Good Mornin Reader (s). ..... Seems our Federal Government has finely come up with some real for prime time viewing entertainment. THE PRE ELECTION ELECTION. You notice I used the word entertainment to describe the current political landscape, mainly because it has about as much relevance to us consumers as does watching WWF Raw. I know that there are still huge numbers of people that sincerely believe that they have a say in what goes on, But they will come around shortly. So lets look at how things are stackin up.
On the Republican side they have put up for our pleasure John McCain, (and soon to be running mate Mitt Romney). McCain has promised us a 100 years war, more debt, less taxes for the wealthy, supreme power of the president, laws made by the elite behind closed doors, less government intrusion (meaning of course slashing all laws that protect us from corporate greed and are meant to enhance our health and well being...big brother and the market place know what is best for us) etc......Hmmmm, where have we heard those things before? And in their supreme wisdom, knowing that McCain, through his own admission knows diddle squat about the economy, give us Mitt "The FEE Monger" Romney. Who needs to raise taxes, he will fee us to death!
On the Democratic side we have Hillery and/or Obama. One, we all know will be the president. What we don't know is which one the elect elite, (those that do the real choosing) are backing? I think it has to do more with TV Ratings than anything else. The more body slams and sleeper holds and irritating spin the better. Remember this is purely reality TV entertainment at it's best. Rome had the Colosseum, we have the election cycle. But lets hummer ourselves anyway. What have these two people to say they will do to enhance our miserable time on earth? ???????? Actually other than pre scripted rehashed old tongue and cheek for the masses spin......NOT MUCH NEW!
So why are we even concerned to begin with? Because they want us to "think" we matter.
What do you think about it?
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