Sunday, June 25, 2006


OK people today is Sunday, so I thought we could rest from solving the problems of the Prez and the Republicans and just have some fun. So lets talk about something just as dumb and silly as the Prez and the Republicans.........The use of those silent letters..... What is this all about any way? Any logical mind or since of reason would tell you that if you don't need something, than you don't use it. Hmmm, then why do we stick in these letters into words? What purpose do they serve? They aren't needed or used? Is there like a quota thing where we have to use so many "W's" in a year in our writings? You don't put on an extra sox over the pair you have on already do you? Today let's list the words with silent letters in them and maybe I can write to the keeper of the silent letters department and get them to look at this for us. . Just think of all the ink that would be saved! What are your words and letters? :~)

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I am feeling much safer now that the FBI has captured and uncovered this group of anti-American terrorists .......... Gimmy a break! If you look closely at the words and listen real good to the statements coming out of Washington you can almost feel pity for Gonzales and Alexander. What a couple of butt licks. All it shows to the people of America is that the Republican Party and the Prez are getting so desperate for some good news, If none happens along then you make up your own!
A clear case of entrapment by the FBI. These people were no more a threat than the Skin Heads, the American Communist Party, or Ralph Nader. What does have me concerned is the thought process that is going on with those in charge in Washington. Lets examine their statements:

This group was more aspirational than operational," FBI Deputy Director John Pistole said
Meaning that if you or I chit chat about anything against the Government that is in power we become suspect. These people had no contacts, no money, no nuttin, not even boots.

Nevertheless, Gonzales said Thursday's arrests underscored the danger of "homegrown terrorists" who "view their home country as the enemy."
We are all in trouble now! I think at this point in time 99.99% of the Citizens of America think that their country IS the enemy. Notice the word...NEVERTHELESS... meaning that regardless of the PR ploy and stupidness of those government agencies involved and the obvious set up.....this is a good thing.

"It's an example of the philosophy of prevention. These arrests were made during the talking stage, long before any bomb-making stage," said Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. Attorney in Florida. "While they may be seen as bungling wannabes, they are potentially dangerous wannabes who, based on the allegations, were pursuing extremely dangerous plans."
This is the one that really has me concerned the most. "philosophy of prevention" in other words if anyone in the government considers you some how a threat then you are doomed.....Reminds me of Germany and Hitler and the SS.

"We are confident that we have identified every individual who had the intent of posing a threat to the United States," said R. Alexander Acosta, U.S. Attorney in Miami
What threat? the poor bastards didn't even have boots! and unless the FBI hadn't gone to them with God knows what promises, trying to entrap them, they would still hanging out in the hood.

So what do you think? The real thing or just more bull shit PR from a desperate Republican Party and President!

Friday, June 23, 2006


OK Mr. Mayor...Where is that Home Page for North Adams we have been promised and are waiting to see, for the past two years? It must be some hum dingier! The temperature just keeps rising from all the hot air coming from the corner office. I understand that there is a petition being passed around by the Citizens of North Adams to force His Majesty to stop sending out his henchmen, or is it his BENCHMEN, .....( not all of those messengers like their task but they have a family to feed and we know what happens to those that dare question "HIS WORD". Then again their are those that relish the opportunity to lick butt )
To allow BENCHES for the Elderly and the disabled and THE PEOPLE of this city to rest upon is what the people want. John B... don't you get it...The people of North Adams WANT BENCHES! Stop acting like a spoiled child and for once in your life act like a man and get behind putting BENCHES on Main Street. You are employed by the Citizens of this city to work for their benefit, not your ego!
The Question for today is.......... Why do we have to have a petition to get something done in this city that reflects the desires of the people? Would you sign sign it?

Thursday, June 22, 2006


WOW ! Jumpin Samolies...What the hell is he be a talkin bout?...What planet did he fall from?... To day I thought I would rag on the ways certain people and organizations use our English inter mixed with old English, Latin, gibberish, and an assortment of non descript words to make themselves and their position sound superior and to baffle, befuddle, confuse, and hide the truth, from us barefoot bumpkin...........Number one on the chart is the legal profession. They have perverted the English language to the point where lawyers need lawyers to interpret the interpretations. The Insurance Industry tried to do the same deception but we now have laws that make them write in somewhat plain English.......... Then there is the ingredients label on products we put in our mouths, nose, ears, and butts or rub on, rub in, add to, mix with or use straight out of the box. After the first word, which is usually water, no one has a clue or for that matter can pronounce the rest of the shit that they have added...........Next on the list are the LAWS. But one must remember here that they are written by Lawyers for Lawyers with the help of and in cohesion with Politicians............Then of course there is the TAX CODE. I really don't have to say anything here because that one is well known by all, if you can figure out what it says?
OK people, today lets gab about the use of our language and other languages, like Latin by the Church and the medical field, and those examples I listed above. I believe that they should be made to be written in plain simple English so all can understand. What do you think? or am I just Expostulating?

Friday, June 16, 2006


In America today there seems to be something missing. Our political fabric, on all levels, is a joke. Our elected employees that we direct to do our bidding are a joke. Our moral base has rotted away. Any reference to Religion of any sort is today considered radical and not mainstream, anti-Constitution, not the American way! Law abiding citizens have now become suspect and not protected under the 2nd, 1st, 4th, and all the Amendments of the Constitution by reason of protecting those very rights? Our Schools have gone from teaching even the most basic skills, to coaching our kids on how to pass a Test. Our courts are loaded with nonquilified judges that seem to believe that the criminal is the victim and the victim caused the crime in the first place.....not to mention their total disregard for the peoples wishes ( GAY MARRIAGE ).
We have become a nation of " BRASS RING GRABBERS " Do as little as you can for as much as you can. There is something missing! What ever happened to right from wrong, love thy neighbor, for the good of the many, working together. The drive to better our condition as a nation with sacrifice, ( the working folk seem to be doing all the sacrificing today)
So I pose this question to you..... What is MISSING?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I really fail to see why everyone is fighting over whether we are in the mist of Global Warming or not. It is a fact that our big blue globe has in the past and will in the future go through many phases and changes. Our Earth is spinning around in space and susceptible to many influences from a variety of sources. In the past it has cooled, gotten hotter, wetter, dryer, tipped to and fro on it's axes, flipped over to the extent that the North pole has become the South pole, frozen, melted, the ocean have become dry land, dry land has become oceans, and on and on it goes. To those that still believe the Earth is flat and the center of the solar system.......Go to the library! Anyone with a brain that has a modicum of logical functionality can reason that if you spew gazillion tons of chemicals into the atmosphere, you are going to create an imbalance somewhere. Mother Earth, has through natural processes, herself done the same thing but it takes her billions of years. We are just shorting the cause and effect process. You can call it whatever you want but the fact remains.....we are causing a change and it isn't good news for the human race!

Monday, June 12, 2006


Life.....doesn't it seem like it is a carousel running just a little to fast and the operator is nowhere in sight and the people watching it go around keep throwing shit at you and won't let you off? Well I'm here to rescue you! I disconnected the power to the thing so now you can jump off and sit on the BENCH and catch your wind. Today I'm going to let you go to that special room that only you have the key to. That place where you go and shed your protective mask that Life has made you put on. That place where you feel like a knight shedding his heavy armor clothing and just sitting around in your skivies. You know the place. That place where you are you........ I don't know how long I can keep Life away from the door and sucking you back on the carousel so for the time you have.....enjoy!

Friday, June 09, 2006


OK People, Time to get out your score cards. Not many months left till we again are given the right to voice our opinion. So lets see....What are our choices?.....We can stay with the current bunch, give up more of our Constitutional rights, keep lining the pockets of big oil, insurance companies, drug companies, work till we are 90 then be able to retire, allow illegal immigrants to become citizens and we become the illegal immigrants and work for $2 dollars an hour ($1.95 going to health insurance) or we can throw out that bunch and put in the other guys. You know "THE NANNYCRATS" That Party of the working class folks. The party that gave us NAFTA, the party that wants to disarm the citizens (for our own protection you know) suspend the 2nd Amendment, the guys that tell us that GAY MARRIAGE is the way to go, our good buddies that want to tax the shit out of you till you have nothing left and have to go to Mexico to look for work, our pals that believe that only they know what is good for us and we don't have the ability to think for ourselves, that bunch that believes that Huge Government and Total Gov. Control over every aspect of your life with layer after layer of red tape is in your best interest. Our pals that believe that the SYSTEMS SURVIVAL is paramount over it's citizens rights and desires.
WOW...It's so confusing. I have so many good choices here to pick from. Help me out people!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Just a note to all you senators that chose to show their real colors......You don't deserve to serve the people of this nation. Again you show how you don't really care about the peoples wishes and are more concerned with Politics than substance! See you in November!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well finely the "KING" of the land is doing something useful. The two points that I agree with are.....
1. This Amendment will once and for all define for the fringe element the true meaning of marriage.
2. The amendment will allow for the people to truly have a voice and not have our wishes over run by some judge who probably is gay himself or herself, and stop this using of the court system to by pass the wishes of the majority of the people.
If you are of the perverse nature and want to diddle in your closet, that's between you and your God, if you have one, but don't try to throw it in the face of my children and try to convince them that it is normal and excepted behavior. Don't try to pervert the purpose of marriage with your twisted outlook of life. You need one of two things.....serious psychological help or a sex change. You pick one!
And as for the mealy mouthed wormy politicians that try to play the fence, more worried about loosing a few votes than standing up for justice.....get real or get gone!

Monday, June 05, 2006


Is George Bush really in need of mental help? Is our president really crazy? Do we have a nut case running the nation? The more we listen to him the more I have to say .....YES! George Orwell's 1984 has indeed come to pass and in terms grater than even He postulated. There is no longer a system of checks and balances, a clear cut division of branches of Government..... the Supreme Court (a Republican Party puppet) dictates the laws of the land, and is the unchecked authority of American Law. They have elevated themselves to the status of supreme ruler of the land. The mentally retarded President has placed himself above reproach by simply ignoring the Constitution and sizing power that isn't his, and the Republican Party controlled Government has allowed this to happen.....Hell, we have allowed this to happen.....Hell, we don't have a say any more.....HELL,Did we ever? I have to say people this is no longer My America! We have been invaded and conquered and we went down without a wimpier, Hell, we even helped! The System no longer serves the people as it was intended to, it is the people that are supposed to serve the System now. It is all twisted backward and upside down. The all mighty and encompassing System that we are enslaved to. The System was intended to be small and to serve only the needs of the people, but it has evolved into a beast that devours anyone that dares to oppose it. The whistle blower, a revealer of truth from within, has now become an enemy of the system, a traitor, an outcast, someone to be made an example of to discourage future discord. , so that makes "THE TRUTH" an enemy of the system, and that makes us all an enemy of the System! The System Rules Supreme...and What or Who is the System.........R=$