Tuesday, February 12, 2008

" WHY "

Mornin Readers.......... Today's question is, "WHY" ? Such a small word but when used by the masses has been known to bring down whole civilizations. So..........I'll pose the Question...You give me the answer!
1...Why do the politicians, even our own reps, prefer Insurance Care over Health Care?

2...Why don't wealthy politicians who have been convicted of a crime ever go to jail?

3...Why are we always holding up our form of democratic government to other people when in our form the peoples votes don't count in the election. The electoral college elects the president? That isn't democracy!

4...Why are politicians allowed to lie just to get elected and then once in office NOT be held accountable for their election promises?

5...Why don't we have a one rate fits all income tax?

6...And the list goes on. You can answer or add to the list if you want, I am trying to run a true democratic blog here. Just one last Question.....Who the hell left the gate open anyway?


Anonymous said...

Answers for 1 - 5: Money

#6: I closed it when I last went through.

Anonymous said...

#2: It's all about who you know, and when you are a higher up in the government you know all the right people and have all the right connections (AKA money), so that you don't have to ever worry about jail time.

#3: A question I have always wondered about myself. Why are we pushing this form of democracy when we don't even practice it ourselves? It is said that the forefathers knew that the general public was too stupid to elect a president themselves, so they put this system into use. I think it has its pros and cons, if the public vote actually meant something, the American Idol winner would probably be the next president. I saw one lady who said she was voting for Obama because he was black. She had no other reason other than that. Your vote doesn't matter anyway in this system. That's why I stay home for all this nonsense.

#4: The pulbic who votes these people into office are too stupid to care enough about it once they do the damage of electing a person on the basis of platforms that they don't intend to fulfill.

Why is it that this country seems to want a man of faith in the office, as opposed to a man of reason? I'm glad Romney dropped out because I said if he had won, I would leave the country. Do some research on his church, it is astounding that he was even able to run for the presidency. But it seems we always want someone who takes faith in a higher power and who prays for a better outcome. How about someone who works for a better outcome instead of hoping for it? How about someone who puts faith in himself/herself instead of in a god who is going to fix everything. We need someone to take responsibility for their actions instead of placing everything on hope and "the will of god." Never understood this, but there isn't a lot that I do understand.

Southview said...

da snoop..... Ya, but you forgot to lock it!

John..... You understand more than you give yourself credit for!

Anonymous said...

John, I don't think all people of faith are void of reason but I agree the strength of one's faith should not be a factor in an election.

If our elected officials pin their hopes on the "will of God", I guess they don't need to be accountable. Whatever happens is God's will. Maybe we should cut out the middle man and just elect God as permanent president?

Anonymous said...

da snoop...Not all people of faith are void of reason, but if you get into some of the more evangelical or passionate religious folk, they seem to throw reason and evidence aside for faith.

I didn't ever say that one's faith should not be a factor in an election, just the opposite, I think it should. You are what you believe, so if someone who runs for president believes in something that I find totally irrational and that has no evidence to support it, I think the voters should take that into account. Faith is very big and I think all factors should be taken into account when electing a government official. I mean, if you were/are a Christian, would you elect a president who says he finds faith in Satan?