council's case) cannot even assemble socially (except a public event like a Christmas party, a parade, etc.) without posting a public notice of the assembly forty-eight hours in advance at the North Adams City Hall.
Plus, (and chbpod can correct me if I am wrong), I cannot remember a sub-committee meeting, ever, that was held concerning a 'hot' topic that was important to the people of North Adams that did not have at least one reporter present. So, where is the conspiracy theory to that?
The reason for subcommittees is very valid - if there are two or three of those 'hot' items on one agenda, regular meetings could take five or six hours. Nothing is accomplished in those types of marathons. But nothing is ever hidden, nothing is ever done behind the scenes.
As far as the 'bobblehead' comment goes, that's a cheap shot, period. Under our charter's legal rules, the Mayor is not even legally required to provide the majority of papers which he provides for the council's consideration. I've always assumed he does so in the spirit of cooperation and openness.
North Adams voters have made it very clear that they don't want a disruptive council. It's the easiest thing in the world to sit back and take potshots. But all that accomplishes is attention getting for the noisemaker and delayed results for the city. I've always said that it is easy to be a bad councilor - all it takes is a big mouth - but demanding to be a good one.
The real truth is that the vast majority of North Adams' citizens are very happy with Mayor Barrett and the North Adams City Council. Why? Because they have done a great job.

Southview said...

Bill...WOW...So basicly, if I am reading you right, anyone that questions the "KING" or another member of the councial, or a committee member, is a loud mouth trouble maker, disruptive, anti-city (town), bad councial member, that doesn't have the best intrest of the city (town) in mind! To be a "GOOD COUNCIL MEMBER" one should just sit their like a lump and BOBBLE! For gracious sake man, if that is the way you preceive it then why bother having a council in the first place?

Anonymous said...

The editor of the Banner -misses one important point-- that the work sessions are held in public--and a good reporter can take down notes on what was said and by whom---another solution is televise the work sessions--seems they are likely held in the same b=venue as the regular meetings---in NA the Council meetings are televised---and that's it---- In Adams I think both the Selectmen's work sessions and regulat sessions are televised--- however at a work session- input from the public is not allowed--(I think)-all of this stands the test of the open meeting law--the editor of the Banner is just blwoing smoke--maybe because he has incompetent reporters--that may only choose to report on the actual meeting and not the work session---but Southview's suggestion that the public is not informed about the goings on in NA-- is bull shit----
Actually the public usually has a greater opportunity to participate at a Committee meeting than at the regular meeting-- Committee meetings tend to be less formal--in free wheeling discussion can ensue among the committee members- other Councilor who may be there-- the Mayor- and other interested parties-------theoretically the rules of the Regular Council meetings are used in a committee meeting-- but of course the decretion of the Chair as to how strictly they will be used prevails----sometimes there are reporters there-- sometimes not---if the public has a complaint-- blame the press---chbpod

Southview said...

chbpod...I am becoming more confused by the minute. Please excuse my laymans ignorance of the workings of the governing prosess. I am not trying to infer that the open meeting laws have been infringed upon, council members meeting in dark smoke filled cellors puffin on large green stoggies, outside of town on a rainy night, in their pajamas, What I am infuring is that the people of this city (town) ARE NOT informed! And by that I mean even though they have access to the various committee meetings, they don't have a clue what goes on there because they can't attend them all and shouldn't be expected to. You people that are involved in these processes do it on a daily basis, it's your "THING" it's what you do, it's what we elected you for, but the rest of us have other fish to fry....sooo we depend on the media...the televised city (town) council meetings. It's there that we see our government in action. We expect, no we demand, open discussion of the issues that effect our city (town) at the council meetings. We expect you to hash out the pros and cons of the issues in committees, and yes even come to a concensus of the best plan of attack...but all nine members are not present in the committee meetings...soooo the need for open discusion at the council meetings is inparative for an INFORMED public. Remember we are simple small city (town) folk that depend on you people. But at the same time we DO want a say in the prosess. It's like I said..."hard tellin not knowin" (I like the term...hog snot better than bull shit) :~)

Anonymous said...

you are you-- and that's what's what---the "WE" is only minority---and frankly I don't give a damn about what you demand--- you don't like the system??? change it!!!!!!
stop complaining and get off your ass----and who says that there is not open discussion at Council meetings of issues referred to Committees??? only you and your nephew and John Choquette et alia.
Very often when a committtee report comes back to Council the Councilors on that committee express the reasons why they voted for or against the issue in committee---when the issue is on the floor---after the Council has finished their exchange--- which may involve questions from Councilors who were not at the committee meeting- the issue is open for commentary from the public - NOT DEBATE mind you- but commentary--opinions as to pro & cons-----some issues are referred to committee as a matter of course--- and probably don't need to be---such as the classification and compensation plan-- usually referred to Finance while the matter is published and can't be voted on until a second reading---but there is no real reason for it-- it will be enacted----same as with the budget-for all practical purposes----the public is informed- I guess it's that you don't like the information--- chbpod

Southview said...

chbpod..Why are so touchy with the word "DEMAND" YOU are an employe of the people of this city(town) and as such, as with any boss employee relationship the boss does demand certain things of his employees. If you are of the opinion that you or any member of the city (town) government are anything other than employees of the people then you are in the wrong country! And as far as the council being inquisitive...only in your dreams!

Anonymous said...

You can demand all you want---and I can ignore you all I want---so stuff it-- YOU do not employ me---the voters have hired me again--- BUT that doesn;t mean that I have to accept every DEMAND that comes especially from someone- who obviously didn't vote for me--so have another brewski---and get that fuzzy-headed lint out of your navel---I don;t have to listen to you-- I don't even have to communicate with you---I am in for two years-- you got a bitch--- take it up with me next time I'm on the ballot----in the mean time you can practice self-fornication---chbpod

Anonymous said...

cjt-- I thought I had---but I do see a reference to you as wanting more discussion that I did post--of course that was part of your campaign-- more discussion-----wasn;t it???? yeah- you want out??? Ok by me--- you are out-- this is between your Uncle and I---and the voters in 2007----it's great to have tenure-- even if it's for only two years--------you can do stupid thing you want --as long as it's legal--- and no one can touch you---of course if the voters think that the "stupid" things are brilliant--- maybe gets another two years------AND maybe not--- chbpod

Southview said...

Wow...such dignafaction from one of our elected officials...ignore the wishes of the people that put you on the committee and the rest of the voting public. (oh... by the way, not that it is any of your business....but I did cast my vote for you.)...But you are correct,that is your right to egnore me and et alia. And thank you, I will have another brusky

Anonymous said...

OK a City web site that posts all meetings and other important info IAM IN FAVOR OF IT--- THERE I'VE SAID IT-- YOU MAY QUOTE ME---just had a subcommittee meeting on the application to put an above ground diesel- down near/or the Berskshire Gas property--- low key meeting-- discussion sort - nothing as formal as a regular meeting---no rules and orders- you wouldn;t have been able to determine that I was chair----Yeah-- CJT I can appreciate your aversion to being mentioned in the same sentence as Choke It=====sorry about that---as for Southview--- the poeple did not put me on a committee- they puit me on the Council and the Council President hands out committee assignments-- my undstanding is that Gailanne has the votes to be next Council President---so I e-mailed her today and asked NOT to put me on any Committee with Chris--------------------------------------------------------------------------------wanna know why??????????////

Because I am concerned that if he and I continue our "banter"- sometimes friendly -sometimes hostile on this Blog and others----it could constitute a conflict of interest IF we constitute a quorem of a committee that might be considering something-- and since I know that you look forward to my pasts and repartee with unbridled zeal-----I decided to take the cautious approach so that I can continue be a player here in cyberspace---cheers -- oh hear that CJY is a guest on Moulton and Bouchers show at 8 PM tonight---that should be good---- have to go now---- mu dialing finger needs to get limber----- chbpod

Anonymous said...

clark, do you go to the bennington meetings? when you say that nothing nefarious goes on in their school committee meetings, what are your sources?

John said...

I would visit this blog much more often if every entry didn't end with the words "It's your dime." It's annoying. When I read an entry, I know it is coming and I cringe and grit my teeth in anticipation. As the name of a blog, it's fine, but repeated over and over, it begins to seem like one more unfunny catch phrase from Saturday night live.

I don't think that's too much to ask.

Anonymous said...

for anon-- no I don't go Bennington meetings of any sort--why would i -and In don't need any sources beyond the Banner which acknowledges that the "work sessions" are legal- the point is that even their "work sessions" are not illegal-----give me an untrepid reporter-- report the news -- or- in your case ----shut the fuck up--you retard--no name chicken shit scumbag--keep it comeing pervert--- I got your number-------get your name out here- and I can't call you such names---you pedophiliac piece of shit ---as it is right now- I don;t even know that you exist ----oooooooooooh I am so glad you didnt vote for me---what sane person wants to know that a pervert votes for him---not I chbpod --- piece of shit -- chbpod

Anonymous said...

look btb-- what the fuck ever that means--- the Banner acknowledged the the "work sessions" were legal-- they lamented that they were not on TV---and thus more public----the work sessions are legal-- even the newspaper admits that--- they just wish they were seen----and well I admit I don't know everything----but I know a shit load more than most---and since you can;t read----you are the unknowledgeable piece of shit---go back to second grade- and learn to read---and stop being a shithead for "anon" --just another transplant from Pownel---chbpod