Tuesday, October 02, 2007


What has been feared by everyone has come to pass. We no longer have the Right of Free Speech. The First Amendment has been taken away by .....Who else?....Corporate America! Check out the link.....


Anonymous said...

You lost what? Ever read the letters to the editor of the "rag" Berkshire Eagle? How can anyone say we lost our right to free speach when any nut can write a letter to the editor? About 2/3 of these letters are from all out crackpots and traitors who could only spew such shit in this country. A year or so back an idiot that died had written into their obituary that they were a Bush hater. Does this mean I can have a list of people I hate when I take a dirt nap ? Probably as long as the people I hate are not left wing crackpots. I quit reading the rag when they refused to print my wife's name in my mothers obituary and put it in small print at the bottom. Then the next day these shit head liberals printed a wedding anouncement for two homo's. My how liberal of these democRATS. No problem though because sinse my bird died I really don't need the Berkshire Eagle.

Anonymous said...

What the hell does the above have to do with the original post? Sorry your wife got snubbed in an obit. Letters to the editor have nothing to do with free speech in two conversations - whether they be voice or data.

Anonymous said...

It has to do with the subject. FREE SPEACH you pathetic liberal dog.

Anonymous said...

You are a sick man and you should ask your doctor to increase your medication

Greg said...

I love it when people who pretend to be respectable in public get to become unhinged whackjobs when given the cloak of anonymity on the web.

As for the TelCo's attempt to restrict criticism, what would keep them from dropping you as a customer if you wrote a letter critical of Verizon or AT&T to the editor?

Communications companies need to regulated like utilities. Can they cut off your gas or electricity if you criticize Berkshire Gas or Mass Electric?

Can the postal service stop delivering mail when write about how a letter got lost for a year?

So why can a phone/internet provider, an entity that is critical to our modern convention of safety (How are you going dial 911?), yank your account if you say mean and nasty things and scratch their precious egos when they screw up?

Equal and open access to the digital communications infrastructure is not a liberal conspiracy.

Southview said...

They do not like your ability to disseminate information. They want to be able to control your opinion and if that doesn't work have the recourse to sue you for libel as a means to silent you. The net should be open and uncontroled...Just as you can publish any book and speak freely about anything, as is our first amendment right, so should the net be covered under the first amendment and not beholding to any private corporation or governmental agency!

Anonymous said...

Southview there is a difference in free speech on the net vs publishing a book or public speaking. The use of the net requires the "permission" of an entity or entities that very well may be outside the borders of this country.

A publisher can refuse to publish your book (ask OJ) but because there are mechanisms in place for one to publish their own book, if they are so inclined, then free speech still exits.

This not true of the net, if one is refused access by every available company, one cannot simply go it on their own and access the net. In this global market place where US laws may not be the rule, how does one enforce net neutrality?

The only way in my mind is to eliminate the idea of single users and force providers to address groups of people. Which is why I suggest that the rural broadband project in Ma explicitly state that in order for a company to be a part of the program there must be a permanent agreement to net neutrality over the state funded infrastructure.

You'll like this - a union for internet subscribers!

Southview said...

A.I.S. (Amalgamated Internet Subscribers) Local Union #1, North Adams, Mass. .....Where do I send my dues?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AMA..Amalgamated Morons of America local #1 can help you.why shouldn't a company be able to sell to whoever they want? More democRAT control is not the answer to any problem and besides kicking around big mouth jerks has always been and always will be an "old world sport ".

Anonymous said...

RK you have got to be the dumbest person I have ever read a blog post from.

Southview said...

da snoop.....Do I send - Dollars or Yen or Euro Monopoly Money?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps lead ingots.

Anonymous said...

Comeing from the likes of you I consider that a complement you leftwing crackpot.

Anonymous said...

GREG....Who says I pretend to be respectable in public? I say it like it is and I like nothing better than pissing off the P.C. idiots of liberal lala land.A true "old world sport".

Greg said...

reddi- unless you have a job to protect, your pseudonymity strikes me as cowardly. Hence, you either pretend to be respectable in public or you are a coward. pretty simple.

Then again, maybe you do go around NA openly telling people they are mentally ill and calling them names. If so, please identify yourself so i can cross the street when i see you coming.

Anonymous said...

Mentally ill??? HUH ! I never felt better in my life you sick depraved liberal.

Greg said...

No. Slow down and reread what you wrote just prior to my first comment. Reading comprehension is required in these threads. We are not all members of the same choir so you have to pay attention. It's not like the wingnut sites or listening to Rush. You wrote:

You are a sick man and you should ask your doctor to increase your medication

So, unless you admit that you would say that to someone's face on a street corner or in a signed letter to the editor, I stand by my original assessment.

Southview said...

Greg.....We had this problem before. The perp was uncovered and added to the "Hall Of Shame" May be just a repeat performance.