Sunday, June 25, 2006


OK people today is Sunday, so I thought we could rest from solving the problems of the Prez and the Republicans and just have some fun. So lets talk about something just as dumb and silly as the Prez and the Republicans.........The use of those silent letters..... What is this all about any way? Any logical mind or since of reason would tell you that if you don't need something, than you don't use it. Hmmm, then why do we stick in these letters into words? What purpose do they serve? They aren't needed or used? Is there like a quota thing where we have to use so many "W's" in a year in our writings? You don't put on an extra sox over the pair you have on already do you? Today let's list the words with silent letters in them and maybe I can write to the keeper of the silent letters department and get them to look at this for us. . Just think of all the ink that would be saved! What are your words and letters? :~)


Just a blogger said...

"Silent" ques can actually be used to discriminate phonemes.

Southview said...

idontknowwhatindoing.....ex: idontnowhatimdoing..know becomes no , you save 2 letter k and w. they are not needed in the utterence of the word just in the grammar of the word!