OK...now I am completely confused and feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone. It wasn't that long ago that the Mayor educated us on the evils of Charter Schools? And to an extent I agreed with him. He said our public school system was one of the best in the country, run by the highest quality people in the educational field! Now he seems to think that Charter Schools are just the thing that we need? Dah....what's going on here? I had to do some looking to find out the answer.
( http://www.doe.mass.edu/charter/tech_advisory/03_1.html ) Seems the only difference is who controls what! But in the reality of it all if the Mayor controls the Public School System, (which by his own words can beat the snot out of any Charter School), and the Charter School System also?....I'm confused, well not really.... So we see the truth of the matter here...If the Mayor has control than it is OK, but if he can't control something than it is not good for the City, but then this is old news..... Anyway congratulations to Mr. Barrett on his record breaking Mayoral win and to all those elected to our City Government. What is your opinion? IT's YOUR DIME!
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Maybe I read it wrong, but it looks like the school committee would control the purse strings, the money comes from existing money in the district, teachers being paid and treated no different from the "regular" teachers, any innovations have to be shared with other schools in the district, and it is possible that the superitendent of schools would be involved in employee hiring and firing. A charter school that would answer partially to the city school committee.
So what is the educational difference, other than the control mechanism? The key word here is "CONTROL" and in this senerario the mayor would have control....soooooo now Charter Schools are just fine and dandy....Give me a break!.... Does the mayor have to ask the City Concil for the School Committee funding? If so than the City Conciil is the ultimate enity in charge of control of the purse strings and ultimitly Charter Schools.... Who said we have a weak council? Again, Contrary to what the mayor would have everyone believe, the City Concil controls the purse strings of the City and thus has the ultimate power.
First "new idea" to be proposed by the Mayor- and already cjt is opposed to it----now there's creative thinking--- cjt is opposed to anything the Mayor proposes-- next thing you know he'll be opposed to a City webpage where citizens can obtain permits and pay bills---am I in favor of a Horace Mann Charter School??? I don't have a clue---what grades does it entail--- money- redistributed should not be detrimental--- and local control would be there----as opposed to the BARF---where would it be housed?? who would be eligible?? what would the curriculum look like??
way to early to make a judgment--but certainly worth looking at---God Damn-- but I just love "open minds"------the new wiggle head just took office and already he's an expert on education---oh yeah-- a bobble head automatically nods yes-up & down- a wiggle head goes horizontally----NOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Now-- cjt promised to raise a number of issues once elected- and then he's quoted in the paper as saying he'll keep his mouth shut and learn from his peers----chbpod
Yes the Council "controls" the purse strings--- but under state law-- we cannot add funds-- without the Mayor's OK- and under Ed Reform we cannot cut---so whatever is submitted- is what we have to go with----and I would expect a separate line item for a Horace Mann------and if it requires increases- they will be built into the budget--- but that could require cuts elsewhere---it is in an exploratory phase- I have no idea what will transpire---chbpod
I don't like the Mann charter school. I don't see how innovation, creativity, and accountability is going to come from the same school board that oversees the school that the Horace Mann school would be an alternative to. This discussion is way to big for a blog, but the rub for me on charter schools and school vouchers is what to do with those that either can't afford a higher tuition or can't get into the school. There is a place for public education, without tenure and union contracts with no accountability for the staff - I don't care you call them.
chbpod...why such a defencive attitude? People are only making observations of the obvious mind set of the mayor. It is nothing new or earth shaking. Not worth you getting an ulser over. But what does surprise me is your "GANG OF ONE" attitude toward Chris. Do you hold such anamosity toward him that you totally refuse to consider him part of council? He has held his hand out to you in friendship and given you the respect due you from your years of experience but you for some reason don't even want to hear it. I rag on the mayor in this blog but give him credit for some of the things he has done for the City. I don't like the way he operates nor do others but he is the mayor and he does have, I beleve, the best intrest of the City at heart. But just because you have an alternate view doesn't make you a leper! I always thought you, though radical at times, deep down a common sence person, that didn't avail yourself to stubbornness for the sake of stubbornness. You don't have to agree with him but you should at least listen to him!
I don't like cjt-- I think he is an arrogant, ignorant worthless piece of shit---now if that sounds close-minded- so be it---he'll have to prove himself before he'll pry my mind open---- and he's not off to a good start after touting open mindedness and new ideas throughout the campaign-- and then rejecting the Horace Mann idea with nothing yet on the table---he's a loud-mouth and a hypocrite---and he's whistling past the graveyard when he says he's not anti-Barrett---I wonder if he's set up his escrow account which is necessary for him to deposit his Council stipend which he says he's not going to keep---and is going to donate?? to what?? the Trombley
defense and court appeal fund????
If I seem to have a defensive attitude-- you're right and why not-- cjt did nothing in the campaign but attack the current city council--- and don;t be mistaken- I am not a "gang of one"
I'm just the vocal member of a larger gang--that feels the same way---chbpod
I think you will find that the North Adams schools are hardly as great as the local administrators would try to pass off with all their spin and that once a charter school is filled up with the same quality of local talent as the public schools, you will have one more case of "the Mayor Who Ate Everyone Else's Ideas And Turned Them Into Something Lame Ass."
Then again, I don't blame Barrett for proposing such a thing, the charter school people haven't served themselves well in their interactions with the community, the local government, and the local news media. It was bound to happen.
bmm----I certainly hope my picture is next to Noah Webster's definition of arrogance----BUT you won;t find it next to ignorance--- as for worthless piece of shit??? jury is still out on that one---I feel what I feel and say what I want---like it or lump it--and if you would like to come out of the closet long enough to let us know who you are-please do so---Clarksburg is not so far away----Their national anthem is "dueling banjos"-----and if you really think I care what you think-- Or if you can even think--- which so far you have made it clear that you can't=====then you don;t know me very well--
bmm----your grade was a gift-- I felt sorry for you-I do mkae mistakes---as for checks and balances--- I guess you missed class the day I talked about that-- not within the context pf NA city government-- but we aew restricted by our "constitution"- i.e. the City Charter--and if you don't like it- you are free to move to NA -- get a petition drive going andput it on the ballot---otherwise- SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
chbpod ( shit I can't find my change of grade forms)
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