Tuesday, October 18, 2005


A unique concept in Government... "Special interest Groups". Actually that is the dumbest argument any politico can use. Every one in politics is un to them selves a "Special interest Group". They all have their own agenda, their personal reason for being, or wanting to be, involved in the process. Each has his own idea as to how things should be...and if others share their vision....we have a "Special interest Group". Hmm, doesn't that sound familiar! The Mayor likes to throw around that term as a derogatory jab at anyone he feels threatened by. He should look in the mirror....he may see Joe Thompson looking back at him. (southview)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Certainly every one has a personal perspective on issues----but I have never heard of a group claiming that they as a group-- representing a larger group DESERVE represntation on the City Council------does the business community demand representation- or the educational community or organized labor- or human services??
NO---not that there are not Councilors who are in one way or another members of those communities-------but to assert- we're new- we are creative -we have new ideas and our group deserves representation---not just for a single one of the candidates but more- Eric Rudd has said it does no good to elect one artiste--- there must be more representing this group--- this special group-- hence-- "Special Interest" Nicolai Rudd said that he doesn;t expect all five to get elected but he hopes that several do and they are working together- supporting each other in order to do so------that's a "special interest" at work-----it is no different than when you have Ward Councilors-- they represent a narrow geographical constituency--we have an at large system-- so we have to represent everybody---and since slots are not assigned on any other basis----human services- busines- education- labor---- why should one group claim that they deserve representation---certainly it's ok for them to do so----- but then they blanch at being labeled for what they are and who they represent-- a "Special Interest"