Saturday, October 15, 2005

It's Your Dime!

Welcome! A Blog site where we can talk about our City. To get us started let me pose the first question. "Should the City encourage a more diverse business base or continue to only encourage "Art" related businesses?"


Anonymous said...
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John said...

It would be nice if people who opened businesses here opened them with an eye towards actual consumers, with an actual business plan and as part of a grand scope for the whole city where everyone is working together to shape it's identity . .. oh well.

Southview said...

There in lies the problem John. The present Adm. only wants to encourage folks that have "THE ARTS" as their target baseline and the Mayor wants complete control over everything pretaining to the endevor. You are absolutely correct the city needs to deversify more and get the Mayor out of the Mix. Southview

Anonymous said...

DIVERSITY!!! there are more people than simply artists-- we need retail-- big box is OK-- niche retail -- general retail-- and "blue collar" type providers of basic contracting servcies---arts related business are OK--- but this is a diverse city interms of needs and we need that availability.. Don;t count your chickens before they hatch--- and don;t put all your eggs in one basket. Have to ask this--- if the Mayor is so overly "arts" oriented- why are there 5 artistes running for City Council---that clearly don;t like the Mayor because they think he's not supportive of the arts???