Thursday, October 20, 2005
Rome Revisited
If it is true that history repeats itself, which it does if the past is ignored, then I believe we are in deep shit. Are we going the way of the Great Roman Empire? A Government more concerned with perpetuating itself than the needs of the people. I'm not just talking about our Federal Government, which we know is out of control and the hands of the People, but even our own little insignifent City (town) Government. I have not heard anyone, newbees or oldbees, say anything about what they will do for the PEOPLE of North Adams. Remember the PEOPLE are the reason that there is a Government in the first place. Not to enhance the bottom line of business or The City Government, but to provide the needs of the Residents. All I have heard is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! What's your opinion?
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Zzzzzzzzzz....same old, same old...
How do you plan to keep the tax dollars in North Adams, and where do you think they are going now?
Name me the companies that violated their TIF agreements.
Let's see here now- cjtrem can;t back up his allegations??? maybe he didn't do his homework-- I would assume that a candidate for City Council that can make those assertions can back them up--Freedom Fighter asked a question --- do you have an answer??? Probably not-----just another one of your typical statements that YOU can't back up-- it must be great to hurl charges around with no evidence-------and speaking of evidence-- I recall an earlier post listing none reasons to vote for ChrisTremblay--and Freedom Fighter responded with 9-10 reasons why one shouldn't----TELL ME WHERE IS THAT POST????? and Chris challenges me to a "fight" on another Blog----and he is clearly chicken shit--can;t stand criticism--shut it off--what a loser--- bet this one doesn;t get posted---cluck cluck cluck-- chbpod
If I ask a question, and then get challenged to answer it myself, then what does that tell us about the person who can't answer it? That it was a baseless claim in the first place. I'll find your answer, Mr. Tremblay, and then we will see who is the right person for the council seat....
well it's beem almost two hours and Mr. Loud Mouth --Mr. Know-it- All Chris Tremblay has not been heard from----must be all those chicken feathers in his mouth---
cluck cluck cluck-----nice going---you are really a stand-up guy--hmmmmmmmmmmmm why are you on your back gasping for words---agh agh agh--- chbpod
Actually I am the bad boy that deleated the post by "freedom fighter", it was not on purpose. I am new at this blog page stuff and hit the wrong thing trying to do something else. I apoligize to freedom fighter. I also deleated a couple of my own coments also. But if my mind serves me, it was a positive post concerning cjtrem. It stated that if you didn't want any of the items posted than vote for the other guy. Again I'm sorry and will try to be more careful in the future......southview
cjt could be right about Freedom Fighter being a candidate for Council--- but we know it's not Andy or me-----using Freedom Fighter after I called the artistes the Ruddinista----makes you wonder if it's one of them---Harlow and Lee seem so mild mannered that I'd eliminate them---probably Nicolai too----Buddington is feisty and May sometimes can go dog nuts---as far as the other incumbents ??? I don't see any of them as being this aggressive---maybe Wild Bill Donovan---he's got some snap in his writings---but you did have an interesting observation-----chbpod
I'm just glad I got them back...I don't care where they were for freedom fighter's quest for the names of the companies alledgedly violating tif's, I for one am staying out of it. It's an administrative matter, and not one for the council. As a wise sage told me once, many private citizens are in violation of taxes in the city, and the city works out payment plans, and if that fails, they handle it through the judicial system. By the way, the "raving lunatic" comment may have offended some patients in mental careful...hahahaha
Why are you all just assuming that there is only one seat open on the council? As far as I was lead to beleave there are 9 seats available? Well maybe 8, right chbpod. Anyway the voters in North Adams are wird and you can't discount someone from being bumped has happened before!
A note: freedum fighters post was found and is back, check it out!
southview-- don't tell ME that "it's happened before" I wrote the book on it's happened before---9 vacant seats is correct--I've seen people fall from first to 13th---so it is wide open-----
I see as solid- Alcombright- Cariddi- Marden- Harpin- Bloom
Donovan who ran 5th last time is out-- and Moulton -myself and Boucher are certainly vulnerable-
possibility of 4 new councilors--as I see it---chbpod
Remember the voters are a fickel bunch. It isn't so much the issues but more of reconition or association. I think you are safe. I think, and it is just my opinion, the voters are comfortable with someone they know and see as having a presents. Look, you are the only one on the existing council that ever has anything to say. The rest of the bobble heads just sit there and never have enything to say or contribute, no opinion, no input, other than giving there reports of the commities they are on. I still say that there 8 seats up for grab...southview
Vive la resistance'!!!!
OMG Freedom Fighter is back--- no clues-- but he/she is back----as Paul Henried (Victor Laszlo) said to Humphrey Bogart ( Rick Blaine) "Welcome back to the fight"
if CJT has been reading the A Charter- and NOT comparing it to a B Charter then he wouodn't understand the limitations-- certainly in terms of legislation-- initiated by the Mayor or th Council a majority rule-- or if a veto a 2/3 override comes into play----but the Council cannot require funding of anything---we can;t tinker with the budget-- except to cut---we can't add----
and if you object to the manner in which I spoke last night-----stop calling me stupid---chbpod Damm it it's raining out and I can;t get this lighter fluid to light on Tremblays sign on my neighbor's lawn--and then we got a hurricane coming-----I guess the lawn sign will stand---close to Etman's chbpod
Duh! of course "asshole" is a personality-- -amd I have been called that for decades-- sometimes somewhat more delicately---but I enjoy it-- it is me---it is my gratification-I revel in it-- I wallow in it- that dimwits regard me as such---chbpod
Don't change the mood here...cjtrem, what do you base your assertion that you have this election all sewn up? You think so little of all the other candidates that you have convinced yourself that there is no way you can lose? You keep spouting all these sections and subsections to the city ordinances and charter, but what does that gain you? You still do not know squat about what it takes to be a city councilor. It takes a lot more than book have to have common sense...and a personality...and you cannot think you are better than the citizens you right now, I see that seat as being up in the air.
So you have me all figured out, do you? You are going to be very surprised, trust me...
Frankly?? I don't think we will be working together-- AND even if I manage to squeak another term---and you are elected-- I still don't think we will be "working" together-- it is possible that you and I could be on the same Council--- but as far as me working with you------- fuggidibuttit-----perhaps what you don;t undetstand is my asshole personality on blogs--- but on the Council floor??? I take no prisoners---that's serious stuff to me and I take it as such---frankly I don;t think I stand much of a chance for re-electon-so all of this is probably moot-- but from what you've raised as campaign issues???? If I get back on -- and you get elected as well----you will learn about the price of corn (Yul Brynner in the Magnificent Seven) --- chbpod
ps- bashing artistes is good- we can cooperate on that--chbpod
What a maroom!! chbpod
Speaking of the City (town) DUMP...can anyone enlighten me as to what the situation is as to where does the money go that is collected? Is it put into the general fund or does it go back into the operation of the DUMP?....southview
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