Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I'm b-a-c-k!........I think I finely have my problems with Adelphia fixed, at least for the moment. Seems that it was a bad cable. If you would like to test your download speed here is a link, ( ) , There are several links that you can test your speed at, but I having been using this one as a bench mark for a while. Any of you old techno puterites remember the "TANDY COLOR COMPUTER"? That was my first adventure into computing. There was an evil reason I was interested in the world of computing though, making a big killing at the track! I reasoned that if I could put all the statistics of the horse and the jockey along with other variables, and the "K-factor", into a program on the machine, I could walk away a winner! Ya RIGHT!..........Anyway, it was a great exercise in learning the computer. Hell back then you had to write a program just to draw a line. Boy have we come a long way. Remember the Slide Rule? That's not a baseball term! :~) ..........This is a sort of an open thread today till I can get back into the swing of things. The Holiday Season is a good time to reflect and curb our bitching, which is not a bad thing! ............It's YOUR DIME!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Good morning people! I surely thought that yesterdays topic would have generated a lot of talk? It is such an important subject, not only in our personal lives, but in the life of the city (town). I attributed the almost nil conversation yesterday to people still napping from the holiday......well you had better wake up! As this POOL affects the city (town) government as well as the businesses that are here and their employees. Look at how the budget monies are divided up......the biggest portion going to education, and that is on the rise. The prediction from the state is that within a few short years INSURANCE will cost the same if not more and be as big an item on the budget. Then we have real problems! The fix is real simple, PRICE CONTROL, but you will never see that with Republicans running the show. You have to control cost, but not at the expense of the workers, you have to control what can be charged for Insurance premiums (all insurances - liability, medical, and auto), for a doctors visit, for an operation, for the price of drugs, for a hospital stay... "THE POOL" doesn't address any of the underlying factors that effect the rising cost. It only puts off the problem for someone in the future to deal with. Our city (town) people are doing a good job right now but soon it will be beyond their means to control...what will suffer....we all will! ..........What Do You Think? It's YOUR DIME!
Friday, November 25, 2005
A very interesting Council meeting with our State Senator. His report on the Health Care situation in the City (town) was some what rosy, as compared to other cities, but still a dire warning as what is to come. When government gets involved with health care I get a little skeptical, when government gets involved with MANAGING health care, I get frightened! Any type of managed health care IS NOT in the best interest of the patients, it is strictly an insurance ploy to sustain their bottom line. We will discuss the Insurance Industry at a later Blog!....... OK, What I see happening here is again our elected officials trying to bandaid and avoid a real problem.....HEALTH CARE FOR EVERYONE! He said "It is a complicated situation", Well ain't that the truth! Here is how I see it..........Our government officials have a big problem. On the one hand medical cost have gone through the roof and are going to go higher, leaving the people that are working, shouldering more of the burden. The number of people without insurance or very little is on the rise. On the other hand, the Insurance INDUSTRY is big business and government needs big business. So how to appease the people without pissing off the Insurance people??? By doing what politions do best.....NOTHING!!..... All they seem to be doing with this NEW POOL PLAN is making sure that the MEDICAL INDUSTRY gets paid! It is still going to be a cluster flock with some office worker telling you what is best for your medical needs, except now you will have to call a government office instead of an insurance office. (that's real scary!) As far as an employer is concerned, the private sector and our City (town), I don't see any savings, if anything is to be learned from history their cost will go up! As food for though...who is going to pay for another layer of government bureaucracy....higher taxes!..... Ain't nuttin free, ya gots ta pay da fiddler!.......... So what do you think? Should we test the waters first (ask lots and lots and lots of questions) or jump right in?.......... It's YOUR INSURANCE DIME!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Sorry folks.....Still ongoing problems with ADELPHIA NO SPEED INTERNET SERVICE! They are going to send out a Technico to fix the problem on the 29th? So till then it is a hit or miss proposition for me. They don't seem to want to fix the real problem.....their system..... insted they will come and play with my equipment, find their is nothing wrong, try to sell me a faster connection, then when I say NO... they will say "Hmmm don't know? Must be the internet! This is getting very old in a hurry!
Monday, November 21, 2005
It's Your Dime!
Being that this is the holiday week I thought I would try something different, at least for this blog. I have been spewing out my thoughts and trying to get all of you involved in the conversation, with only a small few choosing to join in. The rest of you, "the shadow people", preferring to not to participate. So...for the purpose of engagement I would like to know what YOU would like to talk about? What is in your thoughts? No one can trace you, without an act of congress, so you can still stay in the shadows. I guess they call this an open thread, so open up!....Remember "It's Your Dime", the best buy you'll get this holiday season! :~)
Saturday, November 19, 2005
I was hesitant to climb on this horse, for obvious reasons, but it is a part of our City (town) government that, unless you have to go through the process, we know almost nothing about. Any business needs to advertise their presents and how do you do that?.....with a sign! Each business has their own special logo and wording, that they need to have, so as to be unique and attract customers. But at the same time you have the esthetics of the neighborhood to consider and even more important the distraction safety factor. It would be pretty boring if every sign was the same size, same background color, same letter size, same letter color, you get the idea. Being that each business is unique, lends itself to a plethora of shapes and sizes and colors. So.....we want to hang a sign out.....what's the process? Is there a pamphlet we can get at City (town) hall, giving us guidelines, criteria that the city would like us to follow in designing our sign? Or do we have to go to the sign commission and get it from them? Or do we just submit our design to the sign commission and cross our fingers, relying on their whim of the moment? Those of you in the know.....Learn us!.................................. IT's YOUR DIME!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Our city (town) is presently considering more regulations on dogs. The so called "KILLER" dogs. Those nasty canines that have been bred from antiquities to the present to be just that...killer dogs. I find it hard to fathom why anyone would want this sort of animal as a pet, they are not pets. They are what is known as "WORKING DOGS" (not to be confused with those that are beneficial to the impaired or the farmer. ) Then again you have your other nasty those high strung little Mexican tamale dogs, ever try to pet one? Point here being there are a lot of dogs that are nasty but are kept as pets. Should it be Breed specific or Temperament specific, or Both? How far should we go to regulate that "Doggie In The Window"?
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Anyone watch the Clarksburg Town Meeting last night? Of course you did, everyone did! The ongoing saga of..... "NOT IN MY BACKYARD"..... As I was watching I realized that this was nothing more than a rerun!..... What you say?..... Let me share my observations with you..... Not long ago we were involved with a citizen uprising over some trees at the end of the airport. Williamstown has had similar instances of citizens not wanting this or that in their back yard, as well as Adams also. I would venture that every community has faced the same sorry story.......So here is the first question that I would ask the complaining residents....."You knew that the (bar, airport,etc,etc) was there already, why did you buy a house there in the first place, knowing the situation already existed, stupid!" ..... Of course we know that all the complaints over noise and traffic, and other nonsense items are just that, nonsense. The real issue is "naked ladies". People get one is going to make you get up and dance!
Just an after thought....I would bet the farm that some of the ladies complaining were in the front row on ladies night out, when they had the male strippers!
Just an after thought....I would bet the farm that some of the ladies complaining were in the front row on ladies night out, when they had the male strippers!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Good Morning......This blog was started because of my complete ignorance of the workings of our City (town) government and an interest in what was going on in the City (town). All I had to go by was what I would read in the local media and see on the TV. So what better way to get the real and inside information, than to ask questions in the hope that those in the know would respond. I have tried not to be confrontational, although some of the questions could be considered as that. I don't make the news nor do I have an agenda to sell newspapers. I suppose, just by asking a question can be considered being negative and anti -whatever. Anyway...... What better way to see how others feel, than to ask questions! SOoooooo.....DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER! ..... IT's YOUR TEN CENTS!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
A very revealing article can be read here........... ..........Are we in the same boat...Almost? What do you think? IT's YOUR DIME!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Today I would like to further explore into the mind set that prevails on the city (town) council. It would be a learning process for those of us that are not privy to the internal workings of the council. As they say "hard tellin not knowin" So those of you that know...(shadow people) ...learn us sumptin!.....Remember "Questions are the keys to knowledge and knowledge is power, and that power will set you free!"..... It's Your Dime!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
As I was sitting in my easy chair watching the television, not really paying attention to what was on the screen, my mind wandering off to the far reaches of the universe, with little snippits of thought popping in and out, not concentrating on anything particular.......WHAM!.......From out of the blue it hit me like a 2x4 up side the head! "The reason why there is no dialog, questions and answers, at the city (town) council meetings!" It is a matter of me hearing but not listening!
A while back,on our favorite local TV personality's program, he was explaining why there is not any dialog at the meetings. He explained that there is no reason to ask any questions because the questions have already been asked in the various committee meetings! What struck me most, "THE REVELATION", is the mind set that must prevail on the council! Their are two possibilities, ONE...that they truly believe and are relying completely on the premise that all possible questions that could be asked were asked in committee meetings...and TWO...that by asking a question of a committee member, would be taken as an attack or an insult, so don't ask so as to keep the peace! I can't agree with the first one, but would be more leaning towards the second. All council members can't be on every committee and at every meeting,..... so I would be reasonably correct if I reason that they must have a few questions........ What do you think? IT's YOUR DIME!
A while back,on our favorite local TV personality's program, he was explaining why there is not any dialog at the meetings. He explained that there is no reason to ask any questions because the questions have already been asked in the various committee meetings! What struck me most, "THE REVELATION", is the mind set that must prevail on the council! Their are two possibilities, ONE...that they truly believe and are relying completely on the premise that all possible questions that could be asked were asked in committee meetings...and TWO...that by asking a question of a committee member, would be taken as an attack or an insult, so don't ask so as to keep the peace! I can't agree with the first one, but would be more leaning towards the second. All council members can't be on every committee and at every meeting,..... so I would be reasonably correct if I reason that they must have a few questions........ What do you think? IT's YOUR DIME!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
This is a tough one, being that there are so many factors to consider. There has been a lot of gab about rejuvenation of the downtown area with more retail stores. That is all fine and dandy but that is up to the private sector and they first and foremost need a market for their items if they are to survive. We as a city (town) can only do so much to entice business to locate here, they need a market. Anyway...I thought it would be a novel idea if you, the shoppers, had a chance to give your opinion as to what you would like to see downtown...This will be the official -unofficial polling of what store you would like to see open in the downtown area...Come on you "Shadow People" here is your chance to be heard! ..... It's YOUR DIME!
Friday, November 11, 2005
Once again the "KING of North Adams" (the title bestowed on the mayor by a local TV personality) tries to limit the facts to one side...HIS! I will have to agree that the city (town) council is no place to engage in legal matters. But what I find appalling is the lengths that the "KING" will go to, to stop the truth from being heard. Why do you need a large police presents at a council meeting? Are they that lawless and rowdy? Or were they sent there for intimidation and if necessary physically stop free speech! Why is it so hard for the council to just listen to a citizen and then thank them for their input and move on? Be real people...citizens don't go to the council meetings and engage in the open forum because they want to praise anything...they go because they have a bitch and want others to hear it. If we are going to limit WHAT can be said and WHO can can speak, then do away with the open forum. OK, the question for today is.......Is the Open Forum Really Open?...........IT's YOUR DIME!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Good morning people...Well, the elections are over,... wasn't that fun!?... Congratulations to all the winners... Now we can get back to some sort of normalcy here in cyber land...and speaking of such...what happened to the "North Adams Home Page"? I know we use to have one. I would think that if a city (town) is trying to attract attention, the very basic tool in today's world, is a presents in cyber space. A "HOME PAGE" is a portal to not only visitors, but an information medium for the citizenry. A city hall in cyber space!... Information needed!... It's Your Dime!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Well tomorrow is the day......everyone exited? I think one of the most important aspects of this election has been that there seems to be a reawakening of the people. Just the fact that so many people are running for so few seats speaks volumes. I think the message has been clear..."What's that I hear?....Is that the wind of change blowing?"
Don't forget to get out tomorrow AND VOTE! Vote "CHRIS TREMBLAY" for city council! A vote for CHRIS TREMBLAY is a vote for yourself!
Don't forget to get out tomorrow AND VOTE! Vote "CHRIS TREMBLAY" for city council! A vote for CHRIS TREMBLAY is a vote for yourself!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Well people, we have only two days left before the world as we know it, eighter explodes in chaos and anarchy (as some would have us beleve) or we continue with the same timid council. By now mostly everyone has their mind made up as to their choice for their favorite person. I personally would like to see a more pro active council, allowing for more than one voice to be heard, hence my backing of CHRIS TREMBLAY.... At this pont I would sincerely like to wish all the canadates for city council, Good Luck, and no matter what the outcome, the sky won't fall down...but if you vote for CHRIS TREMBLAY you will see much more sun shine! ....It's YOUR DIME
Saturday, November 05, 2005
In a few days we will be going to the polls to take part in a process, that our citizens have fought and died for, and are still fighting and dying for. Your right to vote! This is the one great tool , that you as a citizen have, that allows you to choose who you want to represent you in the affairs of the city. This year the people of North Adams have a rare opportunity to elect to the city council a vibrant, caring, dedicated individual , that is not a politico bobblhead. A person that truly cares for the city and its people...Chris Tremblay!... Contrary to what a small frightened few would have you believe, Chris Tremblay will bring honest, open debate to the floor of the council where YOUR concerns will be given a fair hearing, not behind closed doors and out of sight of the citizens. Some say we have a week council, they are only as week as they allow themselves to be. They control the purse strings of the city, which is pretty powerful. Chris Tremblay will watch over your tax dollars so that when requested for, YOU will know where they are going. Chris Tremblay has new and some not so new ideas...Ideas are what moves us forward. Some can be acted on directly from the council, others through another process, but without open honest debate within the council, and the key word here is debate, how can Any idea get a fair hearing? Chris Tremblay wants ALL voices given an opportunity to be herd. To ask questions is the DUTY of our council members and not anti anything or anti anybody. Being inquisitive does not impede the process or bring our city to a screeching halt...It allows for everyone to participate...That is the American Democratic System. So after all this said, I will have to endorse...CHRIS TREMBLAY for city council!
Friday, November 04, 2005
I was sitting here pondering all the issues and answers that have been proposed in this time of political rejuvenation and one thing seems to keep popping up and also seems to be the center piece on the table...The ART Tourists. I personally would rather see our energies and resources directed more towards the Family Tourist and The Sportsmen Tourist. We always have been a Mecca for hunters, fishermen, hikers, campers, snowmobilers, hang gliders, history buffs, just to mention a few. We are so rich in natural attractions it staggers the mind......just give the tourist a gateway to the attractions. We have a city run why not a city run, or in conjunction with private enterprise, a tourist camp, a base for snowmobilers to leave from, a hikers respite, a hunters haven, etc. A nice rustic log building placed on city land where the sportsman can be catered to and be made to feel that they are wanted. Inexpensive rooms to be rented, good wholesome meals, a scenic four season view, a tavern, transportation to and from downtown. Ya, Ya I know it ain't that simple, is the standard answer, well it is! "BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME" Lets be real people...a large empty room, a boulder on a string, and half a 57 Chevy sticking out of a brick wall... ain't on most peoples list of things to see. Lets not just cater to that small group when some real money can be made with a minimal of investment, catering to the SPORTSMAN..... What do you think? It's YOUR DIME!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Good Morning Citizens! Before we get started today I must correct incorrect statements made on Mr. Billings TV show last night. First, I am NOT Chris Tremblays father. I don't know where he got that idea? Second, Chris Tremblay is not trying to hijack the City (town) council or the mayors office. He is just a concerned citizen that is willing to step forward and offer his time and talents and ideas to the people of North Adams. He is not a hand picked candidate of the mayor and hence attacked at every turn. Since when is having an opinion or an idea bad for the City? (town) Now lets talk about "BENCHES"... Chris Tremblay listened to people in the city (town) and their desire for a place to be able to sit and rest while downtown. The older people and the disabled need, Chris Tremblay listened, and it may be added here that it was with the mayors blessings and the within the existing guidelines, donated benches to the people of the city. Then all hell broke loose...the mayor, perceiving an imaginary threat of some sort, lashed out as usual and sent city employees around to try and harass and strongarm local businesses, and then mounted a campaign of verbal abuse. This is good for the city and its people? This is moving foward? This is helping the elderly and disabled ? This is helping bring people to the downtown to shop?... Mr. Mayor, what is wrong with you?... Comment if you like, I'm fed up!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Not two many years ago I had the displeasure of having to take a daily dose of three hours of SOAPS. You know... that make believe world where the bad guy always wins and the good guy always gets the shaft! I could never understand what the attraction was to entertainment that day after day, week after week, month after month, and yes, year after year, depicts depraved psychopaths messing with peoples otherwise utopian existence. They say with age comes understanding...well I believe I'm starting to understand...They are depicting real life... What do you think? IT'S YOUR DIME!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
No...this isn't an invite to a post Halloween Party. Those of you expecting to gorge yourselves with leftover candy form last night...sorry! The question for today is...Does Political Party Affiliation Matter in City (town) Politics? We rarely, if never, hear anyone making reference to their preference. Are we just to small a sac of potatoes to care about those lofty ideals? What do you think? It's Your Dime!
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