Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Sorry folks.....Still ongoing problems with ADELPHIA NO SPEED INTERNET SERVICE! They are going to send out a Technico to fix the problem on the 29th? So till then it is a hit or miss proposition for me. They don't seem to want to fix the real problem.....their system..... insted they will come and play with my equipment, find their is nothing wrong, try to sell me a faster connection, then when I say NO... they will say "Hmmm don't know? Must be the internet! This is getting very old in a hurry!


Anonymous said...

Might be a good idea for the city to get some sort of public/private wireless intiative going that would take Verizon and Adelphia out of the loop.

Southview said...

Adelphia or who ever owns them now is doing a really bad job. My TV reception is really bad, their high speed internet is anything but! Their is no compition for them so no incentive to do a better job. Sure maybe the City (town) should get into the high speed internet game...heaven knows we waste enough money on other foolish endevors!

Anonymous said...

Thats the problem with wired service of any kind. The lines need to be maintained on an ongoing basis. It is my personal opinion that is why Verizon et. al. are giving cell phones away so cheap. The would like nothing better than to have everyone wireless. No wires, poles, road crews, etc. They maintain a central hub and that's it. Adelphia should be very nervous about cable television. Its not long before TV is transmitted over the internet - an article about it just last night, I believe, in the Transcript.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about DSL or where you live Southview, nor do I wish to, but it could be a packet priority shell game. They give higher priority to packets sent to your IP address until your neighbor complains, then they bump him/her up and lower yours until you complain, back and forth, etc, etc. We used to play that game on company networks all the time when bandwidth was very limited. If, indeed bandwidth is limited in your area, it may be cheaper to keep switching than to upgrade the circuit.

Wes said...

"Might be a good idea for the city to get some sort of public/private wireless intiative going that would take Verizon and Adelphia out of the loop."

Your lips to God's ears, buddy. :)


Andrew Etman said...

I switched to Verizon DSL a year ago, and have had zero problems with them, and I find them just as fast as adelphia was.

Anonymous said...

That's because you were a city council candidate. I hope that level of services continues. Just kidding, I do believe a lot has to do with where you live and how many people on your circuit use the network. I believe DSL has a 3 mile radius limit from the substation, could be the farther you are from the substation the worst the service? With cable there isn't any twisted pairs running to your house, so I assume the bandwidth for each circuit all must go through the same piece of wire, that's gotta cause problems.

Southview said...

I don't have access to DSL up here on the mountain. Besides wayback, when I had Dial Up from BCN Net, the same sad story...They blamed the weather, the sun spots, the Demacrats, and the telephone wires...Hmm.....Maybe it is time I replaced the string between the tin cans? I have been tempted to go with satilite high speed. Actually after all with Adelphia that is what you have already, except you get the signal over their cable wires from the point they pick up the satilite transmission down on Curran highway. I have a dish setup and would never go back to cable. Pure digital...Super extra cost, scads of extra cost, all the premium extra cost, free dish and instalation! If I received the same package from Adelphia I would have to refinance every month to pay them. I pay around $80+ per month and the only package I don't have is their sports package, but I get all the sports I could want on the regular package. Sorry I get carried away when I talk Dish vs Cable. Ya there are some limiting problems with the dish but they are moving to a new satilite that is higher in the sky which will cut out most of the problems we encounter up here in the north. for thought!

Andrew Etman said...

I switched to Dish Network at the same time I dropped Adelphia high speed...I would never have cable again...

Anonymous said...

One issue with going satellite for internet connection. Unless you pay the very big bucks, they still need to use your phone line. The signal comes from the satellite, so your download speeds, which is what they alwasy quote, are fantastic. However, to upload, you must send the signal through the phone lines. It doesn't tie up your phone, but there is a limit the speed that you can transmit at.