Saturday, January 28, 2006


Ah.....a citizens favorite topic. Of course the whole School Budget has gotten nuts. Reality is that each year the School Budget demands more and more of the City resources. At what point does it take all the resources? It is going to happen at some point. All a City can do is cut other services to the bone and raise taxes. What will happen when the City can't meet it's obligation to the School Budget? And it will happen at some point. The Mayor is facing the beginnings of that dilemma at the present time. He has no other alternative than to raise taxes to pay for the School System. The State is trying to wash their hands of local problems and trying to keep as much money as they can for their own financial problems. Times are getting real desperate out there folks! So how to help the Mayor solve the dilemma?
1. Close all public schools and go to the semi-public/private pay your own way schools?
2. Rely on Charter Systems and semi-Charter Schools, as the Mayor was suggesting.
3. Turn all schools over to the State and let them deal with the problem?
4. Tax people to the limit of the law to pay for the School System.
What advice would you give to the Mayor and the School Board to help them solve the growing crisis?
Eventually the State will have to handle the School Systems of the cities and towns, people are not going to be able to pay for the cost to provide schooling for their children.
What do you think..... It's YOUR DIME?

Thursday, January 26, 2006


With all the doings going on in Washington, I felt compelled to blog a few words about my feelings towards the whole situation. The sad and scary part of it all is that it shows just how little we control our government. There are drastic changes needed to the constitution that politicians aren't willing, for obvious reasons, to make. But here in lies the devil. It has become apparent lately just how corrupt Washington has become. No longer is it a bastion to service the needs of the masses but a closed club of the well connected and greedy and power hungry. We have as much control over the Government as we do over a pack of wild dogs. So, here are the things that I believe need changing.....
1. Election by popular vote, no electoral election
2. Election of judges, no more appointments
3. Make it illegal for lobbyist to give gifts or donations, of any sort, to lawmakers
4. Lawmakers can't work for lobbyist after leaving office, ever!
5. All monies collected during campaigns or fund raisers go into a pot, no more personal war chests.
6. Flat tax income tax... you make a dollar you pay a dime! Do away with the existing system. (federal and state)
What would you change if you could? City, State, Federal........Contrary to what they would have you believe, it is your government, and I'm not ready to sell.....

Monday, January 23, 2006


Good mornin Citizens! Being that it is only Monday, I won't tax your brain cells to much..... Ever stop to listen to a Politician talk? It isn't so much what they say but more what they don't say and the terminology they use, to not say it. It is actually very funny, if you take the time to pay attention to what is really being said. So with that in mind lets start our own dictionary of hot air. I will start it off with the term.....
REFORM.....what is of note here is that they don't use the term "FIX or MAKE RIGHT" and usually this term is going to cost you some money.
REVISIT.....this is a nifty one. Usually meaning that the REFORM doesn't work and hasn't generated enough money.
Now it is your me out here!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Some good news for our downtown. Staples - Peebles (a clothing store) - And an 8 cinema Complex with stadium seating to be part of the old K-Mart rejuvenation. Also some more good news, Applebees is going into the old Brooks Store on Main...... ALRIGHT!!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Their was some discussion on a blog about the downtown and the eateries we have and would like to see open and it got me a thinkin! You youngins won't remember but you old codgers and codgets will certainly have a twinkle in your eye when you think back to times long gone. One thing this City has always had were good eateries. Then as well as now. There were as many and diversified places to consume food as there were taverns.....and there was a tavern on just about every corner. (we will explore them maybe tomorrow) Just for shits and giggles, lets reminisce a bit and see how many we can remember and where they were located. A few I remember ---- The Hub, was located on both sides of Main street at one time or another --- Flourinies, Holden St where their is a parking lot now behind Berkshire Bank --- Boston Fish Market, also was on Holden street beyond Center St. towards River St. --- The Texan, was on Curran Hw. I believe across the street from WMNB Radio Station --- The Richmond Hotel, that was where the present hotel now stands --- Jacks Hot Dogs, been in the same place since the beginning of time...but must be noted here that the Jacks of today IS NOT the Jacks of yesteryear. These are just a few to get your memory warmed up.......... How many can you remember?

Friday, January 13, 2006


Ever notice that former Democratic Presidents seem to continue to work for the People after they leave office, where as former Republican presidents continue to work to enhance the bottom line of Big Business at the expense of the working People? Hmmmm..... Just a thought.
Ever notice that it is the Republican Party and their backers are the ones always involved in money scandals trying to rip off the working man? Why is that?.....Just a thought! What are yours?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

"THE FACTS Ma'am, JUST THE FACTS" (Joe Friday-Dragnet)

You knew that already.....didn't you! I should explain better yesterday's post, so we are all on the same page. What irks me, is with all the electronic devices (computers,scanners, fax, copiers, printers,instant inner office communication) available today why it is so hard to get up to date information? I understand that when you are dealing with paper it takes longer to compile the data, but FIVE YEARS! The State can do better than that,..... if they wanted to...........
I am looking forward to the new City Home Page. Hopefully having been Three Years in the making it should by now have an extensive data base to explore, it is so easy today to digitize the printed word. I think it is a good thing to be able to SNOOP into the records at City Hall, after all they are public records and belong to the public, and you don't need a security clearance or a need to know only clearance from the City Clerk. Anyway you know how I feel about that subject. Back to timely reporting...and the Question for today..........Why does it take so long to post data and how can it be fixed?.......... It's YOUR DIME!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Mornin people. Today, I thought we could look at the reality of things instead of pretending. I was just curious as to the trend the City has been taking and looking for the real numbers, instead of the usual fantasy backpatting and visions of glorious rejuvenation, that comes from the corner office. Well my friends the picture looks pretty bleak. I don't want you just to take my word for it, see for yourself!.......... Local Area Unemployment Statistics/Employment and Wages ..........You can see for yourself the trend. What I found very scarry, was the fact that as of November 2005, we had only 6,668 actually working out of a population of less than 14,681 (not up to date, is for the year2000, much less now) Of course I think they include those make believe residents, the students, into the population count which messes everything up even more.
Well anyway for today you can see for yourself the last 16 year trend. The herd is looking for more fertil grazing land elsewhere. Not to worry, we were a TOWN once before!........................ WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

"MELT DOWN 2006"

After reading the paper yesterday and with the accumulated bad news from Washington, I can come to only one conclusion.....2006 will be the year our Country, State, and City will cease to exist as viable government institutions....Why you ask? Because their is going to be another Boston Tea Party. This time not only is the tea going into the ocean but the owners with it. Just how much can "WE THE PEOPLE" take? It is evident that our elected government officials are not looking out for the majority of the population. Insurance, Health Care, Gasoline, Electricity, Heating fuels, Hidden Taxes (called surcharges) and the list goes on and on. People it is time you took back your government, take it away from the career politicians and big business. How about on the ballot after the candidates are listed you have "NONE OF THE ABOVE" Giving you a real voice in an election. Not being forced to pick the lesser of the evils or not voting at all. Sending a clear message to the politicos that "WE THE PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THE MENU" And if NONE OF THE ABOVE wins, then they have to go back and find someone else and we will let them know how we feel about the new choice. What is it going to take people before you wake up...our system is busted and only YOU and I can fix it......The party starts whenever you are ready....I am ready now!....... IT's YOUR matter what the politicos tell you!

Saturday, January 07, 2006


neat hay!...who ever said our language can't be fun? Now that I have your attention lets get serious. Just two items to ponder today.....The first is the public/private/public Horace Mann Charter question. After reading all the material and associated material, I am still confused as to what help this will be to our City students. It seems to me, and it is just my opinion, that there isn't any real substantial difference between our existing system and the charter system, as far as it would concern the students. Yes their are many technical differences between the two systems but they only seem to address the managerial aspects, and even in this area there seems to be a lot of redundancy. To put it in an egg shell, it seems that it is nothing more than privatization of public schools? The Mayor has made a 180* turn in his opinion on this subject but with no explanation for his reversal, and I am not trying to rag on him here, but I am wondering what was the reasoning behind it , being that it is not of his nature to do something like that. I have forgotten the second thing!.......... What Do You Think?

Friday, January 06, 2006


Seems the Mayor has added (to an ever growing list) another entity that isn't aboard his train to Shangri-la...THE TRANSCRIPT. How dare they print anything but glorious shining accolades, and most of all, how dare they have the audacity to question any thing he says or does. And what right do they think they have to print the true facts without checking with the Mayor first, so he can edit articles to his liking. Shame on you for being of independent thought and printing articles the people of the City would not otherwise be privy to. Maybe the Mayor should publish his own newspaper? After all he knows everything and everything he knows is right! ..........What do you think? It's YOUR DIME!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"COLOR ME CONFUSED?" I am completely confused and feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone. It wasn't that long ago that the Mayor educated us on the evils of Charter Schools? And to an extent I agreed with him. He said our public school system was one of the best in the country, run by the highest quality people in the educational field! Now he seems to think that Charter Schools are just the thing that we need? Dah....what's going on here? I had to do some looking to find out the answer.
( ) Seems the only difference is who controls what! But in the reality of it all if the Mayor controls the Public School System, (which by his own words can beat the snot out of any Charter School), and the Charter School System also?....I'm confused, well not really.... So we see the truth of the matter here...If the Mayor has control than it is OK, but if he can't control something than it is not good for the City, but then this is old news..... Anyway congratulations to Mr. Barrett on his record breaking Mayoral win and to all those elected to our City Government. What is your opinion? IT's YOUR DIME!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Another New Year! They just seem to keep coming, and coming, and coming! Lets start off the blog year by posting what YOU would like to see for our City. You all have your own little wish list, so share it with us. Mine is BENCHES on main street for us tired old codgers and codgets to rest on. What are yours?.....