Friday, January 06, 2006


Seems the Mayor has added (to an ever growing list) another entity that isn't aboard his train to Shangri-la...THE TRANSCRIPT. How dare they print anything but glorious shining accolades, and most of all, how dare they have the audacity to question any thing he says or does. And what right do they think they have to print the true facts without checking with the Mayor first, so he can edit articles to his liking. Shame on you for being of independent thought and printing articles the people of the City would not otherwise be privy to. Maybe the Mayor should publish his own newspaper? After all he knows everything and everything he knows is right! ..........What do you think? It's YOUR DIME!


John said...

Half the people seem to think that the Transcript is in the Mayor's pocket, that's the funny part. The truth is that the Transcript could probably do more but it tries awful hard to keep everyone on their toes. In my experience, for a guy who has been in office for over two decades, the Mayor is one of the thinnest skinned politicians I have ever encountered and I think it is only through this overwhelming need to control everything in this town and then succeeding that he is able to shield himself and save that precious epidermis of his. The thin skin tends to put him in a place where he makes every political criticism a personal one and acts as if that is so. It creates a bad dynamic and you only have to listen to the people of North Adams talk local politics to see it - a good number are as paranoid as he is. That's really his greatest failure - a political leader sets a tone and the one he sets is not always pleasant. Anyhow, I could tell you stories . . .

All that said, North Adams is a city of grumblers - everyone complains but no one is willing to take a shit, as it were. The old mill town mentality has shifted into the future, where there is no longer a local wealthy employer benefactor to be dependent on no matter how he is decimating your life, so it has transferred to the mayor. Until this old fashioned attitude is dispensed of, Barrett will remain mayor - and I say thankfully, since he seems to be the only person in this town who can actually do the job and seems to want to. Who else wants to? You could get far worse than John Barrett - look around at the pool of possibilities in this city and be thankful some disasters haven't happened.

As far as the Transcript goes, however, Barrett treats it with the same conspiratorial views he does everything else - look through the files and you see that he has been making these sorts of statements against the Transcript since the guy became Mayor. Do you have any idea how many editors have walked through that door since then? Does he believe there is some ghostly council that lays down edicts to each editor to oppose him according to the charters of the Secret Society of Journalists and Barrett Bashers? Let's put it this way, when you're at a party and 10 people turn away in disgust and tell you that your breath stinks, the logical conclusion is that your breath stinks, not that these 10 people got together before the party and devised a plan of lies to hurt you.

Anonymous said...

Life is much easier to decipher when you have an enemy to rail against.

That goes for the Mayor, The Transcript and our newest councilor.

Anonymous said...

Of course anyone who criticizes the Mayor is perceived as an "enemy" that;s what I kept telling CJT all the way through the campaign---and he hasn;t stopped positioning himself into that role since---as for gravy and bread???? I had a peanut butter sandwich---no gravy = no bread---BUT at least this is verification as to where cjt is coming from---ANTI-JOHN BARRETT-- and you can deny it all the way---BUT that just means that you are a liar----worthless piece of shit---chbpod

John said...

"don't be a pretensious snob"

Pretentious implies I am pretending to be something I am not, which is definitely not the case. Pompous might be a better word, I don't know. Snob implies that I think I am better than most people - some would say that accurately describes me - but snobs usually have a group they measure themselves by, team players as it were. Heh. Not even luke warm.