Thursday, May 17, 2007

" A WHAT? "

OK... someone point me to just where in our Constitution it provides for a "CZAR" of anything? I thought we already had a "Decider In Chief", Joint Chief of Staff, and an sundry of Generals and War Advisers? Is Bush so desperate now that he is creating a fall guy position, someone to take the bullet for him, like he has thrown our sons and daughters out in front of him and his oil buddies to take the literal bullet to protect the Military Industrial Complex and their profits! So he can blame someone else for his stupidity? Will Congress have to OK the position, or are they just going to roll over once again and do the bidding of a mad man? What the hell is going on with our government? I think that there are Constitutional issues here that the Supreme Court has to look at? Excuse me..." WHAT CONSTITUTION? " The mad man needs to be impeached and thrown in jail along with his whole gang of nitwits... and soon!


Anonymous said...

I think the despertion is more to the point of trying make Bush look like he has a plan and is doing something. The fall guy aspect is just a bonus.

Greg said...

I don't see the War-Czar as an impeachable offense. (There ARE plenty of those already) Rather I see it as another in long list of GWB's acts of cowardice.

Anonymous said...

Did it ever dawn on any of you deep thinking intellectuals that just about every penny spent on defense goes back into the economy? Aircraft,ships,tanks you name it and they are built by American workers and they are all high paying skilled jobs.How many tens of thousands of civilians do you think work on military bases? How about the stock holders of these companies? Just goes to show that most liberals hate the military and don't have a clue what is going on in the real world.In case you don't remember we are at war world wide with lowest of the low...militant Islamist whose favorite pastime is murdering innocent people that for reasons know only to them their "God" can't kill himself.Wake up before it is to late.

DWPittelli said...

Every penny spent on anything "goes back into the economy" -- but that doesn't mean federal spending has no real cost, since the private sector spending it displaces would also recirculate through the economy.

That said, I agree that destroying Islamofascism is worth at least as much as we are spending -- indeed, more than we are spending, if necessary. That doesn't mean that every expenditure of cash or lives is necessarily a good idea, even if invading Afghanistan and Iraq proves to be so.

Back to the Czar: It would seem to be a position better filled by the Defense Secretary, or, I don't know, maybe somebody with more responsibility and accountability, like the Commander In Chief.